The Fifteen Lucky Stars

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Me again~~~~
Here's chapter No. 33~~~
Please enjoy :)~~~~~

"It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, and everyone shouted along with him.
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Doflamingo, and everyone in the classroom felt a weird chill went down their spine, and they quieted down.
"Good, your scores will be confirmed to your parents around eight tonight, and you will all see the ranking of your class tomorrow. Now, go home. Fufufufufufu..." He finished, and everyone dashed out of the room.
"God! I really hate it when he does that! Super uncomfortable!!" Said Usopp, folding his arm.
"Yeah, that chill, really doesn't feel good." Said Nami.
"Luffy, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Asked Hancock. Everyone turned and looked at him, he was frowning like he was in a deep thought.
"Wow, that's rarely seen." Said Sanji.
"I just remembered something. Remember when we were taking the history test, that guy called Caribou cheated and got caught by Rayleigh?" Said Luffy.
"Yeah, what's the problem?" Asked Zoro.
"He's a Logia user right? But Rayleigh grabbed his liquified body, how's that possible?" Said Luffy.
"Hey, now you mention is a bit odd." Said Sanji.
"Let's go ask him." Said Zoro, and they headed to Rayleigh's room.
"Rayleigh!!" Shouted Luffy as he opened the history classroom door.
"Yes, Luffy?" Said Rayleigh, he was reading a book.
"How did you do that?" Asked Luffy.
"Do what?" Asked Rayleigh.
"How did you grab that Caribou guy's liquified body?" He asked, but Rayleigh only smiled.
"Well, about that, maybe you'll learn it in the future. Go home and have some fun now." Said Rayleigh, smiling.
"But I wanna know now!!" Said Luffy, pouting.
"No, not now. You'll know when the time comes. See you all tomorrow." Said Rayleigh, and the rest of the them knew the conversation was over, and they walked away.
"That old man, why did he have to kept us on tenterhooks??" Said Luffy, still pouting.
"Well anyway, I want to play video games for the rest of the day!" Said Usopp.
"Me too!!" Said Chopper excitedly.
"Yeah, it's about time to relax." Said Nami.
"Yahoo!!!! Party night!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, and Usopp and Chopper shouted too.
"How about let's all go to Baratie?" Suggested Robin.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Sanji, and everyone laughed.

The teachers were marking the students' exam papers--

Shanks :

"Hahahahaha!! Luffy." Said Shanks, looking at Luffy's exam papers.

Smoker :

"Tsk.....troublesome............A+...A...D....F....C.....A+....?" Smoker's cigarettes fell on the floor.
"T-This c-can't be......" Whispered Smoker, shocked.

Caesar :

"Hm....Nami.... A...... Sanji.... B..... Roronoa Zoro.... B-...... Ah! Monkey D. Luffy! Shulololo!! Let's see what your score is....." And his eyes widened.
"Ehhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" His eyeballs flew out of his eyeholes.

Rayleigh :

"Hahahahaha!! Luffy, you're an interesting kid." Said Rayleigh.

Pika :

"This can't be true!!!! This just CAN'T be true!!!! This just literally CAN'T be true!!!!!!!" He squealed, and smashed his desk.

Doflamingo :

"Fufufufufufufu.... Mugiwara...... you lucky bastard..... fufufufufufu....." Said Doflamingo, grinning eerily.

20 : 00--

"Hey Luffy, I got your scores." Said Sabo. He was checking his email.
"Oh, uh, don't tell me, it's gonna be super low, I don't wanna know anyway." Said Luffy. He was having a battle with Ace again.
"Ok then." Said Sabo, and he opened the email.
"Your scores.........................
Ehhhhhhhhhh!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Sabo's eyeballs flew out of his eyeholes too.

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