Back To School

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Here's another new chapter~
Please enjoy~~

Monday at school--

"The break's over......" Luffy groaned.
"Yeah..... we have to see that crapy Clown guy everyday again......." Said Usopp, and he sighed.
"And Vivi didn't call us... maybe she's not coming..." Said Nami quietly, and everyone sighed.
"Hey class, good morning." Said Shanks as he entered the classroom.
"Good morning...." Said everyone lazily.
"Looks like the atmosphere here's a bit down today. Cheer up. I got some good news here." Said Shanks.
"What's the news?" Asked Luffy, his head still on the desk.
"The sports days are coming." Said Shanks.
"Oh really??" Looked like this really was a good news to them. Everyone straightened up when they heard it.
"Yeah, don't let me down." Said Shanks, smiling.
"And there's another news."
"What is it?" Asked everyone excitedly.
"We have a new student." Said Shanks, pulling out the name list.
"Lucci will bring her here soon."
"Her? Could that be....?" Luffy and the other thought.
"Shanks, she's here." Lucci opened the door.
"Ok, come in, please." Said Shanks kindly, and the girl came in.
"VIVI!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Hi guys!" Said Vivi happily.
"Oh, so you already know each other?" Asked Shanks.
"Yes, well, only a few of them." Said Vivi, feeling slightly nervous.
"Ok, can you introduce yourself to your classmates? I'm pretty sure they all want to know who you are."
"Um... yes, alright. Hi everyone, my name is Nefertari Vivi--"
"You're Nefertari Cobra's daughter??" Exclaimed a student.
"Yes, he's my father. And I was home schooled for over three years, so I'm kinda nervous now.... I hope we can all become friends soon." She finished, and everybody clapped.
"Vivi, come sit here!" Nami waved at her, and she walked to her and sat down.
"Ok, now we're all settled. Turn to page 74." After one hour later, the class was finished and everyone got out of the classroom.
"Vivi! Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Nami when the went out of the room.
"I wanted to give you a surprise." Said Vivi.
"We thought you wouldn't come." Said Luffy.
"Well, I'm here now." Said Vivi happily.
"Hey by the way, I want to ask you guys something."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"About the X. You said it's invisible ink. Is that really your idea?" Asked Vivi.
"Oh uh.... about that.... it was a coincidence. Remember that day we pranked on Zoro? Drew on his face? It was Nami's idea to use invisible ink, and that's Grand Line Ultimate Invisible Ink, you can wash it off but you can also make it visible again by pouring the Reappear Ink, and after we did the prank you came and we played the game and I used the marker to draw the X." Said Luffy, and he scratched his head.
"Check this out!" Said Nami, and she poured the ink onto Zoro's face.
"Oh shit!! What the hell are you doing??" Said Zoro angrily.
"Nothing." Said Nami, and she burst into laughing.
"What??" Asked Zoro.
"Nothing, Roronoa Panda!" Said Robin, giggling very hard.
"What the...." She held out a mirror. And everyone burst into laughing.
".........I hate you guys...." He walked away to wash his face.
"Well, actually, thinking about it now, a super strong chemical is on the wrist of the seven of us and Zoro's face, and it'll never come off." Said Vivi.
"Yeah, it feels a bit scary now." Said Luffy, and everyone laughed.
"Ok, ok. Playtime's over. What are the classes for today?" Asked Vivi, wiping away the tears left in her eyes.
"Let's see... we got.... uh.... boring classes with crapy teachers." said Sanji.
"Yeah, the next class is math, and after that is science. And in the afternoon we have PE and integrated activities." Said Law.
"PE's not that bad." Said Luffy.
"Yeah, only people like you monsters think it's fun." Said Usopp.
"Well, we'd better get going now. Smoker's in a bad mood today." Said Nami.
"He's our math teacher, you'll see him later, Vivi." Said Robin.
"Guys hurry up!!! The bell's going to ring in fifteen seconds." Said Usopp, sprinting away.
"Oh crap! Let's go." Shouted Luffy.

"Vivi you're so awesome!" Said Chopper.
"Yeah, u eben solbed zhe broblems zhat Torao didn't wonw fow." Said Luffy stuffing three sandwiches into his mouth.
"Swallow your food before you talk!" Said Sanji, annoyed.
"Urgh... ha... And you even know how to solve the twelve grade's problems."
"Um... yeah, I learned a bit more than you guys these years." Said Vivi.
"Yeah you totally beat Smoker today. That look on his face, super~~ nasty." Said Franky.
"But you'd better watch out later. You don't want to get messed up with Doflamingo." Said Law.
"And he," He jerked his head toward Luffy.
"Nearly ended up having a detention with him."
"Is he really that scary?" Asked Vivi.
"Yes, he's nuts. He's inside is twisted. And he likes to torture students, likes to make them in a living hell. Well, you'll know him later anyway. Just don't do stupid things."
"Wow.... that sounds terrible..." Said Vivi.
"You'll get used to it." Said Law, and he opened his lunch box, but it was empty.
"What the... Mugiwara-ya!!!!" He yelled.
"Ah!!!! Sorry!!!!! I was just too hungry!!!!" Luffy ran away.
"Get back here!!! You freaken bastard!!!!" Law went to chase after him.
".....Do things like this happen every day?" Asked Vivi, a bit speechless.
"Yeah, but you'll get used to it." Said Nami.

