Party Night

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I'm back~~~~~~~~~~
Just finished the monthly exam~~~~~~~~~~
Super~~~ Happy~~~~
Here's chapter ten~~~~~
Please enjoy~~~~~~~~~

"Hey~~ Brook~~ Franky~~!" Shouted Luffy when they arrived at the party.
"Hi guys! I'm SUUUUPER awesome tonight! Ready for the surprise?" Said Franky, and he did his unique pose.
"Actully, there are two surprises." Said Brook.
"What? Two? Tell me!!! Please~~~" Said Luffy and Chopper.
"Luffy, if we let you know that then it won't be a 'surprise'." Said Franky.
"We'll figure it out later anyway. But it's a shame that you two didn't come to Luffy's house." Said Usopp.
"Huh? Why?" Asked Brook.
"He was dressed up in a chicken leg costume earlier." Said Sanji.
"Un..........................." It looked like Brook was imagining a chicken leg with arms, legs and Luffy's face on it. And he burst into laughing.
"Is it really that funny?" Asked Luffy.
"Yohohohohohohohoho~~" Brook was still laughing.
"Yeah, it was." Said Zoro.
"Yohohohohohohohoho~~" Brook was now rolling on the floor.
"Well, let's go to the food court, I'm starving-- SHUT UP YOU FREAKEN SKELETON IDIOT!!!!!!" Shouted Kid, and Brook stopped, but he was still gasping for air.
"Oh my god that was so funny!! It nearly made my heart jump out of my mouth!! Ah, I forgot I don't have a heart. Yohohoho~"
"Can you please shut up?" Said Law, annoyed.
"Well, we'd better get back to prepare the super~ surprise. Let's go, Brook." Said Franky.
"Ok~" Said Brook.
"See you guys later." Said Franky.
"Bye." Said the others.
"Ok, let's go have some food." Said Kid.
"Yeah~~~~ MEAT~~~!!" Shouted Luffy.
"They're all mine~~~" Said Luffy, and water was coming out of his mouth.
"Luffy, I've already got you some." Said Hancock, she was holding a plate full of steak, pork and chicken legs.
"Let's go to somewhere else. It's a bit crowded here." Said Hancock.
"Ok let's go." They walked away, and Hancock turned around and winked at the others.
"Seriously, why didn't she move here a year earlier?" Said Zoro, and everyone sighed. Suddenly someone hugged Kid from behind and bumped his head into his plate of food.
"What the fuck-- BONNEY!" Said Kid angrily.
"Gotcha!" Said Bonney, and she ate everything on Kid's plate in a few seconds.
"Wow! That's on Luffy's level." Said Usopp.
"Who's she?" Asked Nami.
"Oh, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jewelry Bonney, I'm his girlfriend." Said Bonney.
"What?! You didn't tell us you have a girlfriend!" Said Usopp.
"Well, you didn't ask." Kid smirked.
"We'll introduce Luffy and Hancock to you later." Said Robin.
"Go get me another plate of food." Said Kid.
"No way, do it yourself." Said Bonney.
"You ate my food, so you have to pay for that."
"Fine...." And Bonney walked away to get some food for Kid.
"Hey, is it my imagination or it's snowing inside?" Said Zoro.
"Snow? How is that possible--Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~
Harpy!!!!!!!!" Usopp screamed and fell to the floor when he turned around to talk to Zoro.
"Harpy? What are-- Oh, Monet." Said Law.
"What? You know her?" Asked Usopp, still a bit scared.
"Yeah." Said Law simply.
"Hi." Said Monet.
"Girlfriend again?" Asked Nami.
"Yes." Said Law.
"God! You really hid a lot of secreats about yourselves. We told you almost everything about us!" Said Usopp.
"Yeah, yeah, my bad." Said Law, and Monet's wings disappeared and were replaced by her own hands.
"What? You're a Devil Fruit user?" Asked Sanji.
"Yes, it's the power of Yuki Yuki no Mi. I'm a snow human." Said Monet.
"So that's why it's getting colder and colder." Said Usopp.
"Fancy go for a walk with me?" Said Monet, and she held out her hand.
"Yeah, sure." Said Law. He took her hand and walked away.
"See you around." Said Law.
"Well, let's go to dance." Said Nami, and she grabbed Sanji's hand and ran to the dance floor.
"I'm back." Bonney went back with a plate full of steaks.
"What took you so long?" Said Kid, and he took the plate and started to eat.
"I met one of my friends." Said Bonney.
