The City Of Water - Water 7

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Here's chapter No.35~~~
Please enjoy :D~~~~

"Well, here we are." Said Conis. They were now standing at the entrance to the port, The Skypiea Port.
"I'll go buy the tickets now." Said Nami, and she walked to the box office.
"Aw!! Water 7!! Here I come!! Super~~~~" Shouted Franky.
"Aw!! Super!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, and everyone laughed.
"So Water 7 is your home town?" Asked Conis, smiling.
"Yeah! But my reputation there wasn't so good. I was the boss of the Franky Family." Said Franky.
"It's a gang." He added, looking at Luffy, Usopp and Chopper's blank expressions.
"So you were like a rogue?" Asked Conis.
"Yeah, well, more like a Hentai!! I'm a Super~ Hentai!! I was crazy back then. I still have the marks there." Said Franky, and they all laughed again.
"Hey, what's so funny??" Asked Nami, walking back to the gang.
"We're talking about Franky's life in Water 7." Said Usopp, still laughing.
"Oh, cool. Anyway, I got the tickets, and boys you all owe me 288 Belly." Said Nami.
"What?!" Shouted the boys.
"Pay me back twice, and, well, I'll make it easier to calculate. Each of you, 1000 Belly." She held out her hand. The boys looked speechless and the girls were giggling.
"Why only us??" Asked Zoro.
"'Cuz the girls gave me their money, and you idiots didn't." Said Nami, poking his forehead.
".....So you're planning this from the beginning..." Muttered Kid.
"Nami-ya....." Muttered Law. Luffy and the others jaws dropped on the floor.
"Nami!! How could you do that!!!" Shouted Luffy and Usopp.
"But it's natural to pay back after you borrowed money." Said Nami innocently.
"Quit acting like that!!" Shouted Usopp, and everyone sweat dropped.
"Alright, alright. I'll forgive you guys this time. But next time..." She grinned evilly.
"Ok ok we know! If we owe you we'll have to pay you back tenfold." Said Usopp impatiently, and Sanji kicked him.
"Don't talk to Nami-san like that!" Said Sanji, looking at Usopp, who was moaning on the floor.
"You got me. Let's go everyone, the ferry's going to leave in..." She looked at her watch.
"...fifteen minutes." Said Nami, and Usopp got up from the floor.
"Okay, see you. It's really good to meet you. I had a great time." Said Conis, smiling.
"We should thank you, Conis." Said Nami, and she hugged her.
"Thank you for everything, hope we'll meet again." Said Robin, smiling.
"See ya!! Conis!!" Said Luffy, walking away and waving at her.
"Luffy!! Everyone!! Heso!!" She waved, and everyone nodded and waved her goodbye. They boarded the ferry.
"Kyaaaaa!! This ferry is golden!!!!!" Shouted Nami when she saw the ferry.
"Skypiea!!!!!!" Shouted Chopper as he took a last look of the Skypiea Port.
"Chopper...." Said Zoro, a bit speechless.
"Hey, who're you??" Asked Luffy. A man with very long earlobes was standing in front of them.
"Me? Yahahaha!! My name's Enel. I'm the captain of Maxim, this ferry." Said Enel, eating an apple.
"Why're you standing in our way?" Asked Luffy.
"Well, I gotta check you tickets, don't I?" Said Enel.
"Are you a Skypiean?" Asked Usopp.
"Yeah, I am. I was the mayor, but I got bored and wanted to have some fun, so, I'm here. Yahahaha!!" Said Enel, and he took another bite of the apple.
"What an irresponsible mayor...." Muttered Law.
"May I... May I ask a question?" Asked Nami.
"Yeah, go ahead." Said Enel.
"Is this ferry... made of genuine gold??" Asked Nami, and her eyes turned into 'Belly'.
"Hm? Yahahaha, of course not! Silly girl, I'm rich, but not that rich. Yahahaha!!" Said Enel, laughing. Nami sighed.
"Well, I gotta go now, we're about to depart. Have fun, kids." Said Enel, and he walked away.
"He's a weirdo." Said Usopp.
