The Final Exam

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Hey yo~~
Here's chapter No. 32~~
Please enjoy :D~~~

"Congratulations." Said Robin and Vivi after Nami went in Robin's room.
"Thanks." Said Nami weakly.
"What's wrong, Nami-san? Is everything alright?" Asked Vivi.
"I just.......feel so bad......" Said Nami, and she started to cry again.
"Nami....." Said Robin quietly.
"Calm down, ok? Nami-san? Everything was back to normal now, cheer up." Said Vivi softly, patting her back.
"But his hands......he can't even hold a pencil now, how's he gonna do the exams tomorrow? And he told me before....a chef's hands are his life and soul.....I just....can't forgive myself....." She buried her face in her hands, and her body was shaking.
"Nami, I'm sure he'll be fine. We have two doctors in our gang." Said Robin.
"Yeah, I know, but...."
"It's ok, Nami-san, let's sleep now. You didn't sleep much lately. You need some rest, I think we all need some rest."  Said Vivi. There was a silence, and slowly, Nami nodded, and Robin turned off the lights.
"Hey." Said Nami.
"Yes?" Said the two girls.
"What do you think Luffy's doing right now?" Asked Nami.
"Dunno, maybe he's already asleep?" Said Vivi.
"No, that's impossible. I bet he's playing some games like Super Mario Bros or Pokemon now." Said Robin.
"Oh, yeah, and Ace is playing with him." Said Nami, the three girls giggled and all dozed off.

At Luffy's house--

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Darn it!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, and he threw himself onto his bed.
"Lame, Luffy, you're too weak, train harder!" Said Ace, smirking.
"Not fair!! You got a badass level 100 Dialga and the strongest one of mine is only a level 68 Garchomp!!"
"I told you, train harder, and use your brain! Also, still can't understand why you killed Palkia instead of catching it when you met it. You'll get a much stronger team if you didn't." Said Ace, pointing at his forehead.
"What're you two doing here now?" Asked Sabo, standing at Luffy's door.
"We're having a battle!" Said Luffy, rolling on his bed.
"Battling in Pokemon?" Asked Sabo.
"Yeah!" Said Ace. Sabo sighed.
"Ace, it's almost eleven now and tomorrow's Luffy's final exam, shouldn't you be helping him reviewing his exam contents instead of playing video games with him? And stop playing that stupid game." Said Sabo.
"Hey! Pokemon's not a stupid game!" Said Luffy.
"Yeah! It's freaken awesome!" Said Ace, and Luffy nodded. Sabo sweat dropped.
".....Whatever you say, it's getting late, you'd better go to bed, Luffy." Said Sabo.
"Well, he's right, Luffy, let's play after your exams are over. Go to bed now." Said Ace, and he got up and walked to the door.
"Fine. Good night." Said Luffy, and his two brothers went back to their rooms.
"Hm, by the sound of it they're playing Diamond & Pearl. So there're actually still some people playing those versions. I thought they've already been out of production." Thought Hancock.
"Maybe I'll go and challenge him later this week...." She thought, looking at her NDS on her bookshelf.

Next day morning at school--

The final exam had finally come. The atmosphere in the classroom was very tense, and everyone was doing the final review quietly.
"Sanji-kun, are your hands alright?" Asked Nami.
"Yeah, thanks, Nami-san. It's a lot better now." Said Sanji. His fingers weren't swollen and red anymore, but they still look a bit numb.
"I'm glad you're getting better, and I'm very sorry....." She said the last few words quietly, looking away from his eyes.
"It's ok, really, I'm fine now. Don't feel guilty." Said Sanji, and he hugged her. And the bell rang.
"Good morning, class." Shanks walked into the classroom with a pile of exam paper ten seconds after the bell rang.
"Are you ready?" Asked Shanks, and everyone nodded.
"Ok, the exam is going to start in five minutes. Get ready." Said Shanks, and five minutes later the bell rang again.
"Alright, here we go!" The final exams had finally begun.


"A bit hard." Thought Luffy.

"A little bit difficult." Thought Usopp.

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