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3 days until wedding...


"Say it back baby." I whisper into the phone. "Say what back exactly?" I check to see if my gun is loaded. "Tina don't make me upset."

"Or what? You're gonna fly back here and spank me?" A wicked smile grows on my face, she just gave me the best idea. "Don't be surprised if I do."

"Whatever I love you. Have fun on your business trip." She says with a sarcastic tone. I just know that she rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you tonight mi amor." I hang up and switch off my phone. Unfortunately I can't have any interruptions while I'm on the mission.

I turn to look at the people I'm with. "Any updates?" I ask the two spies that have been working for the Morozov's.

"We were able to give all the guards outside the house the poisoned drinks, they should pass out any minute from now."

"What about the guards inside the house?" I tuck my lucky knife away. It's the same knife Tina used to carve her initials into me.

"We made sure to discard their bullets. So right now they're carrying empty guns." Wow. Either they're really good or the guards are really dumb.

"We have something else to tell you."

I nod giving them permission to speak. "Mikhail isn't wearing an eyepatch, in fact he hasn't been wearing it for a month."

"So you're telling me the bastard has been lying about losing his eye. Oh I see he just wanted to look tough, he won't be so tough when I'm done with him."

I look around at my crew again. There's twenty five of us and fifty five of them. We got this. As soon as this is over I'm gonna go home and kiss Tina's beautiful face and I'll kiss it with joy knowing that she's safe.

We exit the van that we're in. We see bodies littered across the whole compound. The guards are dead with blood oozing out of their mouths and eyes.

We reach the front door. I kick the dead guards body to the side and we enter. I turn around. "You five put your silencers on and deal with the people in the kitchen, while the rest of us deal with everyone in the main hall." I whisper.

They nod and move to complete my order. We arrive at the hall but wait for the right moment to enter. I'm so happy the two spies gave us the layout of the house.

I hear clapping. "Этот человек для меня как отец."
(This man has been like a father to me.) I hear Mikhail's voice. It's a pity I don't understand the language.

"Я люблю его всем сердцем"
(I love him with all my heart.)

I signal to my crew that we must get ready to enter.

"С днем рождения дядя "
(Happy birthday uncle.) We barge in when the crowd starts clapping.

Gasps and screams are heard. "Fire!" I say to my crew and chaos erupts. The guards pull out their guns to shoot but are surprised when they see it's empty.

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