"I'll introduce her to you guys. Hey! Kaya! Come here!" She shouted, and a girl with blond hair walked to her.
"Hey, what's up?" Asked Kaya.
"Meet my new friends." And she introduced everyone to her. And Usopp looked like someone had slapped him in the face.
"Hello, earth to Usopp?" Said Bonney, and she waved her hand in front of his face.
"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm still here. Nictomeeyu-- no, I mean nice to meet you." Said Usopp hastily. Kaya giggled, and she pulled him away and started a conversation with him, and Kid was dragged to the dance floor by Bonney.
"Wow, that was really fast." Said Zoro, watching Usopp and Kaya talking to each other.
"Hey, Zoro, I just noticed. Where's Chopper?" Said Robin.
"What? He's over-- oh, he's gone. Where did he go?" Asked Zoro.
"I don't know, that's why I asked you." Said Robin.
"Oh, I see him. He's over there at the bar." Said Zoro.
"Ok, I see him." And they heard Franky's voice coming through the microphone.
"I wish you all have a SUUUUPER~ awesome night. Now is the time for the first surprise of the the party~~~~ Say hello to Iron Pirate Franky Shogun!!!!!!!" The people all cheered as a giant iron robot walked onto the stage.
"WHOA~~~~~~!!!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper's eyes all turned into stars.
"THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!!!!" Shouted the three, and they all ran to the front of the robot.
"I WANT TO GO SIT ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Calm down, calm down. You can all go sit on it after the second surprise. Now, welcome our SUUUUPER~
cool star - Soul King Brook!"
"WHAT?!" Zoro and Robin yelled in unison.
"Yohohohohohohohoho~~~ Feel the magic power of my music!!!!!" He shouted, and the audience cheered again.
"BONE TO BE WILD!!!" The audience shouted together.
BONE~~~ TO BE WILD~~" The audience was singing and cheering madly and dancing crazily.
"Want to go to dance with me?" Asked Robin.
"No, I don't dance." Zoro rejected her right away, and that made Robin a bit down.
"Well, you want to go for a walk? I'll bring some sake." Said Zoro.
"Ok, that sounds good." Said Robin, and they walked away from the party. They went to a park near the party place and walked along the path together. Both of them were not talking, but they both enjoyed the silence between them. After about fifteen minutes, Robin broke the silence.
"May I have a bottle of sake?" Asked Robin.
"....No, it might be too strong for you." Said Zoro. He had already finished two bottles.
"It's ok, just give it to me." Said Robin.
"Ok, then. Don't blame me if anything funny happens." Said Zoro, and he handed her the bottle. She finished it in one gulp.
"Wow! That's too much in one time. You ok?" Asked Zoro.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Said Robin.
"No you're not. Your face is now as a red as a tomato. Let's go sit down under that tree." Said Zoro, and they went under a tree.
"No, I'm fine, really." Said Robin.
"Shut up and sit down." Said Zoro.
"Fine....." Said Robin, and she walked to the tree. Maybe the alcohol was starting to affect her, she tripped over a root, but Zoro caught her.
"I told you." Said Zoro, half annoyed, half concerned.
"Zoro...Why did you say you don't want me to leave you..." Said Robin, she was now resting her head on Zoro's chest.
"What? What are you talking about?" Said Zoro, a bit confused.
"That dream.... You were yelling my name...."
"Seriously, what are you talking about?"
"Do you love me?" Asked Robin, she was still in Zoro's arms.
"Wha-- I- I-" But he didn't finish his words, he was cut off, by her lips. That was a very passionate kiss. They stayed like that over one minutes. After a few more seconds, Robin pulled away, and she passed out.
"I told you it was very strong." Said Zoro, and he ran his fingers through her hair.
"And yes." He finished the words that should be said five minutes before. He looked at his watch.
"Almost twelve....." He picked her up in bridal style and walked back to the party.

