See You In Two Years

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Luffy and the others approached Sengoku's office, feeling both excited and nervous.

What does that guy want??

They all thought. A few seconds later they arrived at the office, and entered it.
"Principal Sengoku, we're here. Are we going to meet someone??" Asked Luffy as he closed the door.
"Yes, you are. But before we start, I will explain why." Said Sengoku. He gestured to them to sit down, and became very stern.
"I can't count how many times I've said this. But this time you really brought us a huge surprise." Said Sengoku. They knew he was talking about the 'CP9 incident'.
"Last time you defeated the big criminal, Crocodile, and his men. And you almost killed yourself, and you did promise me you wouldn't get yourselves into troubles like this. Yet," He paused, looking at every of them.
"You broke your promise and--"
"But if we didn't Robin and Franky would be dead now!!" Luffy interrupted indignantly.
"I understand! Please let me finish talking first." Said Sengoku.
"Oh, sorry." Luffy muttered.
"As I was saying, you broke your promise to save Nico Robin and Franky. And I'm glad you did that." He paused once again.
"I did say I'd expel you if you fight again, but it doesn't matter now. Whether or not you're expelled matters no more. You will be transferred to other schools no matter what." Said Sengoku.
"W-What do you mean? Principal Sengoku? I don't understand!" Said Nami, looking both shocked and confused.
"In here. He will explain." Sengoku stood up and opened the door to the guest room and gestured to them to enter. And they did so. They saw a large, bear-like man sitting on the couch, reading the bible.
"Bartholomew-san, they are here." Said Sengoku.
"Thank you, Sengoku-san." Said Bartholomew Kuma in a calm, slow, flat tone.
"Whoa!! You're so huge!!" Exclaimed Luffy, looking amazed.
"Manners! Students!" Sengoku said, and left.
"Where would you like to go, if you are going on a trip?" He asked.
"Eh? What?" Everyone thought.
"Uninhabited island where I can go on many adventures!!" Luffy said excitedly after a few seconds. Everyone sweat dropped.
"E-Excuse me, I don't want to be rude, but why are you here? Um... Bartholomew-san??" Nami asked carefully.
"I am the Head of the Education Department from the World Government. We are conducting an experiment called 'Separation' now. I am here to have your words." He said.
"Head of the Education Department from the World Gov.??" Sanji exclaimed.
"So are we going to a laboratory or somewhere to do that experiment??" Asked Zoro.
"No. Please allow me to explain. From the start of your year, you've caught our attention. First fight against the Arlong gang, the second fight against Crocodile and the Baroque Works, and now, the fight against the CP9. We see great potential in you. We would like you to take this experiment, 'Separation'." He finished, and everyone stared at him.
"What is the experiment like specifically??" Asked Robin.
"You would be sent to different boarding schools in order to develop your potentials. Once you finish the lectures you would see the results, and that's what we want to see as well." Said Kuma.
"Different schools?? We won't be seeing one another again??" Asked Vivi nervously.
"Yes, until you finished high school." Said Kuma. No one spoke.
"Let me ask you two questions. First, what are your dreams??" He asked. There was a long silence. 
"To become the Sekai Saikyo no Kenshi!" Said Zoro, breaking the silence.
"To become the greatest navigator and the weather reporter in the world." Said Nami.
"I want to become the doctor that can cure anyone of any disease!" Chopper said.
"I- I wanna be a brave warrior that masters everything!" Said Usopp.
"I want to know the true history!" Said Robin.
"I want to become the super~ greatest ship carpenter in the world!" Said Franky.
"I want to keep composing music for everyone, and meet Laboon one day! Yohohoho~" Said Brook.
"Found a company that produces the best medicine." Said Law.
"To become his assistance." Said Monet.
"To become a great mechanic." Said Kid.
"I wanna become the best gourmet!" Said Bonney.
"I want to become a great politician!" Said Vivi.
"Same with her." Said Hancock.
"I wanna become a great police officer like my brothers!" Said Luffy at last.
"Is that it? Monkey D. Luffy, your ability is way more than that." Said Kuma.
"Of course that's not it! After I became a great police officer, I want to become the Kaizokuou!!" Said Luffy, and everyone turned and looked at him, eyes widened.
"You do realize what that name means, don't you?" Asked Kuma.
"Of course! The ruler, the mayor of Grand Line City!! Kaizoku ou ni! Ore wa naru!!! (this is epic!!!)" Luffy said, holding his straw hat, and Kuma nodded.
"Very well. The second question. What university would you like to be enrolled in?" Kuma asked.
"Here are some options. Grand Line University, Red Line University, Seichi Marijoa University, Internatinal Marineford College, and New World University." Said Kuma, waiting. They looked at one another, and all nodded firmly together.
"Without question, New World University of course!!" Said Luffy.
"Ver well. Looks like you all have the determination to take part in the experiment, am I correct?" Said Kuma. They all nodded again.
"Good. I will inform you when you are to go. Thank you for your cooperation. The World Government thanks you sincerely." Said Kuma, and he disappeared.
"What the...? Devil Fruit power??" They all thought again.
"Is it over?" Sengoku asked as he saw them leaving the room.
"Yes, it is." Said Luffy.
"We will be going. Bye!" He said, and they all left. No one spoke on their way home, but none of them looked sad or gloomy. Instead they looked happy and excited. Being separated, having hard challenges awaiting them, being uncertain about the experiment, none of those could pour down the fire burning inside them. They waved each other goodbye at an intersection, and all headed home.

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