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Chapter five~~
Please enjoy~~;)

"What are you--"
"Shut up! Or you'll never see the sun again." The man hit Nami's neck from behind and she fell to the ground, unable to stay conscious anymore.
"Well done, Hody." Said a voice from behind.
"Shahahahaha! Finally! The time has finally arrived. Let's start our revenge now!" Said Arlong.
"I'll make them pay! I'll make them cry! I'll make them suffer! I'll make them in a living hell! SHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Ah! I'm starving right now!" Said Luffy when he got back to his home.
"Let's see, what should I eat for lunch?" He asked himself, and he opened the refrigerator.
"Luffy? Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be at school?" It was Ace.
"Oh hi Ace. The school's power was cut off by someone and we couldn't continue the lessons like that so the principal let us back."
"Oh, I see." Said Ace.
"Did you have lunch yet?" Asked Ace.
"No, I didn't. I was looking for something to eat just now." Answered Luffy.
"Ok, then. I'll cook you something to eat." Said Ace, and he walked into the kitchen.
"Really? Thanks, Ace." Said Luffy.
"Hey, I just noticed. Where's Sabo?"
"He's out?" Asked Ace blankly.
"Why did you ask me? You're the one who is supposed to know."
"I thought he was in his room." Said Ace.
"Maybe he went out from the window." Said Luffy.
"Damn it, Sabo. What's he up to right now?" Said Ace, a bit angry.
"Yeah! We never lie to him, why did he have to do that?" Said Luffy, also a bit pissed.
"We'll figure it out this evening." Said Ace.

"Uh... it's so boring." Zoro frowned on his sofa.
"Maybe I should go for a walk or something." He grabbed his jacket and went out of his house.
"What should I do now?" Zoro said to himself.
"Walk to the park? Ah! Whatever." He yawned and walked off.

After about half an hour--

"...Where the hell am I?" He stood in the middle of the street and looked around. Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder.
"Are you lost again?" It was Robin.
"Tsk! I'm not lost, woman. I was just... looking around."
"Ok,ok, you're not lost." Said Robin, and she giggled.
"Anyway, why are you here?" Asked Zoro.
"I'm here to get my books." Answered Robin.
"I saw you standing in the middle of the street when I got out of the bookstore."
"So... do you want to go to the park with me? I'm just too bored." Said Zoro.
"Sure, let's go." Said Robin,and she held out her hand.
"What?" Asked Zoro blankly.
"I'll lead the way for you, or you'll get lost again." Said Robin.
"Eh! Don't treat me like a little kid, woman." Said Zoro angrily, but he still took her hand.
"Let's go." Said Robin.

At the park--

"Can we stop walking? I'm getting tired of this." Said Zoro.
"Ok, then. Let's take a rest." Said Robin, and they sat down under a tree. Zoro fell asleep after they sat down and Robin pulled out her new book and started to read.
"Hey!! Robin!! Zoro!!" She heard someone calling them.
"Oh, it's you, Chopper." Smiled Robin.
"Why are you here, Chopper?" Asked Robin. Zoro was still sleeping.
"I'm looking for some herbs. I need them to I help my dad make medicine."
"Wow! Chopper, you can make medicine? That's really cool." Said Robin, smiling.
"Ehahahaha, I won't be happy even you say that! I'm not happy, not happy at all!" Said Chopper. He's now dancing like he just won first prize of a competition.
"Shut up! I want to sleep."
"Oh! Zoro, you're finally awake." Said Robin.
"Hey, are you two on a date? Did I interrupt you?" Asked Chopper, a bit nervous.
"Oh, no, we're not on a date." Answered Robin.
"We were just walking in the park." Said Zoro.
"Oh, ok. Do you want to go see a movie with me? I'm finished with my work, and I'm free now!" Said Chopper cheerfully.
"Ok, sure. Do you want to invite a few more people?" Asked Robin.
"That'll be great. Let's call Luffy and the others." Said Chopper.
"Ok, I'll call Nami first." Said Robin. She called Nami and waited for her to pick up, but no one answered it.
"That's weird."
"What's wrong?" Asked Zoro.
"Nami didn't answer the call." Said Robin.
"That's a bit weird. She usually answers the call no matter what." Said Zoro.
"Maybe we should go to her house and see if she's alright. Maybe she's in big trouble and couldn't get her phone." Said Chopper.
"Yeah, let's go." Said Zoro, and the three went to Nami's house. When they arrived at Nami's house they were terrified by what they saw. The windows were all shattered, the door was gone and the inside of her house was a complete mess.
"W-What should we do now?" Asked Chopper in a quivering voice.
"Call the police, and call Luffy!" Said Zoro, and he dialed Luffy's phone number and waited him to pick up the phone.
"Hey Zoro, what's up?"
"Luffy, come to Nami's house now!"
"Why? What happened?"
"Nami's missing!"

An hour before Zoro called Luffy--

"Ah, I'm so bored." Said Luffy, and he yawned.
"Why don't you go out with Hancock?" Said Ace, a bit annoyed.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks, Ace." Said Luffy, and he get changed and opened the door.
"Have fun with your little girlfriend!" Said Ace, and he started to laugh. Luffy ignored him and closed the door. He went to Hancock's door and ring the door bell, and the door swung open.
"Hi Hancock!" Said Luffy, and he grinned at her.
"H-hi, Luffy." Said Hancock, blushing slightly.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" Asked Luffy.
" Y-You mean like a date?"
"Yeah, I guess." Said Luffy, and he scratched the back go his head.
"Yes, Luffy. I would love to." Said Hancock.
"Ok, let's go." Said Luffy cheerfully.
"Let's go eat some ice cream." Said Luffy, after they walked around the lake near their apartment.
"Ok let's go." Said Hancock.
They entered a coffee shop and sat down near the window.
"May I take your orders?" Asked the waitress.
"Yes. Hancock, do you want anything to eat?" Asked Luffy.
"Just a cup of tea, please." Said Hancock.
"Ok, and you? Sir?"
"A chocolate sundae, please." Said Luffy.
"Ok, your orders will arrive in five minutes." The waitress said and left. After a few minutes their order had arrived. When Luffy was about to start eating, he was stop by Hancock.
"Yes? Hancock?"
"C-Can I feed you?"
"Oh, ok." Said Luffy, grinning. She scooped a spoon of ice cream and Luffy ate it.
"How does it taste?"
"It tastes pretty good. Thank you, Hancock." Luffy grinned at her. She blushed and scooped another spoon of ice cream.


Luffy's phone rang.
"Oh, sorry about that." Said Luffy.
"It's ok Luffy, just answer it, maybe it's something important." He answered the call.
"Hey Zoro, what's up?"
"Luffy, come to Nami's house now!"
"Why? What happened?"
"Nami's missing!"

That's chapter five.
What do you guys think?


Thanks for reading!! XD

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