Baroque Works V.S. Mugiwara No Ichimi

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Hi guy~~
Me again~~
Please enjoy~~

"Kuhahahaha...... Let's negotiate, Cobra." Said Crocodile evilly.
"What do you want?? I'll give you anything!! Just release Vivi and Igaram!!"
"Well...... let's see...... give up your company and........ Kuhahahaha.... one billion Belly...." Said Crocodile, and he hung up.
"O-Oi!!!!!!! Wait!!!!! Crocodile!!!!!!!!!" Cobra yelled at his phone.
"What should we do now? Master?" Asked Chaka.
"............Prepare the ransom.....we have to save them..." He said weakly.

Outside the dungeon--

Yelling and screaming, everyone was trying to defeat their opponents.
"God damn it... this is troublesome. Two users at the same time..." Said Zoro, and Sanji jumped to his back.
"Yeah, really is a bit troublesome." Said Sanji.
"Well, we have to break the limits of ours!" Said Zoro, and he took out Wado Ichimonji held it with his mouth.
"Ah. If you lose, I'll kick you right in your sorry face!!" Said Sanji, and he started to attack Mr.2.
"Since the time I got the power of Supa Supa no Mi, no one could wound me, and you, like those losers, could never hurt me." Said Daz Bones, turning his hands into blades.
"Maybe I really can't, but I learn from battles! You'll see later!!" He shouted, and started to slash him.
"Oni Giri!!!!" Zoro slashed him from the bottom, and he flew up.
"Tora Gari!!" He jumped up and slashed him in the back, and Mr.1 hit the ground, but there wasn't even a scratch on his body.
"Too weak. I told you, you could never hurt me. Spiral Hollow!!!!" He turned his arms into spinning saws, and swung them to Zoro. He blocked it.
"Holy shit..... there're sparkles blasting out from his arms..... how fast are they spinning......." He thought, and Mr. 1 swung his arms again and Zoro's katanas flew away, and he hit him in the stomach.
"Urgh.........." Blood splattered out from his stomach.
"This is your final battle, and this place, will be your grave." Zoro fell to the ground, panting against the wall.
"Spar Break!!!!!" He slashed Zoro in the stomach, blood splattered on the ground, and the wall behind him shattered.
"............." He didn't move, nor said a word.
"Your end is here." Said Daz Bones coldly, but Zoro stood up.
"My sensei told me before, there was a Kenshi who couldn't cut anything, but he could chop iron. The meaning of 'the strongest katana', it doesn't matter how sharp, how harmful it is, the thing that matters, is the will to protect your friends, the one you love. And you," Zoro pointed Wado Ichimoji at him.
"You're the sword that harmed too many people, and I don't care how good you are, I will not consider you as a Kenshi!" Zoro put on his headband.
"Impossible..... he lost so much blood.... how could he still stand up......?" Mr.1 thought, a bit shock.
"When the time he smashed the wall..... I felt something... felt the stones....did I dodged them.....? No......I knew where they would fall..... the stones.... they're breathing........ him...... iron.....they're breathing....." Zoro thought, he turned and faced him, only holding Wado Ichimoji in his hand.
"What.....? Want to beat me with one sword only?" Said Mr.1 dangerously.
"Yes, that's enough." Said Zoro.
"I'll finish you with this one!
Atomic Spurt!!!!" He turned his feet into blades, and dashed toward him.
"Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson!!" Wado Ichimoji and Mr.1's body met, and blood splattered out of his chest.
"Thank you, I got stronger." Said Zoro.
"Oi, Marimo!! Back me up! The Baroque Works Billions are going nuts!!" Shouted Sanji.
"Leave it to us!!" Hancock, Monet and Bonney jumped in front of them.
"Ok, don't lose!" Shouted Sanji, and he continued on battling with Mr.2.
"Like hell we'll lose!" Shouted Bonney.
"Let's teach those sorry men some lessons." Said Hancock, doing her despising pose.
"Maybe a blizzard would be good." Said Monet. The Billions were getting nearer and nearer, and Hancock went to the middle of their way.
"Mero Mero Mellow!!" Hearts flew out of her hand and all of them turned into stones.
"Hey, not fair!! We want to fight too!!" Shouted Bonney.
"It's the fastest way to get rid of these ugly, annoying, stupid men." Said Hancock.
"Hey! No time for you to argue now! Go get Ace and Sabo!!" Shouted Zoro.
"Right! Let's go!" The girls ran away to find them.
"Oi! Marimo! There're still hundreds of them! Go finish them! I'll beat this.... weird ass.... guy... or... ah whatever! Just go beat those nutters!" Shouted Sanji.
"You don't have the right to order me! Stupid cook!" Said Zoro, annoyed, but he still went to battle those Billions.
