They Are Gone

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The super annoying monthly exam is oveeerrrr!!!!!!!!
And sorrrrrryyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
I didn't have time to write!!!
Here's chapter No. 36
Please enjoy!!!!!!!!

"ZAMBAI!!!!!!!!! MOZU!!!!!!! KIWI!!!!!! EVERYONE!!!!!!!" Franky shouted as he ran into the place where he and his gang lived, the Franky House.
"ANIKI!!!!!!!" The Franky Family and his sisters all ran out of the building.
"Aniki!! Why wouldn't you visit us more often?? We've been wanting to see you for a long time!! The boredom almost killed us!!" Zambai shouted, and Franky laughed.
"Well, sorry about that. I didn't really have time you know? The school's super~ busy and whenever there's a holiday Brook and I always  have business to do. So, sorry, guys. My bad." Said Franky, scratching his head.
"It's ok, we know you're busy. And is it true?? Are you really that famous rockstar Soul King Brook's manager?? And you really fought that criminal origination Baroque Works???" Asked Zambai.
"Yeah, you can meet him later, and yes, we did." Said Franky, and the Franky Family all cheered.
"Oh, forgot to tell you, Kokoro-basan left you a message." Said Mozu, and she handed him a letter.
"'Franky: Haven't seen you for a long time. Come and have dinner with us tonight. And bring your friends as well. Kokoro.' Alright! I'll go. And that lips print.......ew..." Said Franky, looking at the lips print at the corner of the paper, and they all sweat dropped.
"Well, let's get inside and have a nice and super~ reunion!!!!" Franky shouted, the Franky Family shouted too. And they went inside the Franky House.

"Whoaaa~~~ this place is awesome!!!!" Nami screamed. They were now at the city hall of Water 7. The view was astonishing. The places where the roads were supposed to be were replaced by canals. Stores, people, and even animals, almost everything here was using the canals.
"Let's go rent the Bulls." Said Iceburg.
"What's that??" Asked Nami.
"That's a kind of transportation, well, that's a bit irreverent, it's a kind of animal called hippocamp. They are like sea horses, but larger. You'll see later." Said Iceburg, and he gestured them to follow him. Few minutes later they entered a place like a little port.
"Oh hello! Iceburg-san! How may I serve you?" Said the clerk cheerfully.
"I'll rent three Yagara Bulls." Said Iceburg.
"Ok, 6000 Belly please." Said the clerk, and Nami took out her wallet.
"No, it's on me." Said Iceburg, and he handed the clerk the money.
"Eh? Really??" Asked the girls. He nodded.
"Thanks!! Ossan!!" Said the girls.
"I'll just walk, but still thank you." Said Robin, and she walked away.
"Hey Robin, where're you going??" Asked Bonney.
"Bookstore." Said Robin.
"Can I go with you??" Asked Chopper.
"Of course." Said Robin, smiling, and Chopper walked away with her.
"Ok, if you're all settled, please follow me." Said the clerk, and he led them to the place where you embark the Bulls.
"Oh so these are Bulls." Said Hancock when they saw the Bulls resting at the canal bank.
"Yes, choose three of them and you're off to go!" Said the clerk.
"Alright. Thanks! Iceburg-san and Mr. clerk!" Said Nami, and they waved them goodbye.
"Looking at them closely now, they're actually pretty cute." Said Monet, patting her Bull's head.
"Yeah, they sure are. Let's go to the shops now!!" Said Nami excitedly.

"Um, Robin, may I ask a question?" Said Chopper.
"Yeah sure, is something wrong?" Said Robin.
"Why are those people's faces so weird?? No emotions, no eyeballs, and why're they dressed in weird clothes?" Asked Chopper, pointing at the crowds.
"Oh, they're wearing masks. I think we're in the middle of a carnival now." Said Robin.
"Oh~~ now I get it! Wish I have a costume." Said Chopper.
"Well, if you turn into your human form--"
"Oh yeah!! I've forgotten!!" Said Chopper excitedly, and he turned into human form.
"Wow dude! Your costume's so badass!!" Said a guy walking out of a store.
"Hehehehehe~ I'm not happy~~ bastard~ not happy at all~" Said Chopper happily.
"Oh, Chopper, I see a bookstore." Said Robin, pointing toward at a store in front of them.
"Can I go buy some books??" Asked Chopper. He was already at the door to the bookstore.
"Of course you can." Said Robin, a little bit speechless.
"Thanks!!!" Shouted Chopper as he ran into the store. Robin smiled and walked toward the store. When she walked pass an alley, and was about to reach the store, a masked man in a costume walking in the opposite direction spoke.
"You know who we are, and we have her." The sentence was a whisper, but she heard every single word very clearly, and at that moment, the whole world seemed to had frozen. She turned back, but she saw nobody. Her lips were trembling, her mind was spinning, her whole body was shaking madly. She looked at the bookstore, and looked at the place where the masked man disappeared, and walked into the alley.

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