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I WALK INTO MY THERAPISTS office. I've been staying at Isabella's for the past seven days and when I got there that night I told her everything. There was so much to say that we went to bed at two am.

"Tina it's been a long time." She says with a smile. "Yeah I'm surprised you still remember me." I joke and take a seat on her couch.

"I see you don't wear gloves anymore." She observes.

"Huh? Oh...uh yeah I got prosthetic fingers so I don't have to wear them anymore." I bounce my leg and bite my nails.

"It looks very ni--"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but can I just start telling you the story because I'm about to explode literally."

She chuckles. "Yeah I can see that. Alright Tina tell me everything."


I'm now pacing up and down the room. "So then she says with an annoying squeaky southern accent, hi I'm Anna and I was flabbergasted absolutely flabbergasted."

I told everything to my therapist except the mafia thing because just now something happens.

"So when I woke up the next day in Isabella's house I see Antonio's car in the driveway. Turns out the fucking bimbo followed me and slept in his car to make sure I was quote unquote safe."

"I was stupified because why would you leave your pregnant fling alone in your house at night and the dummy said I drove her to a hotel." I mock his deep voice.

I stop pacing around the room and turn to look at my therapist. "Is it wrong for me to feel sort of betrayed?"


"I know what you're going to say already, but Tina you slept with his brother in his house. Yeah well the bastard didn't tell me that he had any siblings."

"I wasn't going to say any of that. What I was going to say was, why do you truly feel like this?"

What is she trying to say? I thought therapists were supposed to give you advice and opinions.

"Because who goes and gets someone pregnant like I--"

"You're not answering my question Tina. If you and Antonio were not together during that time and you wanted nothing to do with him back then, why does it bother you so much?"

I take a deep breath. "It's because I'm in love with him and that time that I wanted nothing to do with him was a lie, I was lying to myself the whole time, I craved him so much that it was driving me mad. Yes he hurt me terribly but I still wanted him. God I feel like such a hypocrite because I'm always preaching that if a man treats you badly you should leave but now here I am with the guy that treated me badly. I feel like we're soul tied and to hear that he slept around hurt me deeply. I only slept with his brother to convince myself that I've moved on but it's a good thing that I'm not messing around with his brother anymore because I know that I would've hurt him badly by leading him on."

"So to really answer your question in a shortened version, I'm just...jealous of this Anna chick."

I slump down on the couch. Who knew telling the truth would make you so tired.

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