"Yeah, and do you notice that? He doesn't wear shoes." Said Sanji.
"And those drums sticking out of his back! And his earlobes!" Said Chopper.
"So he's a freak!! Whoa!! Let's ask him to be our friend!!!" Shouted Luffy, and Nami punched his head.
"Quit that weird habit of yours! Don't ask anyone to be our friend just because that person is weird!!" Shouted Nami.
"Yohohoho!! Luffy-san, we already have enough freaks in our gang." Said Brook.
"Wow, that's so convincing." Said Kid.
"Hey, how long does it take to get there?" Asked Franky.
"About five hours." Said Nami, and she took out a magazine and started to read.
"So what do we do now? Stare at the ocean?" Asked Zoro.
"Do whatever you want, stupid Marimo." Said Sanji, snickering.
"Eh? What did you say you shitty circle brow! You wanna fight??" Said Zoro, veins appeared on his forehead and neck.
"Yeah!! I'll keep kicking you until you admit I'm better!!" Shouted Sanji, but before they could even start the fight Nami punched them and they flew in the ocean.
"Go calm your stupid brains down!!" Shouted Nami
"Hey Usopp, Chopper!! Battle!!" Shouted Luffy, taking out his 3DS.
"Oh yeah!!!" Shouted the two, taking out theirs.
"Luffy, may I?" Asked Hancock, waving her NDS.
"What?? Hancock you play Pokemon too?" Asked Luffy, surprised.
"Yeah, I heard you and Ace playing the night before the final exam." Said Hancock.
"Oh ok! Let's battle!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Don't lose! Luffy!" Shouted Chopper.
"I heard you got your Garchomp to Lv. 100, right?? Don't lose!" Said Usopp excitedly.
"Ehhhhh!!!!!" Shouted Chopper when he saw Hancock's party, and his eyeballs flew out from his eyeholes.
"No way!!!" Shouted Usopp.
"What?? Let me see!" Said Luffy, and Hancock showed him her party.
"Wow damn!! Hancock your party is too badass!!!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Lv. 100 Serperior Lv. 100 Seviper Lv. 100 Arbok Lv. 100 Steelix Lv. 100 Dragonite and Lv. 100 Rayquaza??" Shouted Luffy.
"So, do you still want to battle?" Asked Hancock.
"Yeah! Of course! Chopper, Usopp! Let's team battle!! 2 v.s. 2!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Why?? Hancock, why???" Nami moaned, covering her face with her hands. Sanji, Zoro, and the others, who were staring them for a long time, all sighed. About three and a half hour later, maybe it was because of the weather, fog started to surround the ferry.
"Passengers, please listen up!" Enel's voice came out from the speaker.
"We are going through the Twin Cape now, it's going to be a bit bumpy, but don't worry, we won't crash, because I'm the God! Yahahaha!!" His voice faded, and the ferry sailed into the foggy cape.
"Is it really safe?" Asked Usopp.
"Dunno, if it's not safe we'd drown already." Said Robin, smiling.
"Sounds horrible." Said Monet, reading a book.
"Hey, guys, we're in a cape, right?" Asked Zoro.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" Said Nami.
"Is it normal that there's a mountain in a cape?" Asked Zoro, pointing to their right.
"Normally not, but--" Nami was cut off, by Brook's scream.
"LABOON!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Brook.
"Laboon?!?!" The others all exclaimed.
"It's him!! I'm sure!! I'm 100% sure!! It's Laboon!!!!" He shouted, tears poured out of his eyeholes.
"C-Calm down, Brook! Is it really Laboon?" Asked Usopp.
"Yeah!! Didn't you hear his cry?? That's him!!" Shouted Brook.
"Really? I thought it was thunder or something." Said Luffy.
"Yes!! It's him!! I don't know why, but I just know!!!" Shouted Brook, and he ran to the edge of the ferry.
"Gather up all of the crews, it's time to ship out Bink's brew...." Brook shouted at the black, gigantic figure next to the ferry, but the others pulled him back.
"Brook, I know you're excited and dying to see him now, but you'll fall into to the sea if you go that close. If we didn't grab you you'd fall in!" Said Luffy, trying to calm him down.
