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IT'S BEEN TWO WEEKS since that glorious night, but now I'm not in the mood because I'm on my period. Everybody say thank you Eve.

I curl into a ball on my bed. The first day always feels like hell. "Aunt Tina is your tummy sore?" Tobias stands next to my bed. When did he even get in here?

"Tobias no me siento bien."
( I don't feel well.)

Sometimes I speak Spanish to Tobias and somehow he understands everything I say. "I'm sorry, mommy and I are going to get medicine for you."

I smile when Isabella comes into my room. "Hey mama how you feeling?" She comes over and rubs my arm. "I feel like throwing up and passing out."

"I blame Eve." I say to her. It feels nice blaming someone sometimes. "We should also blame Adam because Eve's sin is also Adam's sin." She says.

"But Eve is the one that got tempted by that ugly serpent."

"Yeah but where was Adam? Why wasn't he monitoring his wife?"

"Umm...mommy who is Adam and who is Eve?" Tobias interrupts our debate and I can't help but laugh.

"We'll continue this later, let me go buy medicine and other things." She gets up and picks up Tobias. "Bye aunt Tina." I wave goodbye at the little rascal.

I pick my phone up to message Antonio. "She's gone." I send the message.

Isabella doesn't know a lot of things. I didn't tell her about Alejandro being Antonio's brother, I didn't tell her that Antonio and I basically back together, I didn't tell her a lot of things. I wonder how she'd feel. I'll tell her one day.


"She's gone."

Tina texts me. I feel like a teenager sneaking around. Is it worth it? Fuck yeah it is. My phone rings and I see that my brother is FaceTiming me.

"Hola- Jesus Christ! What happened to your face?" He screams out. I knew that the scar was gonna be permanent.  It looks like four slashes across my left cheek, but I'm still attractive so everything's just fine.

"Lets just say that love is in the air." I grin at him and his eyes widen. "Are you saying that Sophia did that to you?" I clench my jaw when he calls her Sophia. "I told you to stop fucking calling her that."

"My bad, it's just that I really miss her sometimes." My brother is still sad about Tina, but he told me that he respects me so he will stay away from her and not pursue her. But he did also warn me by saying that if I fuck up again he won't hesitate to take her back.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Oh yeah mom said I must remind you that the ball is in two weeks and-" the phone gets grabbed and there's a bit of a commotion, next thing you know I'm face to face with my mom. I stare into her grey eyes that's similar to Alejandro's, I got my dad's brown eyes.

"My child what happened to your face!?"  I almost forgot that Alejandro left for Spain last week. "Nothing mom I just fell."

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