Fight Against The CP9 : Part Two

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Hello!!!!~~ I'm finally back!!
Sorry for the late updating, school is busy and I have little time. Here's the next chapter~~ please enjoy~ :D

Nami sprinted toward the room, gripping her Clima-Tact tightly. She reached the room and smashed the door open. She ran inside and slipped.
"Hm, just like what I guessed." Said Kalifa. She was behind a screen, and from the shadow that was on it, it was clear that she was in a bathtub. Nami got up.
"Why the hell is there so much bubble here?? And why the hell are you taking a bath now??" Shouted Nami, pointing her Clima-Tact at the screen.
"Why? Because I want to." From the shadow, Nami saw her got up from the bathtub and dried herself and put on her clothes, and she walked out from behind the screen.
"Now, try and defeat me." Said Kalifa, Nami gripped her Clima-Tact even tighter. She wanted to attack, but the weird thing was, ever since she entered the room, she seemed to be becoming more and more tired, and she didn't know why.
"Okay! You asked for it!!" Shouted Nami as she ran toward her. She swung her Clima-Tact toward her, but she dodged it, and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying to the other side of the room.
"How weak you are, Nami." Said Kalifa. Nami grunt as she got up from the floor.
"After I entered this room, my strength seems to be sucked away, but why? And how?" She thought, and looked down at the floor, and looked at the bubble.
"I'm feeling alright now, thought that kick really hurt, and there is no bubble here... could it be that.... it was the bubble that sucked away my strength....?" Nami looked back at Kalifa, and she pushed her glasses.
"Yes, I can tell you're stringing these two together, and yes, it was the bubble that sucked away your energy, this is the power of my Devil Fruit, Awa Awa no Mi!" Said Kalifa, and to her surprise, Nami smirked.
"Is that so?? How disappointing." Said Nami.
"We've fight loads of strong enemies, and met loads of Devil Fruit Users, and we've beaten all of them. If you think that can scare me then you're totally wrong. If there's only bubble, it'll be easy to deal with!!" Said Nami firmly, and went into fighting position.
"Oh, is that what you think? Then I have to tell you that you might have forgotten one thing." Said Kalifa, pushing her glasses again.
"My Rokushiki!!" Said Kalifa. She disappeared and appeared in front of Nami and kicked her, she gasped as she saw Kalifa appeared in front of her and held her Clima-Tact in a defense position, but she barely blocked the kick, and she flew to the wall again.
"Damn it I really have forgotten about that....." She thought as she smashed into the wall.
"Time to finish you! Golden Hour!!" She grabbed her by the wrist and covered her mouth, and started to rub her body. Nami tried to fright back, but it was no use. Her strength was being sucked away by the bubble. After a few seconds her entire body was shinning like a lightbulb, and her body was so slippery that she couldn't even stand.
"Now it's time to execute you." Said Kalifa as she kicked her. She nearly got hit, and ran away.
"Damn it!! If this's bubble then water can definitely wash it off!!" She mumbled as she started to create Heat Balls and Cool Balls, and a little cloud appeared in midair.
"Oh, trying to make it rain? Don't even think about it!! Bubble Master: Soap Sheep!!" Shouted Kalifa as a big amount of bubble appeared around her body, forming a shape of a sheep. Nami looked speechless.
"Please tell me you're not kidding me." She said, still make the cloud bigger and bigger.
"I'm not kidding you, I'm very serious now!! Hitsuji Gumo Relax Hour!!" Shouted Kalifa, and big bubbles flew toward her like missiles. She dodged them, and backed away from her, still making the cloud.
"It's no use, take this!! Hitsuji Gumo Tidal Wave!!" A bubble wave rampaged toward her, swallowing anything that was in its way. Nami was still making the cloud, it wasn't big enough yet, and she heard Kalifa dashing toward her, she knew behind this wave was the super-human-strength attack. If she didn't succeed, she'd be quite dead. The wave was only a few meters in front of her, but she stopped, and she smirked. With a loud thunder, it started to rain cats and dogs, and the bubble wave was washed away, and she turned back too normal as well. Kalifa kicked her again, but this time she was prepared, and she blocked it.
"Hm, you're good." Said Kalifa.
"You too." Nami said, and she aimed her Clima-Tact at her.
"It's my turn now!! Thunder Ball!!" The yellowish bubbles hit her, and she screamed as electricity went through her body.
"Oh damn!! The basic Thunder Ball already has this power!! Thank you!! Usopp!!" Nami thought. Kalifa grunt, and she attacked again, but she vanished.
"Mirage Tempo!!" Shouted Nami, and another four Nami appeared with different appearance.
"Fata Morgana!!" The five of them shouted together.
"Tsk...." Kalifa attacked the normal Nami again, but she was an illusion. She kicked another one, but she was an illusion as well.
"Dark Cloud Tempo!!" Shouted Nami, a small dark cloud was forming on the top of her Clima-Tact, and when Kalifa was about to attack again, the wall behind them shattered. The monster Chopper appeared at the hole.
"What.... is that??" Kalifa looked at it, stunned.
"Ah!! I know!! You're a Zoan type user as well!!" She shouted at Chopper, apparently thinking that the monster Chopper was Nami, and Nami sweat dropped.
"Oi oi, what're you talking about??" She said, and she looked at the monster Chopper.
"Is that really Chopper?? That's his hat, but it doesn't look like him at all...." She thought, and Chopper swung his fist at Kalifa. She dodged it and he hit the bathtub instead. It flew out of the room and fell all the way down to where Sanji was. The water splashed onto him, and he turned back to normal.
"Phuwa!!! I'm alive again!!!" He shouted. Chopper was still trying to hit Kalifa, and Franky ran inside the room.
"Aw!! Finally found you!! I'll have to put you into sleep now!!" Shouted Franky as he took out the T-shaped tube again.
"What? Franky what're you--"
"It's fine, I'll just let him fall into the water down there, and I'll go dredge him up!" Shouted Franky.
"Eh?? Franky?? When did you get here??" Shouted Kalifa.
"70mm Kokei 0.5 Cola Ho Coup de Vent!!!" Shouted Franky as he shot the compressed air at Chopper, and he fell backward and fell into the water below.
"Aw!! I swear this is the longest three minutes I've ever experienced!!" He shouted, and he jumped out of the hole to get Chopper.
"Uh...fine, whatever!! Now I'm ready!! Prepare to lose!!" She shouted as she ran toward Kalifa.
"Thunder Lance Tempo!!" A lighting bolt shot out from the tip of her Clima-Tact and pierced through Kalifa's body like a spear. She screamed and her whole body was burned, and she fell to the floor, unconscious.
"Phew, finally beat her." Said Nami, wiping away the sweat on her face. And Franky climbed inside with Chopper on his back, unconscious as well. 
"Oh? You won? How super~ you are!!" Said Franky.
"Yeah, thanks. I'll go find the key." Said Nami.
"You know where it is?"
"Yeah, Sanji-kun told me she hides it in her clothes." Said Nami, and she started to strip her, and Franky gave her a thumbs-up with a bleeding nose.
"Got it!" Said Nami, holding the key.
"So where did she hide it?"
"She hid it in her...... there..."
"There? Whe-- oh... there.... okay....." Said Franky, his nose was still bleeding, and he took out two keys and handed them to Nami.
"Got them from Fukuro and Kumadori earlier." Said Franky.
"Okay, thanks, let's go see if the others get the keys." Said Nami, Franky nodded and they left the room.

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