The Dawn Of Victory

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Hello~~~ I'm back~~~ here's chapter No. 43~~ please enjoy~~

"LUFFY!!!" Everyone shouted as they saw Luffy falling to the floor.
"My body..... it can't move......" Luffy muttered on the floor, lying face down. His blood was started forming a little pond, staining his clothes. He tried to get up, but he was too tired to move a muscle. He looked down at his friends from the big hole on the wall.
"Must..... go....." He managed to push himself up from the floor, but collapsed to the floor once again.
"Damn it damn it damn it!!" He cursed loudly, panting very hard.
"What should we do now??" Shouted Nami as he hit a man's head with her Clima-Tact.
"Go find a ship and get away from the battlefield!! And we can get to Luffy!!" Shouted Sanji. They all ran up a bridge that led to a ship. When they almost reached the ship, it burst into flames.
"What the..." They looked back and saw a guy carrying a bazuka, smirking evilly.
"Arghhhhh!!!!! Why do you people always have to get into our way??????" Shouted Nami, really pissed.
"Thunderbolt Tempo!!!" Dark, thick clouds appeared above their enemies, and thunderbolt stroke them. They screamed as the thunderbolt stroke, and after a few strikes, they were all burned, throbbing, and wailing.
"Revenge always feels good!!" Shouted Nami, still very pissed. But more and more enemies rushed toward them again, and they could hardly run away.
"Shit shit shit shit!!!! Must get down there now!!!" Shouted Luffy with great frustration, scrambling toward the hole. And finally, someone down there couldn't take it anymore. Sogeking walked toward the edge of the bridge, and took off his mask.
"LUUUUUFFFFFYYYYYY!!!!!" Usopp shouted as loud as he could. Luffy looked down at him.
"Usopp...... you're here......." Luffy muttered faintly.
"HAVEN'T YOU WON THE BATTLE???? HAVEN'T YOU DEFEATED THAT LUCCI GUY??? WE WON!!! IT IS OUR VICTORY!!!! GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE AND LET'S GET OUTTA HERE TOGETHER!!!!!!!" Usopp shouted with all his might, grinning with tears in his eyes.
"I KNOW YOU FREAKEN BASTARD!!!!! I AM FREAKEN TRYING TO GET DOWN THERE NOW!!!!!" Luffy shouted back, also smiling. And someone spoke, a distant, but for some reason, familiar, voice spoke.
"I'm here." The voice echoed. Usopp gasped, eyes widening, looking for the voice.
"I'm here to get you all out of here safely. Come, let's get out of here together, let's feel that sensation for one more time." Said the voice. Usopp looked down at the ocean, and tears started running down his face.
"You stupid idiot!! You'll tear yourself apart!!" Shouted Usopp, crying. Everyone all looked down at the ocean, and they all cheered. Merry had come to rescue them.
"MERRY!!!!!" Chopper, who just woke up, shouted with tears pouring down his face like two waterfalls.
"Alright guys!! You all heard her!! Let's jump!!!!" Shouted Usopp as he hopped off the bridge. Zoro, Robin, Nami, Sanji, and Franky, who was still carrying Chopper, all jumped off the bridge as well.
"Oh?? Hands!!" Robin's hands sprouted around Luffy and pushed him down the hole. Everyone fell into the sea. Zoro and Sanji grabbed both Nami and Robin and hurled them up to Merry, and the two, Franky, and Chopper all got on Merry.
"Merry!!!!" Shouted Chopper, rolling on the deck.
"Hey wait a sec where's Luffy??" Asked Usopp.
"Damn it he's still in the sea!!" Shouted Zoro as he remembered that Luffy was left behind. And when he was about to dive into the ocean again, Luffy flew up, crashing into the mast and falling to the deck, and Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe all climbed on Merry.
"Ahahahaha!!!! Merry!!!" Shouted Luffy, lying on the deck, laughing. Everyone all cheered and sighed in relief, feeling safe. Sanji, who'd been eager to do this, rushed toward Robin and tried to hug her.
"Robin-chwan~~~ I'm so glad you're safe~~" He jumped to midair but got kicked away by Nami, and she hugged her instead.
"Robin!!! We were so worried!!!!" Nami shouted as tear dampened her eyes.
"I'm fine now, don't worry anymore." Said Robin, smiling, and Nami let go of her.
