The Concert At Sabaody Dome

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Here's chapter seventeen~
Enjoy :D ~~

In the office building--

"Hey, what did you guys meet in the last part of the Thriller Bark?" Asked Luffy, stuffing food in his mouth.
"Ve vet a bunny ay falled Moriah."
"Manners, Luffy! Don't talk when there's food in your mouth!" Said Sanji.
"There're ladies at this table."
"Hehe, sorry." Said Luffy as he swallowed his food.
"We met a weird girl." Said Chopper.
"Yeah, and it was she who made those makes-people-down ghosts." Added Usopp.
"We met a crazy doctor." Said Law quietly.
"A doctor?" Asked Chopper curiously.
"Yes. His name's Hogback." Said Law.
"That famous doctor?"
"Yeah, but he's nuts, can't be called as a doctor now. And I think he's the one who made that dog." Said Law.
"What about you, Sanji?" Asked Luffy.
"We met that pervert." Said Sanji, looking a bit angry again.
"Hm, you don't have the right to call someone a pervert, stupid cook." Said Zoro, and he smirked.
"Eh? Marimo, you want to get kick in the ass?"
"Like hell you can do that."
"You want to fight? You bastard!!"
"Bring it on! You shitty circle eyebrow cook--"
"Both of you idiots! CUT IT OUT!!!" Shouted Nami, and she punched the two in the face.
"How long are you going to act like this? Stop being childish!"
"As long as that stupid circle eyebrow doesn't admit I'm better than him." Said Zoro.
"No! I'll never admit this stupid Marimo is better than me!" Sanji shouted.
"Wanna fight?"
"Yeah! I'll kick you right in the face you--"
"DO YOU TWO EVER LEARN THE LESSON???" Shouted Nami and she kicked them right in the butt.
"....They never change, right?" Asked Vivi.
"Yeah." Said everyone.
"So, what are we going to do now? It's getting bored." Said Kid, and he yawned.
"I still want to eat." said Luffy.
"Let's play truth or dare." Said Nami, ignoring Luffy.
"Oh, yeah. I got so many things to ask you guys." Said Vivi.
"I'm not playing that." Said Kid, Law, Zoro and Sanji.
"No, you're all going to play. Zoro, Sanji-kun, this is the punishment for your misbehavior. Kid and Torao.... Bonney, Monet, help me." Said Nami, yanking the two's ear.
"Kid! Play with us!" Shouted Bonney, and she jumped onto Kid and pushed him against the floor.
"My my, this view is way too intense." Said Robin jokingly.
"Ow! Get off! Bonney!" Shouted Kid.
"No, if you don't say yes I'll sit on you until we finish the game~"
"....Fine.... just get off you pig." Said Kid, annoyed.
"Good boy." Said Bonney, and she gave him a kiss on his check.
"Now it's your turn, Law." Said Monet.
"Things like that won't work on me, Monet." Said Law, looking at Kid.
"Yes I know that, so, if you don't play the game you better watch out. I might tell everyone your every single little secret that you want no one to know...." Said Monet in a dangerous tone, and Law's face went pale.
"......Ok ok ok ok I'll play." Said Law.
"What are the secrets?" Asked Luffy curiously.
"You'll know later, maybe." Said Monet, smiling.
"Damn woman....." Muttered Law.
"Ok let's get started!" Said Nami, and everyone gathered together and formed a circle.
"Vivi you can go first, I'm sure you have a lot of things to ask us." Said Nami.
"Ok, thanks." Said Vivi, and she spun the bottle.
"Zoro, Mr. Bushido. Truth or dare?"
"Ok let's see... Do you still have no sense of direction?" Asked Vivi.
"No." Said Zoro.
"Yes." Everyone said in unison.
"Ok." Vivi giggled, and Zoro spun the bottle.
"Oh sweet, Monet. Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Said Monet, and Law's face went even paler than before.
"What's Law's little secret?" Asked Zoro evilly.
"Oh, well, actually, it's pretty cute. He still hugs a stuff animal when he sleeps. It's a polar bear and he named it Bepo." Said Monet. Everyone stared at him in disbelief.
"Seriously? The coolest, the coldest guy in the school still hugs a stuff animal while sleeping?" Said Zoro, and everyone burst into laughing.