".......I know, I was a bit too excited. Sorry, it's fine now, I know he's alright, that's all I need to know." Said Brook, and he got to his feet.
"Though I didn't really see him, and I don't know wether he noticed me or not, but I know we will meet again someday. Like I said at the Dome, fate will bring us back together again, I'm sure about that, yohohoho." He took out his violin and started to play 'Bink's Sake'. Another hour passed, and they were out of the Twin Cope, and they could finally see sunlight again.
"Ah~~ we're back to the world of brightness~" Said Luffy, stretching his muscles.
"Hey, something's weird, why do I heard steam whistles?" Asked Usopp, looking at the ocean.
"Steam whistle? So she must be somewhere near us..." Muttered Franky.
"What's near us?" Asked Sanji, and train went pass them.
"PUFFING TOM!!!!!!" Shouted Franky.
"Whoaaa~~ a train is traveling above the ocean!!!!" Shouted Luffy and Chopper, their eyes turned into stars.
"She's always so beautiful...." Said Franky. He started to cry and shout words that couldn't be understood.
"This is so touching...." Said Luffy, also crying.
"Yeah, Franky's finally back to his hometown, the tears he's been stopping from pouring out are finally unstoppable. But no matter how he looks right now, he's back home. This is what you call 'the Romance of Men'...." Said Usopp, tears were stream down his face too.
"Wow~~ Usopp you not only sound like a philosopher, but also like a poet now!" Said Chopper with admiration.
"Seriously?? The only thing I see now is a howling gorilla." Said Nami. The girls all looked speechless.
"Nami-san, they're right this time. 'The Romance of Men' is a thing that women can never understand." Said Sanji, looking at the Puffing Tom disappearing at the horizon.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I don't want to understand that anyway." Said Nami.
"I-I'll go make a phone call." Said Franky, calming down a bit, and he walked away from them.
"Passengers, we're almost to our destination, Water 7. Please make sure you have you packs and luggages with you, the ferry's about to anchor in fifteen minutes, wish you all have a pleasant journey." Enel's voice came out from the speaker once again, and everyone started to pack their things back to their luggages, and all of them were ready to go. Fifteen minutes later Water 7 finally came into view, and the ferry stopped at the port.
"Franky!!!!!!!!" A little girl and a rabbit dashed toward them when they got off the ferry.
"Hey!! Chimney!! You look super~ good!! And Gonbe!! Nice to see ya!!" Shouted Franky, and the girl and the rabbit hugged his legs.
"You haven't come back for a long time!! We missed you a lot!!" The little girl called Chimney shouted, grinning, still hugging one of Franky's leg, and the rabbit called Gonbe meowed.
"Wait, is that creature a rabbit or a cat??" Asked Zoro.
"Don't be so rude." Said Robin, smiling.
"What? I'm just asking!" Said Zoro, a bit annoyed.
"That doesn't matter!! I need to go find my bros!! Chimney!! Gonbe!! Take them to Galley-La, will you?? Tell them they're my friends and they'll take them to the dorm, ok??" Said Franky.
"Ok, I will! See you!" Said Chimney, and Franky dashed away. They could hear him screaming some names like 'Zambai' and his sisters' name 'Mozu' and 'Kiwi'.
"Okay! Franky's friends please follow me! I'll take you to Galley-La." Said Chimney, and Gonbe meowed again.
"We have names, ya know." Said Kid, and Bonney slapped him on his arm.
"You'll scare them. Be nice." Said Bonney.
"But I'm already being nice." Snapped Kid, annoyed.
"No, you look like you're dying to kill someone." Said Bonney, shaking her head. Kid squatted down in front of Chimney and Gonbe.
"Do I look scary?" He asked. The two stared at him for a while, and Chimney squeezed both of his cheeks.
"No, you're cute!" Said Chimney, still squeezing his cheeks, and everyone burst into laughing. Kid's brow twitched, and his mouth curled into a weird shape.
"Let's go! Franky's friends! Let's go to Galley-La now!" Said Chimney cheerfully, and she walked off, and everyone followed her.