"Everyone, thank you! Thank you so much!" Said Robin, looking at everyone, and they all smiled, and Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Franky all grinned widely.
"Oi, quit that kinda stupid talk right now! We still haven't got ourselves outta this crappy place!" Zoro said, and the atmosphere was totally ruined.
"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT YOU STUPID MARIMO!!!!" Shouted Sanji and Chopper together, kicking and biting Zoro.
"SHUT UP YOU BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!! WE STILL HAVEN'T ESCAPED FROM OUR GOD DAMN ENEMIES!!!!" Zoro shouted back, and he looked down at Chopper, noticing that he was moving again.
"Hey Chopper, you're moving now." Said Zoro.
"E-Eh?? Hey yeah!! I'm moving again!!! Zoro!!" Chopper said with his eyes started to water, still holding Zoro's leg.
"Apologize to Robin right now!!" He turned into human form and grabbed his legs and sat on his back, twisting, stretching them.
"Just give up, Marimo!" Shouted Sanji, laughing, looking at Zoro yelling with pain. Nami looked at them and sighed.
"I feel sorry for us to have such idiotic boyfriends." Said Nami, and Robin giggled.
"Hey guys I really don't want to ruin this great reunion and pour cold water on you, but in case you didn't notice, there are at least five battleships coming toward us." Said Usopp, pointing at their back. At least five large battleship was sailing toward them, and each of them had a dozen of canon on them, all aiming at Merry.
"Holy shit you're right!! Everyone let's go!!" Shouted Nami, and Usopp, Franky and Chopper went to the steer Merry, and Zoro and Sanji, dragging Luffy by the hands, ran to the front of the deck. The battleships fired at them. A large number of cannonballs flew toward them. Zoro and Sanji jumped to midair and started slashing and kicking them away.
"Keep firing!!!" They heard the commander of their enemies shouted, and more cannonballs flew toward them.
"Ah!! This is troublesome!!" Shouted Zoro, veins appearing on his forehead.
"Arghhh!!! I wanna fight too!! I wanna be useful!!!" Shouted Luffy, trying to get up from the floor.
"Yes." Said Zoro, putting his katanas back to the scabbards.
"That's why we brought you here." Said Sanji, and he and Zoro grabbed both Luffy's arms and legs and opened him like a web. All the cannonballs were webbed by the web-like Luffy, and the two could see their enemies jaws fall open. The two grinned evilly.
"One--" Zoro counted, the telescope that the commander was holding dropped to the floor.
"Two--" Sanji counted, their enemies started running away.
"THREE!!!!" They hurtled the cannonballs back to the battleships by the super-flexible Luffy, and they hit the target and the ships' front decks burst into flames.
"BINGO!!!" Shouted the two, and Luffy fell to the deck again.
"ARE YOU TWO DEVILS?????" Shouted Nami, who was looking at them fighting. Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy all turned back and gave her a thumb-up. Nami slapped her forehead as she sighed again and went back navigating. And she saw their way to escape.
"Chopper!! Go between those two battleships!!" Nami shouted, pointing at a narrow space between a large ships.
"Roger!! Nami!!" Chopper turned the rudder and sailed toward the narrow space. Suddenly, Merry accelerated and started traveling in a very high speed.
"What's happening??" Shouted one of their enemies on the battleship.
"No idea!! They accelerated all of a sudden!!" Another man shouted back.
"Aim at them and fire!! Don't let them go!!" Shouted the commander, and suddenly, the ship tilted.
"What now??" Shouted the commander.
"We lost the control of our ship!! A whirlpool appeared without warning!!" Shouted a man from the edge of the deck.
"Damn it!! Prepare for the impact!!" Shouted the commander, and the battleships started colliding. And finally, Merry got away from Enies Lobby, and slowed down.
"Yes!! I knew opening the Gate of Justice is a right thing to do!! Take that!! Assholes!!" Shouted Sanji.
"Good job Sanji-kun!! You're not too useless after all!!" Nami complimented him as she gave him a kiss, and Sanji's eye turned into a heart.
"Yeah!! Nami you're awesome!!" Shouted Luffy.
