The Mighty Twist

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I'm back~
New chapter~
Please enjoy :)

"The what?" Asked Nami.
"The Mighty Twist." Said Ace.
"That sounds like a horrible roller coaster." Said Chopper.
"Yeah, it really was crazy, and it'll get nasty after you ride it. Trust me." Said Sabo.
"We ended up vomiting in the toilet for ten minutes." Said Ace, and he smirked.
"Oh, that's uh..... really nasty." Said Usopp.
"So, are you going or not?" Asked Sabo.
"Yeah! Of course!" Shouted the boys(except Usopp and Chopper).
"No! Of course not!" Said the girls.
"Ah... whatever, we're going again." Said Ace.
"Ok! Let's go!" Shouted Luffy, and the boys started to walk away, but the girls didn't move a step.
"Oh come on. You don't have to go on it if you don't want to, but you can still go take a look." Said Ace.
"Ok, ok. But if any of you try to force us to ride it you'll going to regret it." Said Nami.
"Ok ok we won't. Can we go now?" Asked the boys.
"Fine...." The girls frowned and walked away with them.

At the entrance to the Mighty Twist--

"Are... are you sure about this?" Asked the girls in a quivering voice.
"Uh-Huh." Said the boys.
"Well, see you guys later if you don't die." Said Robin with a smile on her face.
"Now really, how can you said something like that so calmly?" Asked Zoro.
"See you. Meet us at Sabaody Cafe after you're done." Said the girls, and they walked away.
"So, ready for the ride?" Asked Cobra.
"Definitely!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Hey, let's have a bet. The one who didn't vomit after the ride wins." Said Ace.
"The reward?" Asked Sanji.
"Each of us will give that person five hundred Bellys. Any objection?" Said Ace.
"Nope. Let's go" Said Zoro.
"Er...... we're out of here!!" Said Usopp and Chopper, and they ran away.
"Nami!!! Robin!!!!! Girls!!!! Wait for us!!!!!!"
"Cowards." Said Law.
"Whatever let's get going." Said Kid.
"Hey wait a minute, the bet's unfair." Said Franky.
"Why?" Asked Sabo.
"Brook. He can't throw up. He doesn't even have a stomach."
"Yes indeed. So, am I the winner? Yohohohoho~"
"Oh, you're right. How could I forget that?" Ace slapped his forehead.
"Let's change it, then. The one who can walk straight after the ride wins." Said Sabo.
"Ok, that's fair." Said Franky.
"Let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go I can't wait!" Said Luffy.
"Shut up we're coming." Said Kid, annoyed.
"Prepare to feel the hell." Said Ace.
"Yeah right." Said Law. They all went on the Mighty Twist, and each of them were tied up in an iron cage. And slowly, they started to rise.
"If it's only going to drop us down at the very top of this crap then it's going to be freakin boring." Said Kid.
"Shut up and you'll see. And don't open your mouths from now on." Said Sabo.
"Why?" Asked Luffy.
"Can't explain now, you'll see when we start to fall." Said Ace.
"Ok, then when are we going to fall-- Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The cage suddenly fell down before Luffy could even finish his words.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Everyone started to scream.The cages were now flipping from up to down from left to right from the back to the front and shaking madly.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" They screamed so loudly that it was loud enough for the girls to hear them.
"Looks like they're having fun." Said Monet.
"Yep. They look really happy." Said Nami.
"Wow......" Said Usopp and Chopper.
"Thank god we didn't go on that thing." After a minute of crazy spinning and vibrating, they finally stopped.
"I-Is i-it done?" Asked Sanji weakly.
"No, there's still one part left......" Answered Sabo, also very weakly.
"Then why are we stopping--
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They fell down from the very top of the Mighty Twist, and it was as high as a forty-floor skyscraper.
"AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After about twenty seconds, they finally finished the ride.
"Am... Am I still alive...?" Said Zoro weakly.
"Yeah- blurffff!!!" Sanji threw up before he could finish his sentences.
"Urgh!!!!" Zoro started to throw up too.
"BLURFFFFFFFF!!!!!!" Everyone except Brook started to vomit. Brook was on the ground face down, making throw up noises with nothing coming out his mouth.
"Oh....urgh....god....urgh...." Muttered Law.
"Shit.....urgh.....never thought it would be like that....urgh...." Said Kid.
"Ok....urghp.....who can still walk?" Asked Sabo, still painting.
"I...I think I can." Said Brook, and he stood up, but he fell down right away.
"Out, next."
"I'll try." This time it was Sanji.
"Uh....." He stood up, but still fell down after a few seconds.
"Out. Next."
"Me." Said Zoro. He walked for a few steps but still, couldn't make it.
"I give up. I'm dying." Said Franky.
"Same here." Said Sabo.
"Uh...." Kid and Law stood up, and trying to balance themselves.
"Oh, looks like they've got a chance." Said Ace.
"Er........." Kid lost his balance and fell down, and he hit Law on the back and he also fell down.
"God damn it Eustass-ya! I almost did it!" Said Law angrily.
"Sorry." Said Kid, still feeling dizzy.
"Ok, I'm alright now!" Said Luffy, and he got up.
"Whoa! Really? Can you walk straight?" Asked Sabo.
"Yeah sure!" Said Luffy, and he started to run.
"Ok,ok, enough for that. We'll give you the money later." Said Ace.
"No, I want it now, in case you forget that." Said Luffy.
"Ok,ok." Everyone frowned as they gave Luffy his money.
"Well, well, bravo." Said Cobra as he walked to them.
"You broke the record, Luffy. You're the first person who can run after riding the Mighty Twist." Said Cobra, and he clapped.
"Maybe we ought to build a statue of him." Said Igaram.
"The man who beat the Mighty Twist. Hero of the Sabaody Park." Said Igaram.
"Ok, I want to go again. Said Luffy.
"WHAT????!??" Everyone exclaimed.
"Yeah! See you later." Said Luffy, and he ran to the entrance of the Mighty Twist.
"What's he made of?" Said Zoro in disbelieve.
"Rubber." Said Sanji.
"But it's has nothing to do with it. I guess he's just too obtuse, can't feel the same as us." He sighed.
"I'm out of here." Said Law.
"Hm." Said Kid, and the two walked away.
"I'll go find my Nami-swan~~~~ now~~~" Sanji sprinted away and leaving the rest of them standing blankly.
"I guess we'll just stay here and wait for Luffy." Said Zoro.
"Yeah." Said Brook and Franky.

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