The Thriller Bark

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Hi ya~
New chapter~
Enjoy ;) ~~

"Come on! Usopp! Chopper!" Yelled Luffy. The two were still standing far away from the entrance.
"U-Usopp? Carry me, please?" Chopper whimpered.
"No, walk--"
"Please?" Said Chopper, showing his big watery eyes.
".......God, can't believe I fall for this." Usopp put Chopper on his shoulder and walked to the others.
"Ok, we're ready." Said Usopp.
"Let's get in!" Shouted Luffy. Inside the Thriller Bark was very dark and humid. But before they could walk any farther, a worker stopped them.
"This is the real entrance to the Thriller Bark, so if any of you regret to get in here, you can leave now, or you'll be stuck in here for ten minutes." Said the worker.
"We're all going in!" Said Luffy excitedly.
"Shut up you two! If you're really that afraid just ask us to let you walk in the middle of us!" Said Zoro, annoyed.
"Ok, ok...." The two said unwillingly, frowning.
"So, are you ready?" Asked the worker.
"Yep!" They all said in unison.
"Then, welcome to the Triller Bark. Prepare to be scared." They finally entered the Thriller Bark. After a few seconds of walking, they saw a dog with three heads.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Cerberus!!!!!!!" Screamed Nami, Usopp, Brook and Chopper
"Wow, how did they make this thing?" Said Law curiously.
"Grrrr........" The dog started to growl.
"Hey, wait a minute, that one's not a dog, it's a fox." Said Luffy, pointing the head on the left.
"Hey yeah, you're right, it's a fox." Said Kid.
"How cute." Said Robin, and she went near and pat the dog's heads. The three heads' jaws dropped open.
"Shishishi, Robin you're so brave." Said Luffy, and he walked in front of the dog, and the head in the middle bit his head. Everyone sweat dropped.
"Ok, ok, let go, ok?" Said Luffy, scratching the dog's head, and the dog let go slowly.
"THAT HURTS!! BASTARD!!" Shouted Luffy as he punched the dog to the wall. Everyone sweat dropped again. And he hopped on the dog.
"Let's go! Dog!" Shouted Luffy, and the dog growled again.
"Come on, come on, be nice, ok?" Said Luffy, and he scratched the middle head's ears.
"Or you want me to punch you again??" Said Luffy, and the dog stood up.
"Hey, Luffy, it's obeying you." Said Bonney, a bit surprise.
"Hehe, yahoo, let's go, dog!" Yelled Luffy, and the dog barked happily.
"Hey Hancock, come sit with me." Said Luffy, and he pulled Hancock onto the dog.
"Thank you." Said Hancock.
After a few seconds of walking, they saw a graveyard.
"Is that it? First a cute dog, and a funny playground?" Asked Ace in a bored tone.
"Such a disappointment." Said Sanji. But suddenly, the tomb moved, and a zombie crawled out of it.
"Ah!!!!!!!!" The girls( except Robin and Monet) and Usopp and Chopper started to scream.
"Give me your flesh...." Croaked the zombie.
"Don't come near us!!!!!" Yelled the girls. Luffy got off from the dog and walked to the zombie.
"Hey, stay in your tomb, ok?" Said Luffy, and he pushed it back into the tomb.
"Ok...............?" Said the zombie.
".........................." Everyone was speechless.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT DUMBASS!!! I'M SUPPOSE TO SCARE YOU!!!" Shouted the zombie, and it jumped out of the tomb.
"You despise us zombies! and you made fun of us! Prepare to feel the horror of the Thriller Bark!!!" Yelled the zombie, and suddenly, hundreds of them jumped out of their tomb and started to approach them.
"Ah!!!!! Luffy!!! What have you done???????" Shouted the girls.
"Hehehehehe. Run!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Let's get away quickly!! Zombies can't walk fast! They can only moan and stumble!!" Shouted Usopp, but the zombies started to sprint.
"Get back here!!" Shouted the zombie in the front of them.
"Ah!!!!!!!!! HELL NO!!!!!!" Shouted Usopp and Nami.
"pant......pant......wait for a bit....please....." The zombies stopped and started to pant.
"Seriously???? Super low physical strength!!!!" The two shouted again.
"Here we come again!!!!!" Shouted the zombies, sprinting toward them again.
"Run!!!!!!! Shishishishi!!!" Shouted Luffy, and they ran away, leaving the zombies in the graveyard.
"Shishishishi. That was fun!" Said Luffy when they finally stopped.
"Where are we now?" Asked Monet. They were now standing in front of a big mansion.
"A big house in a big house?" Said Franky.
"Funny, huh? Yohohohoho~" Said Brook.
"Hey, what are those things? Floating in the air, they are." Said Chopper.
"Eh?" They looked up, and saw many cute things flying around.
"Hey, they're actually pretty cute." Said Nami, and one of them flew down and went through Luffy.
"What's wrong? Luffy?" Asked the others.
"........I wish I was never born to this world...... if I were reborn I want to be a clam........" Said Luffy pessimistically.
"What? What are you talking about?" Zoro asked. Another one flew down and went through Zoro.
"..........I could never become the Sekai Saikyo no Kenshi....I wish I turn into a flea....." Said Zoro, also very pessimistic.
"Hahahahaha! That sounds pretty good, Marimo." Laughed Sanji. And another on flew down and went through Sanji.
".........I'm just only a stupid pervert circle eyebrow shitty cook.......Nami-san.....I don't suit you.........." Said Sanji, kneeling on the floor, looked really down.
"Looks like those ghost-like things make people very pessimistic." Said Sabo.
"Wake up! You three!" Nami punched the three really hard in the face.
"Ow! God damn it! That hurts! Nami!" Said Luffy, covering his nose with his hand.
"I had no choice." Said Nami, and she gave them a that's-not-my-fault-it's-your-fault look.
"Let's get going and get rid of these things." Said Ace, and he walked into the mansion.
"Let's go, dog." Luffy pat the dog's middle head, but it didn't move.
"You can't go inside?" Asked Luffy, and the three heads shook.
"Well, I guess we have to say goodbye." Said Luffy, and he scratched their ears.
"Hope we'll meet again." Said Luffy.
"Hope we'll never meet again." Said the others, and they all went in. The decorating inside was pretty fancy, and there were a lot of weird paintings and statues on the wall.
"Don't you guys think this crapy place is creepy?" Said Nami.
"I think it's very cool." Said Luffy.
"..........Guys........." Said Usopp in a quivering voice.
"I think.... I think the paintings on the wall... just moved......."
"Oh hell no you liar. How could painting in the wall-- Aghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ace started to scream before he could finish his words, because the green pig in the painting walked out of it.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everything on the wall started to move and walked toward them.
"I want your bodies...... I want to be reborn......" The things croaked and some of them reached out their hands.
"Don't touch us!!!!" Yelled Usopp and Chopper.
"Run for your lives! Shishishishi!"
"How could you still laugh in a situation like this?" Shouted Sanji.
"Ahahahaha! I don't know! It's just funny!" Said Luffy, still laughing. And suddenly, the floor cracked open, and everyone fell in there.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Everyone was screaming crazily.
"Kohza!! I wish you were here!!!!!" Screamed Vivi.

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