"Eustass-ya, we're leaving." Said Law, and Kid snapped out of his thoughts.
"Right, coming." He mumbled, and he stood up and followed them.
"Did you just smile?" Asked Bonney, poking his cheek.
"Do that again and I'll kill you." He threatened.
"He did." Law muttered.
"You call that a smile?" Asked Monet, looking at Kid.
"Yeah, it's the closest expression." Said Law.
"Hey wait!! I wanna go see Merry!! Where is she??" Said Luffy.
"Oh, you mean that ship? It's at the shore, I'll take you there later!" Said Chimney, looking up at Luffy.
"Ok. Wow, Merry!! Can't believe it's already been three years!!" Said Luffy, excited.
"Yeah, I miss her!! Can't wait anymore!!" Said Usopp, also very excited. After twenty minutes of walking, they arrived at the entrance to Galley-La.
"I'll go find someone, wait a second." Said Chimney, and she and Gonbe went inside.
"Whoa!! This place really is full of boats and ships." Said Vivi. Boats and ships, new and old, finished and unfinished, they were everywhere. A few minutes later a man walked out with Chimney and Gonbe.
"Hello, my name is Iceburg. I'm the head of this company, the mayor of Water 7, and Franky's older brother. Welcome to Water 7!" Said Iceburg with a smile.
"No way! This polite, handsome, looks-really-smart guy is Franky's brother??" Asked Luffy in disbelief.
"We're not blood-related. Our step-father, Tom, adopted us." Said Iceburg.
"Oh, so the situation now is like when we first met Ace and Sabo." Said Nami. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper and Vivi nodded.
"I'll take you to the dorm and show you around. Come on in." Said Iceburg, he gestured them to follow, and they walked inside. The dorm was big and comfortable. Everyone put their stuff and Iceburg led them to the working area.
"Customers and visitors aren't allowed in this area, but you're Franky's friends, so I'll make an exception and let you all in." He said, and the all nodded.
"Hey, hold on, isn't that Rob Lucci and Kaku?" Said Usopp, pointing at two workers.
"Hm? Oh, you're right! Oi!! Lucci!! Kaku!!" Luffy shouted, and the two turned and faced them.
"Oh, Mugiwara, it's you." Said, instead of Lucci, a pigeon sitting on his shoulder.
"Why aren't you talking?" Asked Usopp blankly.
"I am talking." Said the pigeon, and Kaku walked to them.
"Hey there. Didn't expect we'll meet here." Said Kaku, beaming at them.
"Oi, Lucci, are you dumb?" Asked Luffy.
"Ah!! It's ventriloquism!! Isn't it??" Said Nami and Vivi together.
"Correct! My name is Hattori, nice to meet you." Said the pigeon, clapping.
"Oi!! Those two over there!! Get back to work!!" A man standing not far away from them shouted.
"Paulie, they're my guest--" Iceburg was cut off by Paulie's scream.
"Hooooooaaaaa!!!! You shameless women!!!!" Shouted Paulie.
"Not again....." Hattori mumbled.
"What??" Snapped the girls.
"You're showing too much of your thighs!!!! And your cleavages!!!" He shouted, pointing at Nami.
"What?? This is fashion! You know?? And watch where you're pointing your filthy finger!!" Shouted Nami, and she slapped him.
"Um.... miss...... please...." Said Iceburg.
"Oh! I'm sorry! Sorry!" Said Nami hastily, and they noticed everyone was staring at them.
"Iceburg-san, you have a meeting in thirty minutes, and you'll have dinner with the manager at seven. Please do not forget." A woman walked out the building with a folder in her hand.
"No! I'm not having those crappy meetings and boring dinners!!" Said Iceburg, and everyone sweat dropped.
"Okay then, I'll cancel all of them." The woman said, and everyone sweat dropped again. Then Luffy and his gang recognized her, she was Kalifa.
"Kalifa?? What're you guys doing here?" Asked Nami, looking at her.
"Oh, hi. We work here. We come here every summer and work part time here." She said.
"It's already been five years." Said Hattori on Lucci's shoulder.
"Hahaha, Lucci, I made up my mind now, I'll call you Pigeon-guy from now on!" Said Luffy, grinning.
