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Hello~~ here's the next chapter~~ and this story is going to end soon, maybe in five chapters, I think. Anyway, please enjoy~~

30 minutes ago--

"Get out of the carriage." Said Lucci. Robin and Franky walked out if it. Robin was cuffed by the Kairoseki cuff, and Franky was tied up by iron chains.
"Take them to the highest room." Said Lucci.
"Don't touch me!! You fucking asshole!!" Shouted Franky, and he bit the guy who was pulling him.
"Arghhhh!!!" He screamed. Some people approached them and pulled him away.
"Watch out!! He bites!!" Shouted the guy. Franky was still trying to bite whoever wanted to touch him like a crazy dog.
"Don't try to play any trick, Franky. Move one finger and all the bullets pierce through you and Nico Robin's body." Said Lucci as he punched him in the stomach.
"Take them away." Ordered Lucci. The workers bowed and brought them away. And the CP9 walked toward another building.

"Yoi yoi yoi!! Welcome back!!" Shouted Kumadori as Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa entered the room.
"Hey, how did it go?" Asked Jabra as he approached them.
"This is sexual harassment." Said Kalifa coldly.
"What?! I was just greeting you guys!" Shouted Jabra.
"This is sexual harassment."
"You came too close." Said Kalifa. Jabra looked hurt.
"Chapapa, Jabra hasn't recovered from the pain of getting dumped by Gatherine." Said Fukuro, and Jabra pinched his face.
"Shut that fucking mouth!! What's that zipper even for if you always tell everyone someone's secret??" Shouted Jabra.
"I still can't believe this, Jabra. We were there for the mission, and we aren't suppose to have any feelings for them. And you fell in love with her." Said Kaku. Jabra grabbed his collar.
"What? You wanna fight??" Lucci grabbed his shirt and pulled him away.
"Do not start any fight here." He said coldly.
"Tsk! I know! Let go!" Spatted Jabra, and he let go.
"Oi oi yoi! I know it hurts! Love is always a pain!! That makes me feel like dying! I'll cut my own stomach!! Tekkai!! Ah!! I can't die!! " Shouted Kumadori.
"Yes! You're the only who understand me!! Kumadori!" Shouted Jabra, and the two hugged and cried together.
"Oi, enough of that. Shut up." Said Lucci. The two sniffed and got up.
"Now, let's begin." Said Fukuro, and Kalifa kicked him, Blueno punched him, Kumadori punched him, Kaku kicked him, Jabra punched him, and Lucci kicked him.
"Te-Awase." Said Fukuro.
"I knew you'd do that." Said Kalifa.
"Let's see.... everyone's Doriki. Kalifa 630, mine is 800, Kumadori 810, Blueno 820, Jabra 2180, Kaku 2200, Lucci, hm....." He paused, and closed his eyes.
"....4000." Said Fukuro, opening his eyes.
"Oi Oi! Fukuro! I have nothing to say about Lucci, but why is that freaken long nose stronger than me??" Shouted Jabra.
"I did not measure wrong. Kaku is roughly stronger than you." Said Fukuro.
"Well, well, well, look at all of you!" A voice came from the other side of the room. It was their commander, Spandam.
"There's no point arguing now, is there? Whoever's Doriki is above 500 has broken the limit of human body strength. You are all strong. Don't fight." Said Spandam, smirking.
"Chapapa, commander's Doriki is 9."
"Oi! No need to say it out loud!!" Shouted Spandam.
"Anyway, to reward the four of you, I have something for you. Kaku, Kalifa, these are yours." Said Spandam. He clapped, and a man carrying two trays entered the room.
"Here you are." Said Spandam. He opened the lids.
"Wa!! Don't come near me!!" Shouted Jabra as he saw the two things. There were two Devil Fruits in the middle of the plates.
"Why're you screaming like that?" Asked Lucci.
"If a user gets near a Devil Fruit his body will explode, don't you know that?!?!" Shouted Jabra, backing away.
"Sigh... you are a spy, how come you got fooled by rumors??" Asked Blueno.
"Nothing will happen if a user gets too close to a Devil Fruit, even if he touches, sniffs, licks it. But if a user eats more than one Devil Fruit, no doubt he will die. Only people who seek power and don't know when to stop will die." Said Blueno.
"Is... Is that so?" Said Jabra.
"And Lucci and Blueno, you may ask for one thing. I will get them for you no matter what." Said Spandam.
"Hm... a thing, huh? Okay, then it'll be...." He showed his fangs and claws.
"Human blood and fights." Said Lucci. Spandam winced.
"How powerful... With them, no one can harm me!! Whahahaha!!" He thought.
"Now, Kaku and Kalifa, take a bite." Said Spandam.
"Oi Oi!! Kaku, think carefully before you bite! If it doesn't suit you, you can never get rid of the power, and you'll never be able to swim!!" Shouted Jabra.
"You're just afraid that I'll be even stronger than you." Said Kaku.
"No I'm not!! I'm just trying to give you some advice as a user!" Shouted Jabra.
"It's fine if you don't want to eat it. After all, even I do not know what kinds of devil are living inside them." Said Spandam, smirking, wagging his finger.
"I'm eating it." Said Kaku.
"So am I." Said Kalifa, and both of them took a bite.
"Urgh...." Both of them covered their mouths.
"It is.... incredibly disgusting...." Said Kalifa.
"Ugh.... tastes like shit......" Kaku muttered.
"Then everyone, we shall wait and see what their powers are." Said Spandam.
"Sir, they're here." Said the worker. Robin and Franky were behind him.
"Good, you may leave now." Said Spandam, the worker bowed and left.
"Oi!! Spanda!! Why'd you capture us?? What's this mission crap all about??" Shouted Franky.
"Wahahaha!! Shut the fuck up!! Who gave you the permission to talk??" Spandam shouted, and he punched him.
"You've always been a nail in my eyes! Now I finally got you!! I'll torture you! Insult you! Play you in my hands! And kill you in the end!! Ahahahaha!! It feels so good!!" He shouted, laughing like a maniac.
"I don't know why you want Franky, but I know why you want me! You want me to decipher the Poneglyph. I won't, even if that's my dream! I won't!!" Robin shouted.
"No need right now, we've already got one ancient weapon, haven't we? 'Cutty Flam'?" Said Spandam, and Franky froze.
"I don't know why you know my other name, but I don't have it." Said Franky, and Spandam smacked him.
"I know you do! Where're you hiding it?? Where is it??" He smacked him again.
"I don't have it!!" Shouted Franky. Spandam smacked him the third time and stood up, and walked to Robin.
"It's fine if our gorilla friend doesn't want to tell us. He will obey eventually, in fact, both of you will. Tell you what." He bent down in front of her.
"We not only had her, we tortured her, and we killed her." Spandam said evilly. Robin's eyes widened, filling with tears.
"Yes, that's what we did, and also, your good old friends, your mother's coworkers, we killed them. And that's not it!! We burnt down your house!! The museum!! Everything you owned!! Loved!! Is gone!!" Tears rolled down her face, and her lips were trembling.
"Now, it is your, and your lovely friends' turn." He said, almost like a whisper, and Robin broke down.
"Hey! Words attack!! You're such a fucking coward!!" Shouted Franky. Spandam howled.
"I'm not doing anything cowardly!! I'm just weakening her mental strength!! This is how I fight!! We're doing the right thing!! This is our justice!! Justice of the darkness!!!" He shouted, and laughed like a hyena.

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