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Chapter eight~
Enjoy~ :)

Early in the morning at school--

"It's 6:30 in the morning, maybe no one will be in the classroom." Robin muttered to herself. She walked into the room, not expecting to see anyone. But to her surprise, someone was in there, and it was the person who she thought would never come to school early, Roronoa Zoro. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she didn't imagine that, and smiled. She sat down next to him and pulled out a story book and started to read.
Suddenly, Zoro snored, very loudly, and that nearly made Robin jump out of her chair. She stared at him for a few seconds, and took out a marker and started to draw on his face.
"Hm...What should I draw?" Robin muttered. She drew a pair of glasses, mustache and a scar on his left eye.
"Perfect." Robin said to herself, satisfied. She took a picture of him and continued reading her book.
"Robin.........." Muttered Zoro.
"Yes?" Answered Robin, but he didn't say a word after he said her name.
"Maybe he was just sleep talking." Robin giggled.
"Don't even try to touch her... You freaken bastard..." He muttered again.
"....?" Robin was now a bit confused.
"What's he dreaming about?" Robin poked him, but he didn't move. She poked him again, and this time he muttered something like "I'll protect your back." and "Go get the police."
"Maybe he's dreaming about that Arlong incident." She went back on reading her book.
"Robin..." He muttered her name again.
"Yes?" Said Robin.
"Don't...." He paused, after a few seconds, he continued.
"Leave me....."
"Eh?" She was a bit shock of what she just heard.
"Wait... Don't...." He muttered. Robin stared at him.
"WAIT!!!" He yelled, and he straightened up, but it seemed that he was still asleep. He started to shake, shaking madly.
"Wait... Don't go... No... ROBIN!! Not like Kuina--" She hugged him, very tightly. And she started to comfort him.
"Shh... It's ok, calm down."
"Wha- where--"
"You're in the classroom, maybe you had a nightmare, but it's alright now. I'm here." Said Robin, and Zoro stopped shaking.
"Oh... Just a dream..." Said Zoro, and he fell back to sleep again. Robin was still hugging him, thinking about what just happened.
"Maybe I'll ask him later." Robin said to herself, thinking who Kuina was. And Nami entered the room.
"Hi! Robin-- Wow! What happened?" Said Nami, pointing at Zoro.
"Oh, noting much. he just had a bad dream, I guess."
"Was it really that simple? Why are you hugging him like that?" Asked Nami.
"I was comforting him just now." Answered Robin.
"Okay...?" Said Nami, and she sat down behind them.
"I better not miss this chance." Nami took out her phone and took a picture of the two, and smiled. More and more students entered the classroom and Zoro woke up.
".....Wha- Did I just had a nightmare or something? I think I was hugged by someone...?" Muttered Zoro, still not wide awake.
"Maybe." Said Robin, and she giggled.
"Hi guys!" Luffy entered the classroom, and he saw Zoro's face.
"Hahahahahahaha!! Zoro! What happened to your face? Shishishishishishi!" Said Luffy, laughing.
"What? What's on my face?" Robin held out a mirror and let Zoro see his face.
"WHAT THE--" Said Zoro angrily.
"Who drew on my face??"
"I did." Said Robin.
"...Tsk! Woman!" He stood up with an annoyed look on his face and went to wash his face.
"Robin, did you take a picture?" Asked Nami.
"Of course." Said Robin, and they all laughed.
"Hi! Class. Good morning." Shanks entered the room, and everyone went back to their seat and took out their textbook.
"In this lesson, you are all going to write a poem, or a short paragraph, or a short sentence, or whatever to express yourselves or deliver a message. In the end of the lesson, I'll ask you to read it out loud, so make it good, understand? Ok let's get started." Said Shanks, and everyone started to write.

