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I REALLY HATE THAT OLD LADY. She ruined my chances of going to heaven that night. Which was three weeks ago. Oh man I still think about that kiss, that beautiful kiss.

But in the three weeks of me being horny I have finally gotten a job. Which happens to be the same place that Isabella works at. How do I know this? That is because I stalk her and I'm proud to say it.

She's my best friend so of course we have an invisible umbilical cord connecting the both of us.

Antonio and I call one another once in a while but not all the time. The call is usually filled with him stuttering one minute then making me stutter the next minute. Isn't that awesome?.

As I change into my work clothes the news comes on and I raise the volume.

"The killer strikes again as 3 more bodies have been discovered yesterday by 2 hikers. One thing we've picked up on all the victims bodies are that their throats has been sliced open. We urge everyone to keep their eyes open and stay safe."

Not this shit again. What kind of person does this for a living? If you were to ask why then they'd just smile and say I don't know. How do you not know dummy, you're the one that did it.

I grab my keys and phone and head out .


There she is. My gorgeous best friend with the curly hair and fat ass. "Did you hear? We have a new co-worker." The dude with brown hair says to her.

Why hasn't she noticed yet? She can be a bit slow sometimes. "Oh really thats-" she finally looks up at me and her eyes widen. Time for me to say my line.

"Hello ma'am, table for one." I grin at her. She runs up to me and tackles me to the ground and we start to laugh like little kids on the playground. "What? Why? How?" She questions me.

"You are my soulmate, did you think we could stay away from each other forever?"

"Bro we spoke on the phone yesterday." I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe I have separation anxiety, I don't know shut up."

The dude with brown hair clears his throat behind us. "Oh yeah I almost forgot, Brandon this is Tina, Tina this is Brandon." Honestly I couldn't care any less but he comes up to me and shakes my hand.

The door chimes and two people walk in. Oh yeah I forgot I have to 'work' now. That fucking sucks.

"Well I guess it's time to get to work."


It's finally break time and my feet are killing me. I'm sat at a booth with Isabella after that Brandon guy left.

"So tell me about this Antonio guy." She wiggles her eyebrows. Eww I hate when she does that shit. "Well first off he's a gentleman, also sometimes he acts like he's never seen or touched a woman before. It's kind of cute."

Yeah he's like a light switch, he'll be all cute and adorable then he'll be dominant and stern.

"Are you telling me you have a crush." She wiggles her eyebrows again. I swear to God. "If you wiggle your eyebrows one more time I'll shave them off." We both laugh.

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