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( * ) Just a little something. Nothing serious.


"TINA? WHERE ARE YOU TINA?" I call out to her. "I'm over here." I turn towards the sound of her lovely voice. She stands there in a white nightgown with a smile on her face.

I walk up to her and wrap her in a hug. I close my eyes and sigh "Why were you hiding?" I ask her and she starts to giggle. I start to laugh as well.

"What's so funny baby?" She laughs even louder and I start to get confused. Then I hear sniffling in the midst of her laughter. "Tina what's going on?" Her body starts to shake.

I open my eyes to look at her and what I see makes me fall back. Her clean white nightgown was now soaked with blood. Her face and arms are scattered with bruises and when I look at her face she starts to cry blood.

"Look at what you did Antonio. You hurt me again." She stalks towards me and I shuffle back trying to get away from her. "No I di-didn't, you're not Tina." My eyes start to swell with tears.

"It hurts Antonio. It hurts!"

"Tina please-"

"STOP IT HURTS!!" She screams and the blood starts to pool at her feet. "Antonio what did you do?" I suddenly hear my brothers voice scolding me.

"B-b-but I didn't do anything I swear."

"Looks like you fucked up again Antonio." My brother mocks me. I look up and I see Tina running away from me.

"No Tina wait!" I try to get up but my legs suddenly feel like jelly. Why is she running so fast? She's not even looking back. 

I try to call out to her again but my voice is gone, all I can do is sit there and cry.


My body jolts awake and I look around the dark room with wide eyes. "Tina!?" I scream out. "Oh my word what is it?" I feel movement next to me and then light floods the room.

Her silk scarf is almost off her head and her eyes are squinted at me. "What happened? Are you okay?" She grabs my face when she sees the way I look.

"Baby you're sweating, what happened?" She grabs tissue on the bed side table and uses it to dab my forehead. "I just had a bad dream." I rasp.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks and I shake my head. She kisses my cheek  and turns off the light. She puts her head on my chest and falls asleep.

It's been five days since we landed in Spain and we're currently staying at one of my houses. I didn't go straight to my parents house because I wanted to make them sweat a little but we should be seeing them later today.

Tina hasn't spoken to Isabella since that day, she feels like she has lost her best friend. She hasn't really been the same.

I'll be her best friend if she wants.

Five hours later...

It's nine in the morning and we're getting ready to go to my mom's house. "Okay do I look pretty?" She looks at me. She's wearing a red floral sundress and her hair is up in a curly bun.

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