Everyone was already at the entrance of the place. When they finally saw Zoro and Robin, they looked relieved.
"God! You are finally back! And what happened to Robin?" Said Nami with a questioning face.
"I'll explain to you later. Do you know where she lives? I need to take her home." Said Zoro.
"Ok, I'll take you to her place. But you better tell me what exactly happened." Said Nami.
"Ok, ok. I know." Said Zoro.
"See you guys later." Said Nami, and everyone started to walk back home.
"Nami-swaaaaan~ Do you want me to accompany you?" Said Sanji, and his eye turn into a heart.
"Maybe next time, Sanji-kun. The situation today is a bit special." Said Nami.
"Aw... Come on Nami-san, just say yes."
"No, I'm sorry Sanji-kun, only this time, I really can't let you walk with me."
"Just go home, pervert. Didn't you hear her?" Said Zoro, annoyed.
"Eh? What did you say? Marimo? Do you think I won't kick you just because you're holding Robin chan? I'll kick you right in the face, shitty Marimo!!" Said Sanji, and he raised his leg.
"Both of you cut it out!" Said Nami.
"It's late now. And I want to go home soon. I don't want to waste anytime on stopping you two from fighting." Said Nami.
"Ok! My angel!!!" Said Sanji, and his eye turned into a heart again.
"Tsk... Ok, ok." Said Zoro irritably. And Zoro, carrying Robin, and Nami said goodnight to Sanji and walked toward Robin's house.
"Now, tell me everything." Said Nami sharply.
"Ok, ok. We went for a walk and she drank my sake and she got drunk and she asked me if I love her or not and she kissed me before I could even answer her and she passed out and I carried her back and that's all." Zoro finished his words in a breath. Nami blinked, and blinked again.
"Well, well, our little Zoro's a man now." Said Nami.
"Tsk......Woman..." Said Zoro, a bit angry.
"So, do you love her or not?"
"Ok, I see." Said Nami.
"Will she remember this?" She asked.
"No, I don't think so. The sake was too strong, and she might have a terrible headache tomorrow." Said Zoro.
"Oh... Well, I'm sure she'll be fine." Said Nami. After about five minutes later, they arrived at Robin's house.
"Oh, so she lives here, it's not far away from my place." Said Zoro.
"I'll get her keys." Said Nami, and she opened the door.
"Oh, you're finally back." It was Robin's mother, Olvia.
"Hello, Mrs. Nico." Said Zoro, when he entered her house.
"Don't be so formal. Just call me Olvia." Said Olvia.
"Hi, Olvia." Nami entered the house too.
"May I asked who this handsome young man is?" Said Olvia with a warm smile on her face.
"Her prince." Said Nami jokingly.
"No I'm not." Said Zoro, and he blushed slightly.
"My name is Roronoa Zoro.
I'm Robin's friend and her classmate." Said Zoro.
"Ok, I see." Said Olvia, and she smiled again.
"We'll take Robin to her room now, Olvia" Said Nami.
"Ok, the first door on your right on the second floor." Said Olvia. They went up stairs, and went into Robin's room.
"Can you hold her for a while? I need to change her clothes." Said Nami.
"Ok." Said Zoro, and he turned around to let Robin lean against his back like he's a wall. And Nami started to change her clothes.
"Wow! He really does respect Robin. He doesn't even try to peek her." Nami thought in her mind.
"Ok, I'm done." Said Nami, and Zoro carried Robin to her bed and gently covered her with her blanket.
"Ok, let's go." Said Zoro.
"Don't you want to give her a good night kiss?" She reminded him. Zoro blushed a bit, and he softly, planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Let's go." Said Nami. And they went downstairs.
"Oh, you're done." Said Olvia. She was still reading on the sofa.
"Good night ma'am." Said Zoro.
"Good night Nami, good night Robin's prince." Said Olvia and she gave them her warm smile again.
"Good night Olvia." Said Nami, and they left.
"Looks like you're going to have a good husband, Robin." Olvia whispered to herself and she turn off the lights and went to bed.

Ya~~ finished.
This one is a long chapter.
Hope you all enjoy it.

New ideas????

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!

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