That New Girl

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Saturday morning, at Robin's house--

"...Where...What...?" Robin opened her eyes, couldn't see clearly yet. She blinked, and blinked again, she realized she was in her bed, in her room.
"...How did I even get back home...?" She thought.
"...Did I get drunk last night...? God... my head... it's going to explode..." She sat up, and looked at the clock.

9:48 a.m.

"It's already that late..." She got out of the bed and went to her bathroom.
"I better take a shower." She muttered, then she realized something, embarrassing.
"Who changed my clothes? The last thing I remember last night is that I drank Zoro's sake... oh... crap..." She reached her phone and called Nami.
"Hi Robin." Said Nami from the other side of the phone.
"Hi Nami. Do you... by any chance... know who changed my clothes last night?" Said Robin.
"Oh, yeah, I do. Zoro changed your clothes."
"Nah, just kidding. I changed your clothes. But Zoro was there." Said Nami, and she giggled.
"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight. You changed my clothes and Zoro was there? What was going on last night?" Asked Robin.
"Well, you got drunk."
"Yeah I know that."
"And Zoro carried you back."
"Did I do anything embarrassing?" Asked Robin, a bit nervous.
"Nope." Said Nami, but she really wanted to say yes.
"Thank god. But what was Zoro doing when you were changing my clothes?" Asked Robin, feeling slightly nervous again.
"Did he see my nude body?"
"Of course not! He's not like Sanji-kun. Every time I was change my bra, or clothes, or whatever that's covering my body, at home, he always tries to break into my room, and he... uh... seems to know the exact time whenever I'm changing my clothes.... well... never mind." Said Nami, and she frowned. Robin giggled.
"But seriously, he really did respect you. He didn't even try to peek you when you were half naked." Said Nami.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that." Said Robin.
"Ok, then. See you at school." Said Nami cheerfully.
"Ok, bye." Said Robin, and she hung up the phone. She looked at herself in the mirror.
"Thank you, Zoro. For being a gentleman." She smiled, and started to shower.

Monday morning at school--

Robin walked into the classroom. It was only 6:30, but still, she was the second person to arrive.
"You're sleeping again." Said Robin quietly, and she sat down next to Zoro.
"...I'm not sleeping." Said Zoro.
"Then what were you doing just now?" Asked Robin.
"I was... just having a meditation." Said Zoro.
"Really? Lie down while having a meditation? That's called 'sleeping', you know?" Said Robin.
"Whatever." Said Zoro, and he went back to have his 'meditation' again.
"Hey, thank you for what you did on Friday night." Said Robin in a soft voice.
".....Anytime....." He muttered, and he started to snore.
"Should I do this... again?" She thought, and pulled out her marker. This time, she drew three whiskers on each side of his cheek, and wrote 'could someone please take me home? I'm homeless ' on his forehead(what a wide forehead), and of course, a scar on his left eye.
"Wow, I'm a genius." Robin thought, and she took a picture. More and more students came into the classroom. Everyone, maybe it was because the Halloween party was over, looked rather down than usual.
"GOOOOD~~ MORNING~~!!!!" Luffy shouted when he entered the classroom.
"SHUT UP!! Luffy! There's someone who wants to sleep here!!" Zoro yelled back, and Luffy saw his face.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Luffy started to laugh like an idiot.
"What?" Snapped Zoro.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Usopp and Chopper joined him.
"What!" Said Zoro, annoyed.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" This time, Nami, Sanji, Franky and Brook joined the three, even Robin was giggling very hard.
"I say one more time. WHAT THE FUCK IS ON MY FACE!!!!!!" Zoro yelled, and Nami held out a mirror.
"Yes?" Said Robin, still giggling very hard.
"Damn woman..." Said Zoro, and he got up to wash his face.
"Oh God! That was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my freaken life." Said Sanji, still laughing.
"Did you take a picture?" Asked Chopper.
"Yes, of course." Said Robin. Zoro walked back.
"God damn it Robin! Stop drawing on my face." Said Zoro angrily.
"Well, it actually suited you very well. 'Could someone please take me home? I'm homeless' God! Who would want an idiot like you?" Said Sanji, smirking.
"What did you say? You pervert cook!" Said Zoro, some veins appeared on his forehead.
"I said you're pathetic. Shitty Marimo!" Said Sanji.
"Stop it!! That's enough!!! Shanks' coming!!!" Said Nami, and she yanked the two's ears and pulled them to their seat.
"Oh shit! Stop it Nami! That hurts! " Said Zoro, holding his ears, and Sanji's eye turned into a heart again.
"Then stop being childish!" Said Nami.
"Damn it! Woman..." Zoro muttered, and Shanks entered the room.
"Morning class. We have a new student today. Come on, don't be shy, will you introduce yourself to the class?" Said Shanks kindly, and Robin woke Zoro up. He fell into sleep again just now.
"Ok I'm Tashigi--" She started introducing herself, but she was cut off by a yell and a loud bang.
"K-KUINA!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!?!?!" Zoro yelled, and everyone looked at him in disbelief.
"What??" Said Tashigi, a bit confused.
"OH MY HOLY MOTHER FUCKING CRAPY GOD!!! Am I in a dream?! Or am I dead? Or--"
"SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!" Shouted Tashigi.
"I'm not that Kuina you were talking about!"
"Y-You're not?" Asked Zoro, still on the floor.
"Yes! My name is Tashigi! Remember that! Idiot!" She shouted angrily.
"Oh.... this is awkward..." Shanks sighed.
"Well, sorry about that, Tashigi. Could you please continue your introduction?" Said Shanks.
"Oh, yeah, right. My name is Tashigi. I'm training to become a Kenshi now and I'm really into swords and my goal is to collect all the greatest swords in the world one day." Said Tashigi, and everyone clapped.
"Ok, that's great. You may take your seat now." Said Shanks, and Tashigi went to a seat near Robin.
"Ok class, playtime's over. Take out your textbook and turn to page 57."

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