"........SHUT UP you fucking assholes!!! I'm out of here!" Said Law angrily.
"Ok ok, we're sorry, don't go." Said Luffy, trying very hard not to laugh again.
"Tsk.... fine..." Frowned Law.
"Ok, my turn." Said Monet, and she spun the bottle, and it stopped at Nami.
"Ok Nami, truth or dare?"
"Um.... dare, I guess."
"Then..... go kiss Sanji for one minute." Said Monet.
"Ok, easy." Said Nami, and she pulled Sanji into a kiss.
"Nice one." Said Monet as she took a picture of the two.
"So uh... you're in relationship?" Asked Vivi.
"Uh-hm." Said Nami, still kissing Sanji.
"Ok, time's up." Said Monet.
"I love you.... Nami-san....." Said Sanji, and he fainted.
"Maybe I was a bit too passionate this time." Said Nami, and she spun the bottle.
"Vivi. truth or dare?" Asked Nami, this time the bottle stopped at Vivi.
"Ok, who's Kohza?" Asked Nami.
"Uh... can I skip this one?" Asked Vivi, and she started to blush.
"No, answer it."
"You'll just make fun of me..."
"Come on, just tell us, we won't laugh at you."
"Ok ok... he's my boyfriend." Said Vivi, and she buried her face in her hands.
"Aw... that's cute." Said Nami.
"This is just too embarrassing..." Said Vivi, still covering her face with her hands.
"Don't be shy. Tell you what, Luffy has a girlfriend too." Said Robin.
"Really? Who is it?" Asked Vivi, a bit shock.
"Me." Said Hancock, and Luffy pulled her into a hug.
"Wow... never thought things like that would happen..."
"Yeah, we know that." Said Sanji, he woke up just now.
"Hey can we meet him?" Asked Bonney.
"I'm afraid you can't. He's now working in Grand Line City now, but he said he'll be back soon." Said Vivi.
"Ok then, maybe we can meet each other someday in the future." Said Sanji.
"Yep. Let's get going, spin the bottle, please, Vivi." Said Nami
"Ok, let's see... Ace-san, truth or dare?"
"Huh? Wha.. oh, dare." He fell asleep a few minutes ago.
"Dare...ok, go kiss Sabo-san." Said Vivi.
"Ok... wait WHAT???" Shouted Ace.
"No way, don't drag me into this! I'm keeping my first kiss for Koala!" Shouted Sabo.
"Ok ok, you can kiss his hand instead."
".......Fine...." He got up, and walked to Sabo, the others were already laughing madly.
"...Man... what are teenagers thinking these days? How weird....."
"Yeah... just do it quickly, please." Said Sabo, and Ace pulled out his hand and kissed it.
"ok ok ok ok ok it's done." Said Sabo, pulling his hand away.
"Ew...... never thought I would do something like that....." Muttered Ace.
"Ok, now it's.... Zoro's turn again." The bottled stopped at Zoro again.
"Me again?"
"Yep, truth or dare?"
"Ok, uh....."
"Can you give me the opportunity to do it?" Asked Nami.
"Uh... yeah sure, I don't know what I should make him do anyways."
"Ok, go kiss Robin." Said Nami.
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Both of then exclaimed.
"Come on, five seconds only." Said Nami.
"That evil woman...." Zoro thought.
".....Fine.... only five seconds." Said Robin.
"You're letting me do that?" Asked Zoro, and he blushed, remembering what that day had happened.
"Just do it!" She hissed.
"Ok ok." And he leaned in and kissed her and everyone took a picture.
"Aw...... really cute." Said the girls.
"Looks like my Facebook is going to fill up with likes tomorrow." Said Hancock as she post the picture on her Facebook.
"Damn you mother fuckers." Spatted Zoro.
"Why do I get this feeling? Some how, it feels like this has already happened before...." Robin thought. They spent the whole evening playing truth or dare. At twelve o'clock, they decided to go to sleep.
"Nami, did you do that on purpose?" Asked Robin.
"Yeah, of course I did." Said Nami, smiling.
"But it felt like you know something I don't know." Said Robin sharply.
"Maybe, you'll have to found this out by yourself. Good night, Robin." Said Nami, and she jumped on her bed.
"Ok....? Have a nice dream."

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