Special Chapter - My Birthday

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Hi, it's my birthday. Here's a...uh...short, not-related-to-the-main-story chapter. Enjoy :D~~~

Me: Hey! Today's my birthday!!

*No responses*

Me: Why~~~~~~~ (walking away miserably)

Luffy: Hey don't go!! (stretches out a hand and grabs me)

Me: Arghhhhh!!!!! (smashes into a cake)

Everyone: Happy birthday!!!

Me: (got out of the cake) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! Presents???

*Luffy grabs a big chunk of meat out of nowhere*

Luffy: Here!!

Me: .....Thanks!!!

Nami: Here!! Oranges!! *hands me a bag of oranges*

Zoro: Katana!

Sanji: The cake you just smashed into!

Usopp: The Story Of The Great Warrior Master Usopp!! *hands me a book*

Chopper: Cotton candy!!

Robin: History book!

Franky: Aw!! Super~ cola!!

Brook: Yohohoho!! A Laboon stuff animal~~

Law: A hundred hearts from a hundred pirates. *gives me a big box*

Me: ...........................

Monet: Snowman.

Bonney: Pizza enough for a year!! *a pizza mountain appears out of nowhere*

Kid: Wires. *gives me some wires*

Me: .............................

*everyone gives me my presents*

Me: Thank you!!!

Luffy: Anything else you want?? *grinning*

Me: Yes!! I want Robin-- *Zoro punches me in the face*

Me: Then Nami-- *Sanji kicks me in the face*

Me: .....ow.....Monet--*Law uses room and slashes me into pieces*

Me: .......Hancock....please??

Luffy: Shishishishi!! Hancock, you won't mind, will you?? *Hancock petrifies me*

Luffy: Hahahahahaha!!! You're funny!! Hancock, turn him back, ok?? *luffy hugs her and she turned me back*

Me: I do not dare to ask for Bonney.....

Kid: What did ya say??

Me: Nothing!! *flinch*

Law: You still want some more presents?? *Law glares at me*

Me: Fine.......... Hey Doffy!!! Mingo!!! Doflamingo!!!!!!!!

Doflamingo: What?? *comes out from somewhere*

Luffy: Why did you bring him here?????

Me: Cuz I freaken want to!!!

Doflamingo: Why am I here??

Me: Today's my Bday!!

Doflamingo: So what??

Me: Give me presents!!

Doflamingo: ......Fine. What do you want??

Me: Take off your sunglasses!! *veins appears on his forehead*

Nami: There's whole lot of things in the world to ask for a present, and you chose that!

Usopp: You trying to get yourself killed??

Me: Take them off!!

Doflamingo: No.

Me: Take them off take them off!!

Doflamingo: No!

Me: Take them off take them off take them off!!

Doflamingo: No!!

Me: Take them off take them off take them off take them off!!!!!

Doflamingo: NO!!!! *everyone backs away*

Me: Take them off take them off take them off take them off take them off!!!!!!!!!

Doflamingo: .......Tamaito!!! *I get shot in the chest*

Usopp and Nami and Chopper: Ahhhhhh!!!!!! You're dead!!!!!!!!

Me: No I'm not. *get up from the floor*

Usopp and Nami and Chopper: You survived!!!!!

Me: Yeah yeah. So are you taking them off or not??

Doflamingo: ........Fine. *takes off his sunglasses*

Me and everyone: Whoa!!!!!!

Doflamingo: Okay, you all saw my eyes. Now you all die. Torikago!!! *strings appear and we're all trapped*

Me: Ya!!! Everyone!!! Let's die together!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!

Everyone: Fuck NO!!!!!!!!



Yep, that's how it ends. My birthday with Luffy and the others and Doflamingo ends up in the birdcage.

I know it makes no sense and maybe it's not funny at all, but still thanks for reading!!! And please comment and vote!!!

Happy birthday to me!!!!!

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