"Time to finish you!" Said Sanji, lighting up his cigarette.
"You can try." Said Mr.2.
"Yeah! I'll try now! Collier! Epaule! Poitrine Shoot!!" He kicked him very hard in three place in one time.
"Mouton Shoot!!"
"Hakucho Arabesque!!" The two kicks met in the air and they both jumped back.
"Not bad!" Shouted Sanji, and he started to attack Mr.2 again.
"You too!" He shouted back.
"Now! Let me show you! I'll let you laugh until you die, and I'll finish you! Mane Mane Synthesis Face!!!!"
"What's the difference? The 90% of that face is yours." Said Sanji, and Mr.2 was crying at a corner.
"You have no sense of humor........" Said Mr.2, drawing circles on the floor.
"But! You'll never kick me this time! Because of friendship--"
"Collier Shoot!!" He turned into Usopp. He copied his face a few minutes ago, but Sanji kicked him in the face before he could finish his words.
"You monster!! How could you hurt your own friend??"
"It's not the look that I care! The thing I care is," He pointed his thumb at his heart.
"Is the heart! Human! The most important thing! Is the heart!!" Shouted Sanji.
"Heart....? I get it!" He thought.
"Even if you say that, there's still nothing that can replace 'her' in your heart!" Said Mr.2, and he turned into Nami, and Sanji's eye turned into a heart, and he turned back to himself, the heart vanished, and he turned to Nami again, the heart appeared again.
"Whoa.... that's so obvious...." He sweat dropped.
"Idiot!" He thought.
"Don't hurt me, ok?~~" Said the fake Nami.
"....Ok ok--"
"Okama Chop!!!" He turned back, and hit Sanji in the face.
"Damn you...."
"Gah~~~ hahahahaha~ Keri Pointe!!!" He kicked Sanji in the face.
"Tsk...." He sprinted to him, and try to kick him again.
"Don't kick me~~ ok~~?"
"You--" His foot stopped in midair.
"Mascara Boomerang!!" He threw his eyelashes and they flew back and cut Sanji.
"Gah~~ hahahahahaha~~ I'll finish you with this one!" He started to spin.
"Let the fire of enthusiasm burn!! Ano Natsu no Hi no Memoir!!!" He kicked him, but Sanji dodged it, and kicked him in the face.
"Now I understand how your power works! When you turn into someone else, you can't use Okama Kenpo. And to turn back to yourself, you have to touch your left face." Said Sanji.
"......What? What did you say? I heard nothing~~"
"I'm right, right?"
"So what? Even you found out that, I can still beat you! I trained so hard to make my body so soft and flexible!" He put the two swans onto his feet.
"There's one thing I have to say first. From your side, the one on the right is male, and the one on the left is female."
"Who cares??" Said Sanji, annoyed.
"Take this!! Bombardier!!!!" He kicked Sanji, and he dodged it, but the swan's head went straight through the wall.
"What? There's not even a crack around the hole!" Sanji thought, shocked.
"Gah~~ hahahahaha~ nice dodge." Said Mr.2 and he kept on attacking Sanji.
"My kicks are like bullets, they can shoot through walls, rocks, irons, and you soft body. But my bullets are a little~ bit bigger!! Gah~ hahahahaha!!!!" Shouted Mr. 2.
"Urgh....." Sanji's shoulder got hit by the kick, and he fell to the ground.
"Gah~~ hahahahaha~~ looks like the winner is me! Goodbye!!! Ano Fuyu no Sora no Memoir!!!!!"
"The bigger area he can attack, the more time he needs to pull back....." Sanji jumped above him.
"Sorry~~ I changed again~~"
"Hey, there's something on your left face."
"Huh? Really??" He touched his left face, and he turned back to normal again.
"The chance!! Collier!!"
"Côtelette!! Selle!! Poitrine!! Gigot!! Basse Côte!! Longe!! Tendron!! Flanchet!! Quasi!! Queue!! Cuisseau!! Jarret!! Veau Shoot!!!!!!"
"Bombardier Arabesque!!!!!"
They kicked each other in midair, and Mr.2 flew to the wall and Sanji fell to the ground. Sanji stood up, but Mr.2 was unable to battle, couldn't stand up anymore.
"Turn into Nami-san, then maybe I won't give you the final kick."
"Just kill me, after the whole thing, the organization will kill me anyway, just--" Sanji held out a hand.
"I had fun." Said Sanji, smirking.
".....I guess this is what called no discord no concord....I can't cry now...."
"See you." Said Sanji, and he walked away.
"Don't many ribs I broke this time......" He muttered.
"Oi! Sanji!!" Ace shouted.
"Oh, you're finally here!" Said Sanji.
"There're still bunch of them over there." He jerked his thumb to his back.
"You guys better go arrest them, or they'll run away. I'll  go help my Nami-swan~~ now~~" He sprinted away, leaving Ace and his colleagues standing there.
"Ok! Let's go!!" Shouted Ace, and they went to the Billions and Mr.2 and Mr.1.

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