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Hi guys~~
I'm back~~
Sorry I haven't updated for so long~~
Here's chapter twenty six~~
Please enjoy~~ :)

Tuesday morning at school--

"Kids!! You guys were sooooooo awesome!!" Shanks shouted.
"Shishishi!! I told you we'd win!" Said Luffy.
"Yeah, two shinny trophies in our classroom. That really was a surprise!" Said Shanks, very satisfied.
"What? You thought we wouldn't win?" Said Sanji.
"Yeah, I thought you'd lose to class 1-B and 1-C." Said Shanks, scratching his head.
"You looked down on us." Said Zoro. Rarely seen, he wasn't sleeping.
"Ok, ok, my bad. To reward you, no homework for the rest of this week!!" He shouted, and everyone cheered.
"Yeah!!! No homework!!" Shouted Luffy, Chopper and Usopp.
"Class, calm down. Only 'my' class, ok?" He said, and started to laugh.
"WHAT?!?!?! You liar!!!" Everyone shouted.
"No, I didn't lie. I didn't say 'my class and the other subjects'. Hahahahaha!!!"

Time skips to February--

"Guys, the day's on Friday." Nami whispered.
"Yeah, we'd better go prepare something." Whispered Sanji.
"What's on Friday?" Whispered Chopper.
"No way! Tony-kun, you forgot that?" Whispered Vivi.
"Hey, you're really going to discuss in this class??" Said Usopp in a low voice.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" Said Luffy, and Usopp covered his mouth.
"Keep down! Dumbass! It'll end up nasty if you got caught!" Said Usopp, still in the low voice.
"Ok, ok, I'll keep down."
"No! Still too loud."
"Why?? I'm already whispering!!"
"Yeah, but that's 'whisper-shouting'!!" He whisper-shouted, and Doflamingo turned his head and stared dead at them.
"Shut up or detention?" He said in an ice-cold tone, and veins appeared on his forehead.
"Sorry! Sorry! We'll shut up!" Said Usopp hastily, and he covered Luffy's mouth. After forty minutes later the class was over, and the six rushed out of the room.
"Luffy!! I hate you!!" Shouted Usopp.
"What?! That's not my fault!!" Luffy shouted back.
"Enough! You two! We don't have much time! It's already Thursday and we haven't got any idea! If we don't move on we'll be so busted you know??" Said Nami, yanking the two's nose.
"Ok, stonp yanking myn nose." Said the two in a nasal voice.
"Well, I've had something in my mind, but we need that stupid Marimo to do it." Said Sanji.
"Stupid cook! Who're you calling a stupid Marimo??" Said Zoro, walking pass them.
"Speak of the devil, he's here." Said Usopp.
"We need your help." Said Nami.
"What is it?" Said Zoro.
"Ok, listen carefully. I won't say it twice........."

The next morning--

"Hm, he's not the first one here today?" Robin thought, walking into the empty classroom and went to her seat.
"This feels odd......." She muttered, and sat down, staring at the blank blackboard. And she started playing with her fingers.
"Guess I'll just read my book and wait for the others." She pulled out her book and started to read.

30 minutes later, it was 7:10 now--

"Robin!! Happy birthday!!!" Nami and Vivi walked in, and both of them gave her a big hug.
"Thank you!" Said Robin, smiling.
"Here're your presents!" They handed her her gifts.
"And don't open it yet, wait for the others." Nami winked, and walked to her seat. Sanji rushed in.
"Robin-chwan~~~~ happy birthday~~~~~" Sanji shouted, handing her a big box.
"Wow, what's this??" Asked Robin, surprised.
"Your birthday cake~~~" Said Sanji, his eye turning into a heart.
"Can I eat it later? Perhaps after school?"
"Yes!! Of course!! I'll take it to the kitchen now!!" He sprinted away, and the three girls giggled. And Luffy and Hancock walked in.
"Happy birthday!! Robin!!" Said Luffy and Hancock, Luffy's grinning.
"Here's your gifts!" Said Luffy cheerfully. His present for Robin, no doubt, was meat. And Hancock's was a book.
"Um...thank you, Luffy. And thank you Hancock." Said Robin.
"Uh.... guys, is it my imagination or Usopp and Chopper are flying toward us?" Said Nami, looking out the window.
"Huh? What are you talking about--"

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