Finally There

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A new chapter~~
Please enjoy~~

"VIVI! It's been a long time since the last time we met!!"
"Is that.. Is that.. NAMI-SAN?!?!?!"
"Yeah! Where are you?"
"I'm in the office building now."
"Great! We're at the gate of the park!!" Said Nami excitedly.
"Really?? That's... that's... Wow!! I'll go find you guys now!!" Said Vivi, and she rushed out of the office.
"Come on! Carue!! Let's go!! Luffy-san's down there!" Said Vivi.
" ? " Carue turned his head aside, looked like he was a bit confused.
"Luffy-san! Remember? That boy who always wears a straw hat!" Said Vivi.
".....! " Looked like Carue had figured out who she was talking about, and started to jump excitedly.
"Remembered? Ok let's go!" They ran out of the office building and sprinted to the gate.
"Hey!!! Guys!!!" Vivi yelled while she dashed toward the gate.
"VIVI!!!!!!" Luffy and Nami yelled back.
"It's sooooo good to see you!!!!" She gave Nami a big hug and waved at everyone.
"Three years sure is a long time." Said Zoro.
"Carue!! You're so big now!!" Said Usopp, and he hugged the giant duck.
"How are you guys?" Asked Vivi happily when she let go of Nami.
"Oh you'll never going to guess what we have done these years." Said Luffy.
"It was totally awesome." Said Usopp.
"Vivi-chan~~" Sanji was dancing in circle near Law.
"And new friends." Said Chopper.
"Oh, yeah. Looks like the gang is getting bigger and bigger." Said Vivi, looking at the rest of them.
"Yeah, and they're all weirdos." Said Usopp.
"Oh, now you mentioned that...." She looked at the rest of them. A super sexy girl, a skeleton, a guy only wore his swimming trunks, a guy looks like he was about to kill someone, a girl with pink hair, a guy looked really overcast with a weird hat, and a girl with... wings?
"Wow, they are.... very cool." Said Vivi.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Said Nami.
"The tall girl is Hancock and the skeleton guy is Brook and the hentai guy is Franky and the red haired guy is Kid and the weird hat guy is Law and the pink haired girl is Bonney and the girl with wings is Monet." Nami finished in one breath.
"And the rest of us, you know perfectly well." Said Nami cheerfully.
"...Ok...?" Said Vivi.
"Well, let's get inside already. Did you all bring your swimming suits?"
"Oh, we did, but I'm not sure if they brought them or not." Said Luffy.
"I forgot to tell them they should bring them, hehe." He scratched his head and turned to looked at Law and Kid.
"Mugiwara-ya you idiot. If I didn't get the foresight, we'll all have to go naked. I told Eustass to bring them before he left his house. I knew you would forget to tell us something." Said Law.
"Oh, really? That's good. hehehe." Luffy scratched his head again and showed his childish grin.
"Ok! Let's go!" Said Vivi cheerfully, and they all got inside the park. The view in the park was totally astonishing. It was divided into to areas. On the left side, it's the artificial beach, and on the right side, it's the hot spring and a large swimming pool with enormous water slides.
"Wow!" Said Luffy,
"Wow wow!" Said the rest of them.
"WOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!" They all shouted in unison at the third time, and Vivi giggled.
"Well, lets go get changed." said Vivi.
"OK!! LET'S GO!!!!" Yelled Sanji with a major nosebleed.
"Mero Mero mellow!" Hancock turned him into a gargoyle again.
"Nice job." Said Nami.
"Whoa, you're a Devil Fruit user?" Said Vivi, a bit shocked.
"Yeah." Said Hancock.
"Let's go, then. I can't wait any more!!" Said Chopper with stars in his eyes.
"Ok, um... Luffy-san can you please carry Sanji-san to the changing room?" Asked Vivi.
"Oh, sure. To the changing room!!!" And Luffy, Usopp and Chopper ran off leaving the rest of them behind.
"They're still hotheaded." Said Vivi.
"Yeah, tell you what, maybe you think they'll become a bit mature after all these years, but you'll find out they're still like children in kindergarten." Said Nami, and they heard a loud "BANG" and someone yelling "watch where're you going! Idiots!" Vivi sweat dropped.
"I guess you're right."

In the girls changing room--

"Hey Robin, you didn't speak a word today, is something bothering you?" Asked Nami while she was changing into her swimming suit.
"..............." She didn't answer.
"Are you ok?" Asked Vivi, a bit concern.
".........Yeah, I'm ok." Said Robin with a smile.
"Come on Robin, do you think we can't tell that's a fake smile? Just spit it out. What's bothering you?" Said Nami.
"......I'm still......"
"That Baroque Works incident again?" Asked Vivi.
"...............Yeah, maybe....." Said Robin. Vivi sighed.
"I told you years ago, it's ok. We're fine now." Said Vivi, trying to cheer Robin up.
"But I helped him... And that almost ruined your fathers business..........."
"No, you didn't help him, he used you, you were innocent, it wasn't your fault." Said Vivi.
"Yeah, I know, but I still feel guilt in my heart..."
"What's going on?" Asked Bonney, who just finished changing.
"It's complicated, Bonney. I'll explain it to you later. Let's not ruin our holiday and keep happy, ok? Robin?" Said Nami.
"Yeah, just relax and think about happy things now, don't let the past memories hurt you." Said Vivi.
"Ok, I'll cheer up." Said Robin, and she smiled again, this time it was a real one.
"Oh ya! Baby! That's smile's back! Let's go have some fun!!" Said Nami.
"Yeah! Hurry up! Monet and Hancock are already done for ages." Said Bonney.
"Ok! Let's go!" Said Nami cheerfully.

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