"Whatever you want." Said Hattori in an I-don't-care tone.
"Hey, ossan, when're you going to bring us to Merry?" Asked Luffy, yanking Iceburg's sleeve.
"You do not talk to Iceburg-san like that!!" Shouted Kalifa, kicking him away.
"I'll warn you now, it's scary when Kalifa gets mad, and she won't care who she's kicking." Said Iceburg, and his face was also full of bruises.
"..................." They all looked speechless.
"Hooaaaa!!!! Kalifa!!! You're as shameless as those sluts!!!! Cover you thighs!!!!" Paulie shouted again.
"This is sexual harassment!" Said Kalifa. And this time Nami, Bonney and Hancock all smacked him in the face.
"Who're you calling sluts!!!!!" Shouted the three girls.
"Paulie, just try not to look next time." Said Kaku, helping him to get up from the ground.
"Fine..." He mumbled.
"Well, everyone get back to work!! Paulie you'll be in charge when I'm not around here, alright? See you in the evening." Said Iceburg, and he walked away, leading Luffy and the others to where Going Merry was.
"Here we are." Said Iceburg after twenty minutes of walking. They were now at a shore, and Going Merry was floating in front of them peacefully.
"MERRY!!!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy, Chopper and Usopp, and they rushed toward her and jumped onto her.
"My personal seat!!!" Luffy shouted, and he hopped on the prow of Merry.
"Yahooo~~~ this feels sooooo good!!!!" Luffy shouted, and the rest of them walked on Merry.
"She's still as beautiful as she has always been." Said Robin, looking at the three shouting and jumping excitedly.
"She sure does bring back a lot of memories." Said Zoro, looking at the mast.
"She looks nice. Did you really build it by yourselves?" Asked Hancock.
"Yeah, we did, but a guy called Merry helped us. And it was he who designed her." Said Luffy, swinging on the prow.
"Hey guys! Now we know Merry is still fine and nice and beautiful, let's go shopping!!!" Shouted Nami.
"No!! You girls can go, but we're going to explore the city!!" Said Luffy, and Usopp and Chopper nodded.
"What's the difference? Shopping is walking through the city, and exploring is walking through it too." Said Nami.
"No!! Shopping is boring, and exploring not only is walking through the city, it's an adventure!!!!!" Shouted the three boys.
"Fine, we'll go shopping, and you can go have your adventure." Said Nami.
"Yahoo~~ adventure~~ and Usopp, Chopper, Zoro, Sanji, let's stay here tonight!" Said Luffy excitedly.
"Yeah!!!" Shouted the two.
"Sounds good, and Nami-swan~~ Robin-chwan~~ do you wanna stay??" Said Sanji, his eye turning into a heart.
"No thanks, though I really want to, I'll stay in the dorm." Said Nami.
"Okey, if you're all settled, I'll take you to the city hall now." Said Iceburg, and the girls all followed.
"Hey Chopper, you wanna come?" Asked Nami.
"No uh... I prefer--"
"I'll buy you some cotton candy." Said Nami, and Chopper's eyes turned into stars.
"Ok!! I'll come with you!!" Said Chopper happily, and he ran to the girls. Nami turned and faced them, smirking evilly.
"He abandoned us again, and for the same reason....." Said Usopp miserably. Nami had already 'kidnapped' Chopper once when they were at the Fishmen Island Mall in Alabasta Okoku.
"She's a demon." Said Zoro.
"She definitely is." Said Law.
"Well, he'll come here in the evening. Torao, you wanna stay?" Asked Luffy. Law, Kid and Brook shook their head.
"We'll stay in the dorm. It's your memories, we'll probably ruin them if we're here." Said Law, and he smirked.
"Oh, okay then." Said Luffy, and he punched his fists to the air.
"Let's get started already!!!! The adventure in Water 7!!!!!!" He shouted. And the adventure, or maybe, the disaster, had begun.

Yeah!!!!! I'm done writing this chap!!!!
It's going be awesome in the next few chapters, I've already got something good in my mind!!

Followers?? Anyone??

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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