New Friends And New Enemies

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Hi guys!
New chapter!
Enjoy please :)

"Hey, do you guys know what class we're in?" Asked Luffy while walking through the hall way.
"We're all in class 1-A." Said Usopp.
"I checked it when everyone else was waiting for you."
"Oh, Ok, let's go! "Yelled Luffy and he ran off by himself.
"Why is he always so energetic?" Sighed Nami.
"No one knows" Said Robin.

When all of them finally got to their classroom, they found out their classroom was very large and their teacher wasn't there yet.
"Why isn't our teacher here?" Asked Zoro.
"Maybe he has no sense of direction like you and got lost on the way here, Marimo." Said Sanji.
"What did you say? Stupid cook?"
"You wanna---" Both of them were cut out by a slap on their face.
"We're not here to watch you two fight." Said Robin, smiling.
"Fine." Zoro frowned and sat down in a seat near the window and started to sleep, and Robin sat down next to him. Sanji and the others sat behind them, and they're all settled.
"Where is Luffy? " Chopper asked.
"He's in the front of the classroom." Answered Nami.
"He's already got himself a seat when those two idiots were arguing." She pointed toward Luffy. He's now talking with a guy with a weird hat on his head and a guy with red spiky hair.
"Sorry I'm late, class." A voice came from the front door and the whole class became quite.
"I'm Shanks, your homeroom teacher, I'm not a serious person so I don't want you to call me 'Sir' or 'Mr. Shanks', just call me Shanks. And l have to apologize for my late arrival, the teachers' meeting lasted a bit longer than usual. And I need you all to be in the Great Hall now because Principal Sengoku wants to talk to you." Everyone started to move from their seats and headed for the Great Hall. When all of the classes and teachers arrived at the Great Hall, Sengoku started to talk.
"Hello, students. Welcome to Grand Line High School. I'm Sengoku, the principal of this school. This school is the best school in the Grand Line City, so I hope you all behave yourselves and I expect there will be no bullying in this school. I do not want its reputation to be insulted. I know some of you are Devil Fruit Users so I'll warn you here, if you use your power to cheat on exams or bully anyone you will be expelled. Is that clear? Alright. I assure you that you will all have a great time here." Everyone in the hall clapped. After introducing the vice principals and all of the teachers, students in the Great Hall started to go back to their classroom and get ready for the first class.
"Hey Luffy!" Called Zoro from behind.
"Oh hey Zoro." Grinned Luffy.
"Who are they? " Asked Sanji.
"What? Who? "Asked Luffy.
"The two guys you were talking with earlier." Said Chopper.
"Oh! Those two." He pointed to the guy wearing a hat.
"He's Tra... eh... Tra... Torao, and he's Kid."
"You're such a pathetic idiot, Mugiwara." Said Kid, and he held out his hand.
"I'm Eustass Kid, nice to meet you."
"I'm Trafalgar D. Water Law, nice to meet you all." He glared at Luffy and also held out a hand. The eight of them introduced themselves and shook hands with their new friends.
"Wow! That's a super~ long name." Said Franky while shaking Law's hand.
"Yeah, let's get going, or we'll be late for the first class."

"Luffy! Stop running around, you'll bump into someone!" Said Nami while walking down the corridor with the others. "No I wo--"


He bumped into someone before he could finish his words.
"I knew it."Nami sighed.
"Watch where you're going, moron!" Said the guy. Nami frozed. She recognized that voice, it belonged to the person she hated the most in the world, Arlong.
"ARLONG!!" She exclaimed.
"Oh! It's our little Cat Burglar, Nami." Said Arlong evilly.
"Nami, do you know him?" Asked Luffy.
"Yeah! I know him well. He's the biggest jerk in our neighborhood and he forces everyone to pay him ten thousand dollars every month just because some children accidentally broke his window. And he even attacks the people who can't afford the money." Said Nami furiously.
"And that's why my mom ended up in the hospital last week!" There was a weird silence, then Luffy walked straight to Arlong.
"What do you want? Punk--" Luffy punched Arlong really hard in the face and he fell to the floor.
"Wait, Luffy! Stop!" Zoro and Sanji came out to stop him from continuing punching Arlong.
"I'M GOING TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM!!" Luffy yelled. Arlong lay on the ground for about five seconds and started to laugh.
"SHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can try, Mugiwara. You're going to pay for this! ALL OF YOU!!SHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He stood up and left. Nami looked like she had been hit right in the face.
"Oh crap..." Sighed Nami. "Luffy! What have you done!?" Said Usopp.
"I can't believe it, you just made an enemy in the first hour of school!" Chopper fainted after Arlong threatened them.
"I hope we won't get killed by that guy." Said Robin calmly.
"How can you be so calm while saying things like that ?" Asked Franky.
"That scary guy nearly made my heart jump out of my mouth. Ah, I forgot I don't have a heart. Yohohohohohoho!" Said Brook.
"Yep, that's Luffy." Zoro sighed.
"You never know when you will get into trouble when you're with him." Said Sanji. Law and Kid looked speechless.
"Well, it seems that we just made a very troublesome friend." Said Law.
"Yeah, and it looks like it's just the beginning of the hurricane." Kid sighed.

That's chapter No.2!!! Like it?
Please leave some comments to let me know how I can make this story better. And if I made some mistakes, please tell me. ;)

I think I'll start adding some romance in the story in the next chapter. And I'll start to write the things that happened in Luffy's class.

Thanks for reading!!

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