30 minutes later--

"Ok, everybody should be done now. Who wants to be the first one?" Asked Shanks, and Luffy raised his hand.
"'Kay Luffy. Read it, please."
"Ok. My topic is 'Hero', and here it goes.
'I don't want to be a hero.
Because heroes always share their meat with others.
And I want to eat meat.'
Finished." Said Luffy, grinning. Everyone sweat dropped, even Shanks did as well.
"...Uh... That was very... Eh...unique." Said Shanks. And Luffy sat down, still grinning.
"I'll go next." Said Zoro, and he stood up.
"Ok, please read it out loud." Said Shanks.
"My topic is 'Sekai Saikyo no Kenshi'." And he cleared his throat.
"'My dream is to become the greatest Kenshi in the world, and I won't stop until I fulfill it."
"That's not bad." Shanks thought.
"But that's not a hero.
Because a hero always shares his sake to other people. And I want to drink sake.' Finished." Said Zoro, and he sat down. Again, everyone in the classroom sweat dropped.
"..............." It looked like Shanks was speechless.
"Okay....? Anyone wants to be the next?" Said Shanks.
"I'll be the next." Said Nami, and she stood up.
"Ok. My topic is 'Realized'.
'Our secret, vanished from the noisy crowd. Maybe some day, it will appear again when the two met. Grapes, they are purple. But, they are also green. Violet and emerald. Like the beauty and the beast.
This is fate, isn't it?'
Finished." Said Nami, she winked at Robin and sat down. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered, even Shanks was impressed.
"Nami-swan~~~~ That was so awesome~~ You're the best~~~" Said Sanji, and his eye turn into a heart.
"Ok, ok, calm down, class. Let's see, who wants to be the next?"---

Lunch time--

"Nami-swan~~ Do you want to have a cup of tea made by my love??" Said Sanji with a cup in his hand.
"Thank you, Sanji-kun." Said
Nami, and she took the cup, and that made him flew to the sky.
"Nami, where did you get the idea?" Asked Usopp.
"What?" Said Nami.
"About that poem stuff. That sounded like you wanted someone to understand something."
"Well, it just sort of came to my mind and I wrote it down." Nami giggled.
"Really?? You're awesome!! And the grape part was cool!! Where did you get the idea??" Asked Usopp, and Chopper joined him, too.
"Oh, about that, I saw the guy in front of me eating grapes when I was writing, and it just crossed my mind." Said Nami, and she smiled. She grabbed her lunch box and opened it, but it was empty.
"What the-- LUFFY!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Nami, and Luffy started to run away. She stood up and ran after him.
"Give my lunch back!!! You bastard!!!" Shouted Nami.
"Sorry Nami. I was just too hungry-- Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Somebody please help me!!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Bring more next time, then!!" Said Nami angrily after she hit Luffy in the face. Everyone sweat dropped.
"Yohohoho~ she's right Luffy-san, bring more tomorrow." Said Brook.
"That won't work. He'll still try to steal our food." Sighed Usopp.
"Ow! I SUPER~ agree with you!" Said Franky. And Robin giggled.
"Zoro, may I ask you a question?" Said Robin.
"What?" Said Zoro, half asleep.
"Who is Kuina?" Asked Robin, and Zoro straightened up.
"How did you--"
"You were yelling this name in the morning." Said Robin.
"....................." Zoro didn't answer.
"Zoro?" Said Robin softly.
"...Let's go to somewhere else. I don't want anyone else except you to know that." Both of them stood up and walked away. The others were too busy watching Nami pinching Luffy's face and didn't notice they left. They went to the garden and sat down on a bench.
"So, can you tell me now?" Asked Robin.
".....She was my childhood friend and opponent. We were in the same Kendo Dojo. I challenged her for two thousand and one times and I lost every time. One day, she told me she wanted to be a boy like me, who can fulfill the dream to become the greatest Kenshi in the world without those troublesome girl problems. And I promised her that we will both fight for our dream. But the next day, she died, because she fell off the staircase. So I swore, I will become the greatest Kenshi in the world, no matter what!"
"....I'm sorry...." Said Robin.
"...It's ok, just don't tell anyone. I never shared this piece of secret to anyone, not even Luffy. You're the first one to know." Said Zoro.
"So... you didn't want me to leave you... like Kuina..." Muttered Robin.
"Hm? What did you just say?" Asked Zoro.
"Nothing. Let's go. The bell is going to ring."
"Okay...........?" They stood up, and went back to find Luffy and the others. They didn't know, but fate, was pulling them closer and closer to each other.

Yes!! Chapter eight!!
Well, that poem thing took me a long time to write, though they don't rhyme, and I'm not sure if you can call them poem or not. Anyway, hope you like it. :3


Thanks for reading~~~~~~

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