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It's been two days since that night we shared a special moment. By special I mean have a conversation. It's twelve midnight and I'm feeling bold, maybe too bold for my liking.

Fuck it.

I find his number on my phone and call it, maybe he's sleeping I mean it is late at night. But it's too late to back out because he picks up the phone.

"Hello." He picked up. He fucking picked up.

"Hello who is this?" He speaks again. I guess he didn't save my number. Why does he sound out of breath as if he ran a marathon.

"Oh um... yes, it's me Tina." I'm about to throw up. "Oh Tina. Hi." Where is the emotion? Why is he acting bland? Is he even paying attention to this phone call.

"I just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing because you haven't called or-"

"I'll call you back Tina I'm kind of busy right now." With that he hangs up. What just happened? I knew, I fucking knew that I shouldn't have made the first move.

He wanted me to embarrass myself. That son of a bitch. I probably sounded desperate. I'm never making effort to know a man ever again.

I want to cry. But that thought is interrupted with a phone call. I pick up without looking at the caller ID. "Hello Tina." Oh man he must have sensed me complaining and overthinking.

I clear my throat. "Yeah what's up." Real smooth, I got this in the bag. "I'm going to pick you up at seven tomorrow, we're going out on a date."

"Oh um o-" he hangs up the phone again. "-kay." What is it with this guy and hanging up on people? But that's not the point.


I need to look pretty, oh man I have to make myself look hot. No I'm already hot, why am I stressing out. I'm going to have to take out these butterfly locs tonight and wash my hair.

I have to get this done.


I'm finally done. I have done everything I needed to do. I look through my curtains, why is it so bright outside? I run over to my phone and check the time.


What could I have possibly done for it to be six in the fucking morning. I'm going to bed, and I don't care if the building is on fire I am going to get my beauty sleep.

I lay down in my bed and close my eyes...I close my eyes...I am about to fall asleep...I'm going to fall into a deep slumbe- why can't I fucking sleep?

My eyes are wide open, I count the little dots on the roof hoping it'll tire me out but nothing works. Am I nervous? Why am I nervous?

Before I know it I finally get tired and fall asleep.

I wake up to my phone beeping like crazy. Come on I just had an hour of sleep, why can't I get a break? Ugh it's six thirty p.m. I'm going back to sleep.

Don't Look Back { 18+ }Where stories live. Discover now