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"You're so dumb you know that right." Alejandro ridicules me as usual. "Why would you put your wedding three days after you plan to kill the Morozov family?"

"Because I wanted to. Simple as that."

"When are you going to find the time to plan a wedding and a murder? Forgive me, I meant murders."

"Don't underestimate me Alejandro, I'm smarter than you think. Now if you'll excuse me I need to meet my fiancé's parents." I hang up the phone.

Ok maybe he was right. Maybe he was really right. But I didn't care anymore because I'm so in love with Tina. But also how am I supposed to tell her that I soon need to travel for business. Business as in slaughtering people.

There's a knock on my door and I tell the person to come in. I'm met with the sight of my gorgeous fiancé, she looks so adorable with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

"Stop gawking at me my parents are almost here." She says with an eye roll. "So I can't gawk at what's mine?"

"Not when your mouth is open like a creep." She grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. Michael stands by the door looking straight ahead.

He nods at me. "Sir." He says. "Michael." I reply.

"Michael you look constipated when you stand like that." Tina says randomly which has me turning my head to the side to hold in my laugh.


"Oh look they're here." She opens the door and we watch as their car parks. They exit the car and look up at my house. "David look at this place, it looks like the Buckingham palace." The woman, which I'm assuming is her mom, says.

"Está bien. No es tan especial."
(It's okay. It's not that special.)
Her dad grumbles. I don't think he is going to like me.

"Tina!!" Her mom screams and runs up to her to hug her. "Hi mom." Tina smiles.

"Angela, no deberías correr, casi te caes."
(Angela, you shouldn't run you almost fell.)
The father says with wide eyes. "Honey relax I'm alright." The woman says to calm him down.

Her parents now look at me. The mothers eyes widen and the father looks just as shocked.  "Nice to meet you, my name is Antonio." I say to break the silence.

"Tina. ¿Este es tu prometido? ¿Qué le pasó en la cara?"
(Tina. Is this your fiancé? What happened to his face?)

Tina laughs very awkwardly. "Papá, él puede entender lo que dices."
(Dad he can understand what you're saying.)
She says through gritted teeth.

"Anyway uh mom, dad I made dinner for all of us. So how about we head inside?"


"So my family and I went to the Dominican Republic for vacation right," Tina's mom takes a sip of her water and smiles before continuing. "We were there for about four weeks which is like a month. I was nineteen at the time and he was twenty one. So my sister and I went to this restaurant slash bar thingy and the bartender said there was challenge."

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