"We escaped from that shitty place!!!" Shouted Usopp, running onto the deck.
"Aw!! Supppper!!! We won!!" Shouted Franky.
"This time!! We truly won the battle!!!" Shouted Luffy, finally having the strength to punch his fist in the air.
"Oi!! Kids!!" Shouted Iceburg. The Galley-La company workers were all on the ship sailing toward them.
"Hi!! Ice-ossan!!" Shouted Luffy, waving.
"Where're Paulie and the others???" Iceburg asked.
"Behind us!! I think!!" Luffy shouted back, and Sanji saw the sea train traveling toward them with at least a hundred people on it.
"Aniki!!!" It was Zambai, Mozu, and Kiwi.
"Yo!! Zambai!! Mozu!! Kiwi!!" Franky shouted, waving at them.
"Iceburg-san!!!" Paulie stuck his head out the window, and Peeply Lulu and Tilestone did so behind him.
"Ah!! Tom-san!!" Franky shouted as he saw Tom walking toward Iceburg.
"You did a great job!! Franky!! Kids!!" Shouted Tom, waving at them as well. And without warning, Merry cracked in half again.
"AHH!!!! MERRY!!!!" Shouted everyone on her.
"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!" Shouted Sogeking. Usopp put his mask back on again when he saw Luffy got up from the floor.
"Everyone get up here now!! It's dangerous down there!!" Shouted Iceburg, helping them to climb on his ship.
"Merry!!! No!!" Shouted Luffy, reaching out his hand helplessly, watching the two pieces of her floating up and down in the ocean.
"Ice-ossan!! Do something!! You sure can fix her!! Right??" Luffy shouted, shaking Iceburg and Tom fiercely. Iceburg looked at him and sighed.
"Let her rest, she's fulfilled her duty as a ship." Iceburg said quietly. Luffy let go of him, staring at him.
"It would be best for her if you just let her rest in peace, young man. Only few ships are this fortunate like her. She worked really hard, and had more pressure and burden than you could imagine. She deserves this, just let her rest in peace." Said Tom. Luffy was still staring at him, and slowly, he nodded. "Okay, I'll let her go. I'll do it myself." Said Luffy in a rather quiet and stern tone. Iceburg ordered his men to get gasoline and sprayed it all over her, and lit up a torch and handed it to Luffy.
"You and your friends would like to say goodbye to her, right?" Said Iceburg, and Luffy nodded, and he boarded a small boat and went in front of Merry.
"Merry, thank you for saving us, thank you for being our friend, thank you for accompanying us to wherever years ago. We don't really know what to say, we can only say, thank you, and goodbye." Said Luffy quietly. He threw the torch at her, and Merry started burning.
"Thank god Usopp's not here, don't know what he will say if he saw this." Said Luffy, taking his straw hat off. And the same distanced but familiar voice spoke again.
"Thank you." Said the voice. Everyone gasped.
"M-Merry?? I-Is that you??" Luffy asked, hands shaking.
"Thank you very, very much. For loving me this deeply. I'm and very happy, and I'm not afraid of being burned into ashes. I know I will always be in your hearts." The voice echoed. Sogeking was already shaking madly, and tears couldn't stop pouring out of his eyes, moistening his collar and cape.
"I know it, Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Chopper, I know you all have that keychain of my head on your backpacks, and I know how happy you were when we met again, and I know how sad you were when you heard that I wasn't able to be repaired." Said Merry, and Luffy couldn't hold it anymore. He burst into tears as well.
"It's fine. That's the proof of your love. Thank you. Having you being my owner, I really feel..." Merry's sheep head cracked and fell into the sea, and her other parts were sinking faster and faster as well.
"So fortunate...." Her whole body sank into the sea, leaving the fire burning some woods and broken parts above the ocean.
"MERRY!!!!!!" They all shouted with great grief and sorrow piercing through their hearts as though thousands of daggers were stabbing them.

"Thank you, and I love you all so much!"

Her voice echoed once more.

Yeah!!!! Finished!!!! I did my best to write the goodbye-Merry part!!!! Hope you all cry for that!!!!


Two more chapters to the end!!!!!!!!

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