The Conspiracy

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Hi guys!
Here's chapter four.
Please enjoy~:)

"W-what did you just say, L-Luffy? " Asked Hancock, she was as red as a tomato now.
"I said would you like to be my girlfriend?" Said Luffy, blushing slightly.
"I-I---" She fainted before she could finish her words.
"Oi! Hancock!" Luffy catched and picked her up in bridal style.
"I'll take that as a yes." Said Luffy, grinning. He kissed her forehead and started to walk home. When he reached their apartment, he stopped at Hancock's door and rang the doorbell.


And the door opened. It was
Sandersonia who answered the door.
"Oh hi Lu-- What happened to her?!" She exclaimed.
"What have you done to her? If you hurt her I'll never forgive you--"
"Wait, wait! I didn't do anything to her. I just asked her to be my girlfriend and she fainted." Said Luffy.
"...Oh, ok... Sorry about that. I'll take care of her now, thanks for carrying her back."
"No problem. Hehe." Grinned Luffy.
"See you later." Said Sandersonia and she closed the door.
"Ok bye." Said Luffy and he went back home.

"I'm back! "Shouted Luffy.
"Where have you been?" Asked Ace.
"What took you so long?"
" a detention from my math teacher. Hehe." Said Luffy.
"Did I hear it right? You got a detention on your first day of school?" Said Sabo, walking out of the kitchen.(By the way the three of them live alone in this story. Garp will visit them every one or two months.)
"Well, I'm not suprised when I heard that." Said Ace.
"Now tell me, what's going on between you and Hancock?" Asked Ace and Sabo in unison.
"Nothing!" Answered Luffy.
"Admit it,Luffy, we heard it all." Said Ace.
"You two were pretty loud down there actully." Said Sabo, smirking.
"...Fine... I asked her to be my girlfriend and she fainted and I carried her back and that's all."
"Oh boy, we're going to have a nephew or a niece pretty soon." Said Ace, smirking.
"Yeah, I just hope their child is not as stupid as his father." And the two started to laugh.
"Hey that's not funny at all!!" Yelled Luffy and he joined them, too.

Mean while in a house in Nami's neighborhood--

"How are we going to take revenge? Boss?" Said Kuroobi.
"They insulted boss, so we should gnash them up!" Shouted Daruma.
"I've got an idea, boss." Said Hody evilly.
"What is it?" Asked Arlong. He told everyone his plan and a terrible grin appeared on Arlong's face.
"Shahaha... That was truly evil. You're a genius, Hody."
"Jahahaha, thank you, boss." Everyone started to laugh again, but someone interrupted them.
"I don't really think that's a good idea, boss." It was Hachi.
"I reckon we should just leave them alone..."
"Hachi, this is the last time I warn you, if you don't agree with us we'll kick your ass out of this house."
"Take him away!" Ordered Arlong. Kuroobi and Chew grabbed his arms and started to drag him out of the room.
"Wait! Arlong! Give me one more chance! I promise I won't-- " He was thrown out of the door before he could finish his sentences.
"Don't ever come back again!" Said Chew coldly, and they went back in the house.
"Looks like I'm homeless now." Sighed Hachi.

It's morning now and everyone is in the classroom waiting for their teacher.
"Luffy, the others and I visit my mom yesterday after school. And she wants you to promise her not to fight Arlong. She said he's extremely dangerous, she didn't want you to get hurt, and so do us. Can you promise me?"
"...I'm sorry Nami, but this is the only thing I can't promise you. I definitely won't forgive people who hurt my friends!" Said Luffy in a rather serious tone.
"Just give up, Nami." Said Zoro.
"You can never convince him to forgive people who hurt his friends."
"...Oh god...This is absolutely no good..." Muttered Nami. After a few seconds the teacher entered the classroom, the classroom suddenly became quiet.
"Hello, class. I'm Donquexote Doflamingo. I'll be your Integrated Activities teacher this semester." The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became pretty weird, it was like someone put a large ice cube in the classroom.
"Ok, let's get started now."

After one hour the lesson was over and everyone got out of the classroom.
"Evil, he was." Said Luffy.
"A report about the economy of Dressrosa for homework, and we have to hand it in a week later. I can never finish that crap."
"Luffy, a week of time is totally enough." Said Usopp.
"Yeah, he's right." Said Chopper.
"But don't you guys think he's creepy? He nearly scared the crap out of me."
"Yeah, he's pretty weird." Said Sanji.
"Well, let's stop thinking about him and go to the next class, or we'll be late." Suggested Robin, and everyone agreed with her. The next class was PE so they all got changed before they start the lesson.
"Nice to meet you all. My name is Kyros (He has two legs in this story). I'm your PE teacher. Now let's begin the lesson with a little test. Everybody run ten laps around the exercise yard. Three! Two! One! Go!" He blew his whistle.
"WHAT?!?!?!" Everyone shouted.

One hour later everyone was so tired that they could barely talk.
"God! That (pant) was not a PE class, that was (pant) an army training." Said Nami, still gasping for air.
"I agree!!" Said Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Brook and Franky at the same time.
"I think that was ok." Said Luffy, Zoro and Sanji in unison.
"Yeah, you three are monsters, we know that." Said Usopp.
"And I'm better than that Marimo."
"No you're not! Stupid cook! I'm better than you!"
"Yes I am! Marimo!"
"You wanna have another race? Dart brow?"
"Yeah! And I'll totally beat you!"
"No you WON'T!" Then the two ran away. Everyone sweat dropped.
"Those two really are monsters. Yohohohoho~" Said Brook.
"And idiots." Sighed Nami.

It was nearly twelve now and the nine of them were heading for the cafeteria. But suddenly the power was cut off.
"What the hell is going on here?" Said Luffy when they entered the noisy and dark cafeteria.
"It seems that the power was cut off." Said Robin. Suddenly they heard Sengoku speaking through the microphone.
"The power was cut off by someone and we can't continue the lessons like this, so everyone go get your things and go home." Everybody cheered.

"Nami-swan~ are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Asked Sanji and his eye turned into a heart.
"No, I'm pretty sure
Sanji-kun. Besides, my house is not far away from here, I'll be fine, thank you." She said bye to everyone and started to walk home. When she almost got home, she noticed someone was following her, and she started to walk faster. When she went near a small alley, she was dragged into it.
"What the--"
"Don't talk, or I'll cut your throat. Jahahahaha...."

Well, that's chapter No.4
Hope you all enjoyed it.


Thanks for reading!

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