To Alabasta Okoku

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Hi ya~~~
Chapter thirteen~~~
Please enjoy~~

At Luffy's house--

"Hey Luffy, why don't we invite Kid and Law too?" Said Usopp.
"Oh, great idea." Said Luffy.
"I'll call him." Said Zoro. He entered Kid's phone number and waited for him to answer.
"This is Kid speaking." Kid's voice came from the other side of the phone.
"Hi Kid. I'm Zoro, we want to invite you to Luffy's house and have a sleep over." Said Zoro.
"Ok, that's awesome." Said Kid.
"And remember to bring enough clothes. We're staying here for over a week."
"Got that. I'll arrive in thirty minutes-- BANG!!!!!" A loud bang came from the other side of the phone.
"Oh shit...." Said Zoro, rubbing his ear.
"BONNEY!!! GET OFF!!!" Kid yelled.
"What? Bonney's there?" Said Zoro.
"Yeah. I uh... Maybe I let her ate too much sugar tonight... and she got nuts." Said Kid.
"No I didn't." Said Bonney.
"Yes, you totally did." Said Kid.
"Uh... Sorry to interrupt you, but we're still on the phone, and bring Bonney here. I'm sure Luffy wants more people to come." Said Zoro.
"Ok. See you later." Said Kid, and he hung up.
"And it's Law now." Said Zoro, and he entered his phone number.
"Hey Zoro-ya." Said Law.
"Hi Law. We want to invite you to Luffy's house for a sleep over party. And bring enough clothes, we will be staying here for over a week." Said Zoro.
"Ok, hey can Monet go too? She's at my place now."
"Yeah sure, Luffy will be delighted."
"Ok, then. See you guys later." Said Law, and he hung up.
"So, who's coming?" Asked Luffy.
"Law, Kid, Bonney, and Monet." Said Zoro.
"Ya~~~ so many people!!! It's going to be super awesome!!!!" Shouted Luffy.

Thirty minutes later--


Luffy's door bell rang.
"Oh, they're here." Said Luffy, and he sprinted to the door.
"Welcome, guys!" Said Luffy cheerfully when he opened the door.
"Hey." Said the four, and they went inside.
"Hi guys." Said the rest of them.
"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Asked Kid.
"I'm thinking that we can go to Alabasta Okoku." Said Luffy.
"Oh! Yeah! That place is awesome!" Said Usopp excitingly.
"Huh? What's that place?" Asked Law.
"It's a hot spring park, and it has an artificial beach in it, and an indoor water park. Our friend Vivi and her dad own it. So, it's free for us." Said Nami.
"I think I've heard of that before." Said Monet.
"And who's Vivi?" Asked Bonney.
"She our friend. She moved away with her family after we graduated from elementary school." Said Zoro.
"So did they meet her before? Bone-ya and Robo-ya?" Asked Law. Brook and Franky joined the group when they were in junior high school.
"Nope." Said Franky, and Brook nodded.
"We'll introduce her to you guys when we get there." Said Sanji.
"Hey, did I just hear you talking about Alabasta Okoku?" Said Ace when he walked out of his room.
"Yeah, I heard it too, you guys want to go there?" Said Sabo behind Ace.
"Yeah, we're going." Said Luffy.
"Can we join you guys?" Asked the two.
"Don't you need to work? You're policemen." Said Luffy.
"We're both not on duty until next week's over." Said Ace.
"Ok, then. Let's all go together!!" Shouted Luffy.
"God damn it! Luffy! How many times do I have to tell you not to shout in the house." Said Ace, annoyed.
"Hehe, sorry, sorry." Said Luffy, and he scratched the back of his head.
"So, have you decided how you are going to get there?" Asked Sabo.
"Luffy said we can take the shuttle bus." Said Chopper.
"Take the shuttle bus? Are you mad? It takes four hours to get there by bus!" Said Ace.
"So uh... Take the train?" Said Luffy.
"That still takes you three hours." Said Sabo.
"Ok, we'll drive you there."
Said Sabo.
"Yeah, that's the fastest way." Said Ace.
"Really??" Said Luffy, Usopp and Chopper.
"Yeah. But you have to split into two groups." Said Sabo.
"Ok, that's not a problem." Said Sanji.
"Ok, we're now all settled. Go to sleep now if you want to get there early tomorrow. It still takes two hours to get there by car, and I'm pretty sure it will be a terrible traffic jam tomorrow if we don't go early, it's Christmas break, everyone wants to go on a vacation." Said Ace.
"Okay! So how do we sleep?" Asked Usopp.
"Girls in the guest room and boys in my room." Said Luffy.
"Hey, where's Sanji-san?" Asked Brook.
"Huh? He's here--" Nami turned around and pointed at the spot where Sanji was five seconds ago.
"That pervert...." Nami got up and went into the guest room, and they heard a loud "bang" and a scream.
"Oh! Nami-san! That hurts! Ouch! Could you please let go?" Said Sanji while he was dragged out of the guest room by Nami, and she yanked his ear.
"Don't ever try to get in there again!" Said Nami in a threatening tone.
"Will you mind if I petrify him?" Asked Hancock.
"No, I won't. But how?" Asked Nami.
"Just watch." Said Hancock, and she used her hands to form a shape of a heart.
"Mero Mero Mellow." Some hearts flew out of her hand and Sanji turn into a gargoyle.
"What the......." Everyone's eyes widened.
"You're a Devil Fruit user?" Asked Nami.
"Yeah. It's the power of Mero Mero no Mi." Said Hancock.
"I'll turn him back tomorrow. You know, just in case." Said Hancock sweetly.
"Ok..... But promise me you'll turn him back." Said Nami, a bit concerned.
"He'll be alright." Said Hancock.
"Ok now, let's go to bed." Said Luffy.
"Good night everyone." Said Ace and Sabo, and they went back to their room.
"Good night guys." Said the girls.
"Good night." Said the boys.
"Hey can somebody go carry Sanji in here?" Asked Usopp.
"I'll go." Franky got up and went out of Luffy's room.
"I'll set the alarm." Said Law.
"When should we get up? 5:30?"
"Yeah, I think." Said Luffy, and he yawned. Chopper and Zoro were already asleep.
"Ok, where should I put him?" Asked Franky when he went back in the room.
"Uh... Maybe next to Luffy's drawer?" Said Kid.
"Ok." Franky put him down.
"Good night, guys." Said Luffy, and he started to snore.
"Night." The rest of them all fell asleep.

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