He's Back

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Chapter twenty~

"Weird......." Muttered Zoro.
"What's wrong?" Asked Robin. Usopp, Chopper, Brook, and Franky just left them.
"I think someone's following us, don't look back." Said Zoro under his breath.
"Let's go that way." They walked toward a road with a mirror on the sidewalk.
"That guy, see him?" Said Zoro quietly. A bald, muscular man was standing near a street light.
".....No way.... He couldn't be....." Robin muttered, she somehow, had a nasty feeling about this.
"Come on, let's go to a cafe or somewhere like that first, don't let him know where we live." Muttered Robin. They lived on the same street.
"'Kay. Let's stay in there for a while." Said Zoro, and they walked into a cafe.
"I think we'd better call the others." Said Robin, looking out of the window.
"Right, I'll call Usopp first." Said Zoro, and he took out his phone.
"Zoro!!! It's you!!! Listen to me, I think someone's stalking Chopper and me--"
"Keep down! Don't let them hear you. We're stalked by someone too. I think we should all go to Luffy's house now, his brothers are policemen. We should be safe there." Said Zoro.
"Oh, good idea, Chopper's already freaked out! I'll meet you guys there." He hung up.
"We should get going." Said Zoro.
"Yeah, he left." Said Robin, looking out of the window again.
"Let's go." Said Zoro.

At Luffy's apartment--

"Why are you guys all here?" Asked Ace blankly.
"We were followed by someone." Said Usopp.
"Just let's us in, we'll explain later." Said Zoro.
"Ok ok, get in." They all went into as fast as they could.
"Jeez, what's the problem?" Asked Ace, a bit annoyed.
"We told you, someone's following us." Said Zoro impatiently.
"Ok, lets see... who's here?" Asked Luffy.
"Uh... Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Robin, Chopper, Franky and Brook... Hey where're Torao and the others? Where's Vivi?"
"We called them, they said they were already home." Said Sanji.
"I think we should call again. This weird feeling's keep bothering me." Said Robin, looking a bit worried.
"Ok, I'll call Vivi first." Said Luffy.
".........Hey Vivi it's me, Luffy."
"Oh hi Luffy-san, what's up?"
"Your voice sounds a bit weird. You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I was just watching a horror movie and that kinda scared me." Said Vivi.
"You sure?"
"Yep! See you guys tomorrow!" Said Vivi in a cheerful but quivering voice.
"She said she's alright." Said Luffy.
"Yeah, same here. Law and Kid are both alright, and Monet-san and Bonney-san are at their place." Said Sanji.
"Well, just be careful these days. If you see anyone keeps lingering around your house just call us, we'll sort it out for you." Said Sabo.
"Yeah, we can accompany you home if you want to." Said Ace.
"Thank you, can you walk us home now?" Asked Chopper with his big, watery eyes.
"Ok ok, we can walk you home. If everything is done you can all go now." Said Ace.
"See you tomorrow." Said Luffy.

Next morning at school--

"It's weird... the class already started for over ten minutes, and Vivi hasn't shown up...." Everyone thought.
"Shanks!!" Luffy raised his hand.
"Yes Luffy?"
"Why isn't Vivi here? Did she ask for leave? She didn't tell us anything--"
"Wait wait, Luffy, calm down. Her father called the school early in the morning and he said she couldn't come because she had a bad fever last night, she was in the hospital now." Said Shanks.
"Ok........?" Said Luffy, not really sure about Shanks's answer.
"Ok, let's keep going, who can tell me...." After an hour later, the class's over, and everyone went out of the classroom.
"This is odd, isn't it? There's something wrong. Her dad couldn't be here, he's at Alabasta Okoku." Said Sanji, taking out some textbooks from his locker.
"Yeah, someone followed us yesterday and today Vivi's ill and couldn't come? Do you think those guys have something to do with Vivi......?" Said Usopp, folding his arms.
"Yes, I think they do." Said Robin hastily.
"Remember when we were still in elementary school, an organization called Baroque Works tried to take down Vivi's father's company? And we accidentally heard the head of the organization talking about the plan, and we told the police and they caught him. Well, I think he's around here again, and the guy who followed Zoro and me yesterday, I think he's Daz Bones, also called Mr. 1 in the organization."
"Now you mentioned that...." Said Usopp, scratching his chin.
"Maybe it really was them. Sanji, you said you saw an okama around Nami's neighborhood, right?"
"Yeah, and I remember him now, he's Mr. 2." Said Sanji.
"Oh my god..... things are getting nasty again..." muttered Nami.
"Should we call Ace?" Asked Chooper.
"Yeah, we better do that, or it might be too late." Said Luffy, and he took out his phone.
"Ah.... using cellphones during class time...." Said a voice from behind.
"Oh shit......." Everyone thought. It was Kizaru, one of the vice principals.
"Wait, I can explain! It's urgent!!"
"Save it for Sengoku. Follow me." Said Kizaru.
"Fine......" Luffy frowned, and walked away with him.
"But we have to call him no matter what!" Said Chopper.
"Well, I'll call him in the bathroom." Said Zoro.
"Ok, do it quick, the bell's going to ring." Said Nami.
"Ok, I'll be back soon." Said Zoro, and he walked away. He went in a bathroom, locked the door, entered Ace's phone number, and waited for him to pick up.
".......Zoro, why're you calling me? Aren't you suppose to be at school?" Asked Ace from the other side of the phone.
"Yeah, I know, but it's urgent. We think Vivi's in trouble, can you please go check her and see if she's alright? By the way do you know where she lives?"
"Yeah, Nami told me yesterday."
"Ok, so is that ok?"
"Yeah, I'll go right away."
"Thanks, if you have any news, call us after school's over."
"Got that. I'll go now. See you." He hung up.
"......Hope she's alright....." He got out of the bathroom, and saw Luffy was back.
"Ace's going." Said Zoro.
"So, do they believe your words?"
"No! They didn't even give a shit about that! They said I was just trying to find an excuse!" Shouted Luffy angrily.
"Well, we'll see after the school, Ace said he'll call us after the school's over." Said Zoro.

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