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One year later...

"Aww Tina she looks just like you." My mom coos at my daughter, Alina. My dad has tears in his eyes as he also looks at my daughter.

"You're such a softy." My mom teases my dad and he kisses her on the cheek.

Tobias comes downstairs and groans. He's so tall for just an eleven year old. "Ugh you guys are hogging the baby."

Isabella pinches his arm and he yelps. "Have you forgotten they are her grandparents and Tina is her mom."

"Yeah but I'm her God-father." Isabella pinches him again. "No dummy you're her cousin." She says to him. Tyson walks up and hugs Isabella from behind. His Christmas hat jingles.

"Alejandro, I told you to stop eating the food!" I hear Maria yell from the kitchen.

I wonder what's taking Antonio so long. I hope he's safe.

As if on cue the doorbell rings. One of the maids open the door and Antonio stumbles in with wrapped gifts. One of the gifts fall out of the huge stack and crashes on the floor.

"Sorry Michael, that was supposed to be your gift." Antonio says. Michael takes a bite out of his cookie. "Of course, all the broken things go to me."

"That's not true Michael, don't make everyone sad." Tyson says to him. "Can someone help me?" Antonio says and I can see his arms start to shake.

Alejandro walks out of the kitchen. "It's alright I'll help you." Antonio mutters a thank you to Alejandro. They put the gifts under the christmas tree. "So where's your so called girlfriend?" Antonio asks him.

"She decided to spend Christmas with her family."

Antonio chuckles."We know she's not real Alejandro, there's no need to lie." I've seen Alejandro's girlfriend before. She's a beautiful Ethiopian girl. But Antonio hasn't seen her, so he chooses to make fun of his brother.

"You're such a bully Antonio, why can't I be happy?" Antonio pouts and pats his brothers back. "Okay I'm sorry, I was only joking with you."

He walks up to my parents. "Ma'am, sir." My father nods at him. My father dislikes him just a little less.

I remember when I told him that I was getting back together with Antonio, he didn't speak to me for two weeks. But when he found out that I was pregnant, he decided to get over it. It was hard but he could see that I was happy.

My mother smiles at Antonio and hands Alina over to him. "My little princesa. My adorable baby." He kisses her chubby cheeks and she giggles. My heart flutters at the sight.

Then he looks at me. Finally.

He walks over to me, with our daughter in his hands, and sits down next to me. "Why so quiet my love?" He looks at me with loving eyes.

"I've just been observing. That's it." I say to him. "Did you miss me while I was gone?" He always asks this question every time he goes out.

"No, but she surely did." I point at our daughter who stares at us with big eyes as we talk.

As I look at my daughter, I remember all the things that happened while I was pregnant with her. It was a very high risk pregnancy and I was so scared that I'd lose her.

I love her with all my heart. I'll tear the whole world apart just for her. My sweet Alina.

"Dinner is ready." Maria calls out and we all move to the dining room. "You look beautiful tonight." Antonio whispers to me.

I'm just in grey sweatpants and an itchy Christmas sweater, I just know that my skin is red underneath because of the sweater. "Thanks, I try my best." I shrug and he nudges my shoulder.

We sit down at the table. Antonio is on my right, Isabella is on my left, my father is across from me. "Mom when are we bringing out the cake?" I hear Tobias whisper to Isabella.

"After dinner, also don't ruin the surprise for Tina." It's too late. "Let's say the grace shall we?" My mother says and we all join our hands together.

Antonio massages my hand with his thumb. I close my eyes. "Thank you Lord for this delicious food, bless the hands that made it..."

I smile during this. I'm so happy right now. Even though it was rough and terrible, I'm finally happy.

"Amen." We all say in unison at the end of my mothers prayer.


"I'm going to take Alina to bed." I kiss Antonio's cheek and stand up with a sleeping Alina.

I quietly and slowly walk up the stairs, careful not to wake her up. When I get to her room, I gently place her in her crib. I caress her face and smile.

I switch off the light and leave, shutting the door behind me.

I walk downstairs and it's dark, pitch black. I wasn't gone for that long, what the hell? I hear hushed giggles and I turn towards the sound.

A light comes out illuminating the dark room. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Tina, happy birthday to you." Everyone sings in unison

Antonio holds the cake with a smile present on his beautiful face. My bottom lip trembles as tears build up in my eyes.

"Make a wish aunt Tina." Tobias says and fixes his glasses. I close my eyes.

I wish that I'm happy like this forever.

I open my eyes again and blow out the candles. Everyone claps and the lights are back on.

Antonio still stares at me with love in his eyes. 'I love you.' He mouths to me.

'I love you too.' I mouth back.



I didn't think this would end. I love these characters and I think Tobias is my favorite.

It was a mess but it's finally over. Thank you guys so much for reading this. I wish I could kiss all of your beautiful faces.

( Bonus chapter will be up soon.)

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