Special Chapter : First Anniversary On Wattpad

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Hello readers!!! I can't believe I forgot!!! 2015/05/05 was the day I started this story!!! I forgot to celebrate!!!! Arghhhh here's the special chapter!!! Enjoy!!

Me: Hey guys!! It's been a year!! (Pops out of no where)

Luffy: Yeah!! One whole year!! We've been to many place and fought many enemies!! (Punching his fists in the air)

Sanji: We've got stronger! And got girlfriends! Nami-swan~~ (Jumping toward Nami)

Zoro: Shut up! Stupid cook! You'll ruin the atmosphere! (Punches Sanji, and he dodged it)

Sanji: Eh?? Marimo you wanna fight?? Haven't you got Robin-chan too?? (Raising his leg)

Zoro: Yeah I have! But it has nothing to do with this now! (Pulling out his katanas)

Nami: Cut it now!! You two!! (Punches them in the face) It has everything to do with this! (Robin smiles)

Sanji: I knew Nami-swan would be on my side!! (Eye turns into a heart)

Robin: We all have to thank you, for pairing us and giving us such awesome and wonderful lives.

Ace: Speaking of pairing, why am I the one who doesn't get a freaken girlfriend?? (Veins appear on his forehead)

Sabo: Don't worry Ace, I know you can get one soon. Right? Koala? (Warps his hand around her waist)

Koala: Yeah, Sabo-kun. And Ace-san, don't give up this soon. (Smiles)

Ace: Are you two here to satirize me?? (Turns into fire)

Sabo: Holy shit!! Koala let's run!! (Seizes her hand and sprints off)

Ace: Get back here!! Higan!! (Fires fire at them)

Luffy: Whoa! Ace got angry! Shishishi!

Nami: (Sighs) Just leave them alone. There're still lots of people want to talk.

Chopper: Yeah! I'll go first! Thanks for everything!! (I smile and give him cotton candy) COTTON CANDY!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Franky: Aw!!! Super author-san!! Thanks for letting Tom-san live in this fic!! (Does his super~ pose)

Brook: Thanks for letting Laboon and I meet again! Though didn't face to face. Ah, I don't have a face, ah wait! I just don't have skin on my face!! Yohohohoho~~ (rolling on the floor, laughing)

Vivi & Carue: Thanks for letting us meet again and turning my country into such a charming park!! I love them so much!! Thanks!! (Carue jumping up and down happily)

Law: Thanks for letting Mugiwara-ya making me look so stupid. (With shadow covering his face)

Luffy: Shishishi! Don't say that! Torao! You're bound to be dumb at the time you joined my gang!! Shishishishi! (Grins and pats Law on the back. Law looks even gloomier)

Usopp: Hey why didn't I get to talk first?? I'm the Great Warrior Master Usopp!!

Zoro: Yeah yeah whatever. If you wanna say anything now just spit it out.

Usopp: (Hits Zoro with his Kabuto) Fine!! Thanks for making me such a mighty man!! (Pointing his thumb at his chest)

Hancock: Like hell you are. (Usopp turns into a gargoyle)

Kaya: Don't be so mean to him alright? (Usopp turns back to normal)

Usopp: Kaya thanks!! Love you so much!! (Hugs her, and she blushes madly and faints)

Usopp: Oi! Waaayaaaa!!! Chopper!!! (Runs to Chopper)

Bonney: Don't you think he's retarded?? (Monet giggles)

Kid: I'm pretty sure he is. And by the way, thanks a lot for giving me this pig. (Jerks his thumb toward Bonney with a gloomy face like Law)

Bonney: I'll eat you you asshole!! (Shouts and starts to bite him, and Kid runs away)

Monet: They actually make a really cute couple, don't they? (Looks at the two fighting)

Law: I don't care. (Monet giggles again)

Monet: Don't be so gloomy. I actually quite like our settings.

Shanks: Hey kids! What're you doing here?

Luffy: Ah Shanks! It's the author's first anniversary!

Shanks: Oh yeah! I forgot! (Slaps his forehead)

Me: It's fine. I forgot it myself as well. (Shanks laughs)

Shanks: Well then, let's just throw a party! Kids!! Got get some sake!!

Luffy/Zoro/Sanji: Meat!!/Sake!!/Girls in hot dresses!! (Nami, Bonney and Hancock punch Sanji in the face)

Me: Whoa guys! Calm down!

Kozha: Hey you dumbass!! Don't you dare start the party without us!! (A lot of people appear)

Vivi: Wow!! Kozha!!

Kozha: Vivi you say something!! This shitty guy only mentioned my name!! And those guys in the back didn't even get to be in the story!! (Shaking her shoulders)

Vivi: Stop it Kozha that's not my fault!!

Me: Okay!! You'll be in the story later!!

Mihawk: What about me? (Points his Yoru at my throat)

Me: (Gulp) You'll be in it as well...

A lot of people: What about us??

Me: TOO MUCH!!! (They start attacking me)


Everyone: What do you mean?? (Tilts their heads)

Me: I mean I'm gonna write the second part of this series!!!


Me: YEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! (Everyone starts to cheer)

Me: ALRIGHT!!!!! PARTYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: THANKS!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!! (The party starts)

Yeah!!!! First year on Wattpad ends!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! And if you want to ask me whether I really am going to write the second part, the answer is yes!! I will write the second part after this one ends. But I'm not sure when I will start writing it, but there will be a second part!! I promise!!!

Happy first anniversary to me!!

Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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