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"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?" I ask with confusion laced in my voice. "Listen my home is in Texas, I was just in New York for business."

"Okay, why do you want me to come with you?" I leave Tobias' room and walk to my room.

"I know it was supposed to be a one night stand, but I can't stop thinking about you. You're so special for some reason."

"But I've only known you for a few hours."

"Sophia. I know what you're thinking, but I genuinely like you. Plus you'll only be in Texas for two days then I'll take you back to New York."

I need to think of more excuses before my weak mind agrees to this. "Isn't it a three hour flight?"

"Sophia I have transportation and accommodation sorted out stop coming up with excuses." I hear him sigh over the phone.

"I'm leaving in three days , so that should be enough time for you to consider my offer Sophia."

He hangs up the phone. On one hand I want to go because of his talented tongue and penis, but then I remember the things that have happened to me because of men.

Jason went crazy and kidnapped me, Antonio beat me up and took two of my fingers in the process and who knows what this Alejandro guy will do to me.

Oh my poor hand. The only time I take off the glove is when I'm home. This is the thing that I'm really insecure about.

I should see my therapist and see what she has to say about this.


...The Next Day...

"So Tina how did you meet this guy?"

"Well we met at a grocery store in the ice cream section. Then um... he paid for the things I bought and then we uh had sex in his car."

"Wow just like that."

"It was really good sex to be honest." I shrug.

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that he wants me to go to Texas with him for a few days to get to know each other and probably have more sex."


"I'm scared alright. He's a really nice guy but in the back of my mind I feel like I might get hurt or I wonder if he's just like Antonio or Jason or both."

"You know Tina if you keep holding yourself back because of your past you won't make it in life. For example if I accidentally burnt my finger while making my favourite dish what makes you think I won't make that dish again, but this time I'll be more careful."

"I don't think that's the same thing. I'm talking about near death experiences with psychotic men."

"I know but it's been seven years Tina and don't you plan on settling down?" I shift in my seat. "Yes but I want to settle in my own time. There's no point of rushing it. I said I love you to both guys and look where that got me."

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