In the afternoon--

"Everybody gather up!!!" Shouted Kyros.
"I assume you all know the sports days are coming, right?" Everyone nodded.
"So we have to start training!!!"
"Oh no....." Everyone thought.
"Now!! Boys run twenty laps around the soccer field and girls run ten laps!! On three! One! Two! Three! Go!!!" He blew the whistle.
"WHAT?!?!?!?!" They all shouted. After one hour of monster training, everyone was lying on the ground and gasping for air.
"Fuck that shit... he's doing this again....." Said Kid.
"Does he think we're all like him?" Said Law, still panting.
".... I'm dying......" Said Nami, gasping for air.
"Nami-swan~~~ do you want me to do CPR for you??" Said Sanji with a heart shaped eye.
"No thanks, I'm alright now." Said Nami, pushing him away.
"Hey guy we better hurry up or Mingo's going to get mad." Said Zoro.
"'Kay, let's go." Said Luffy.

At Doflamingo's classroom--

"Hello class." Said Doflamingo, and the air suddenly froze.
"Sengoku has something to tell you, get to the Great Hall now. Such a shame that you miss this lesson.... The lesson for today is very interesting... Fufufufufufufufufu...."
Everyone moved and went out of the classroom as fast as they could.
"He is so creepy!!" Said Vivi after they were out of his earshot.
"Told you." Said Law. They entered the Great Hall and sat down on the chairs, some of them were still chatting.
"Students, please listen to me now." Said Sengoku through the microphone. They all quieted down.
"Thank you. The sports days are coming. They will be held on next Thursday and Friday. The whole event includes athletics, a concert, and a school fair." Everyone started to cheer.
"Quiet, please, quiet! I'm not finish yet! As I was saying, if you want to compete with each other go find Kyros and sign up for the races after I'm finished. There will be no class on the two days and we will have a break on the following Monday." Everyone started to cheer again.
"And one last thing. If you are caught cheating during the race you will be punished heavily and we will cancel your qualifications and you'll be prohibit to compete. Understand? Ok, I'll let Kyros explain the details of the event now." After an hour later, they were finally free to go.
"Yeah!!! I'm waiting for this for a long time!" Shouted Luffy.
"Are you guys going for it?" Asked Vivi.
"Yes!! Definitely!!!" The boys all shouted together.
"I might go for it, you know." Said Bonney.
"They said there's going to have a eating competition."
"Then you have no chance to win." Said Nami.
"Because you have no chance to beat Luffy." Said Sanji.
"Who says so? Maybe I can beat him!" Said Bonney, folding her arms.
"Maybe, we'll see next week." Said Zoro.

After the school's over--

"Hey Vivi, where do you live?" Asked Nami, putting her stuff into her bag.
"I think it's near your neighborhood. I saw you walking with Sanji-san this morning." Said Vivi.
"Oh, really? Then let's walk home together." Said Nami.
"Yeah, sure, that'll be great."
"See you guys tomorrow." Said Luffy, and he walked away with Hancock.
"Bye." Law, Monet, Kid and Bonney walked away.
"See you later." Said Zoro, and he and Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Franky and Brook walked away.
"I'll accompany you two." Said Sanji.
"Ok, thanks, Sanji-san." Said Vivi, and three of them headed hime. When they were about to reached Nami's neighborhood, Vivi stopped at an intersection.
"Guys, my apartment's on the other side, I'll see you tomorrow." Said Vivi, and she waved at them.
"Ok, bye, Vivi. See you around." Said Nami, and they walked away.
"What a great day." Vivi said to herself.
"Igaram, I'm back." Said Vivi as she walked into her home, but no one answered.
"Igaram, are you here?" Still, no responses.
"I guess he's out." Vivi muttered and she walked into the living room, and she was horrified. Igaram was lying in the middle of the living room.
"Igaram..... What happened?" Igaram grunted, and opened his eyes.
".....Vivi-sama? Run..... go find Luffy-san.... Please.... Run...." He croaked.
"No, who did this to you...."
"Who do you think would do things like this to him......? Vivi-sama?" Said a dangerous voice from behind. Vivi gasped.
"Yes.... Nefertari Vivi....long time no see....."

It's done~~
Well I know it's a bit boring, but the next few chapters will be better! I promise!


Thanks for reading!!

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