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I LOOK AT THE PREGNANT woman in front of me. She looks to be about three months pregnant. We're currently sitting in the living room.

"Wow this is so awkward." She giggles but no one else does, it's dead silent. "I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Anna, I was born and raised in Texas actually now that I think of it I've never been overseas. Pretty sad isn't it. Now it's your turn."

I'm so confused, is this some sort of meet and greet?

"Okay that's great but how do you know Antonio?" I ask.

"Well one night three months ago we met at a bar and then we went back to my place and one thing led to another and now boom here I am. I'm having his baby." She does this little clapping motion that just ticks me off. "By the way you look so different Antonio, what's that nasty scar on your face?"

Antonio sits completely still next to me. It feels like he's not even breathing he just keeps his head forward.

"Wow." I chuckle. "So it was just unprotected sex?" This time I look at him when I ask the question. "Actually we did wear a condom I think it just ripped."

"That's not my baby I didn't even have an orgasm that night." Antonio suddenly has a voice.

"Oh honey you don't need to have an orgasm to make someone fall pregnant. Besides I knew that you'd react like this so here." She hands me a piece of paper and I open it. It's a paternity test and it says that he's the father. 

"There was a strand of your hair on my pillow when you left."

I don't know what to say. I can't kick a pregnant woman out onto the street. This is crazy. "Say something." I look at Antonio. When he doesn't say anything I get up and leave the living room.

I hear him following behind me as I practically stomp to the room. When I enter the room I stand by the window. "So when were you going to tell me that you made a woman pregnant." I don't turn to look at him.

"I'm just as confused Tina this was a long time ago before we got back together."

"Then you had the audacity to say that you didn't have an orgasm, as if it isn't easy for men to have an orgasm." I want to laugh because it's so absurd when you think about it.

"But it's true, even with other women I--"

"Women? As in the plural for woman?" He stays quiet. " Wow." I clap my hands.

"How many if I may ask?"

"I don't really know anymore..." he mumbles.

I scoff at him and walk around the room looking for my things. "Don't act like you haven't slept around. You slept with my brother for heavens sake."

"Yes but that was just one person Antonio. You on the other hand have lost count of how many people you've slept with." I find my suitcase.

"I don't even know if you're telling the truth by saying it's just one person and what the fuck are you doing with your suitcase?"

"I think it's high time I spoke to Isabella again don't you think?"

"No you can't go outside it's dangerous Tina." He rushes towards me and grabs my shoulders, he looks deranged and worried. I've never seen him like this before.

"Escucha Antonio. Estás actuando como un loco."
( Listen Antonio. You are acting crazy.)

I shift so I can loosen his grip on my shoulders. " Listen I just need to clear my head okay. You should attend to your pregnant one night stand I bet she's bored."

After packing a few clothes I walk downstairs and go into his garage. He follows me the whole time. I take one of the car keys. "Let me drive you there." He offers

"You might wanna get your ears checked I said go check on Anna and see if she's alright." I put my suitcase in the trunk and reverse out of the garage.

Antonio watches me the whole time.

I don't know how to feel. Is it right for me to be upset? I mean we weren't together during that time, in fact I was wishing death upon him. But still, the fact that he knocked her up fucking hurts.

He even had the audacity to say I was lying about sleeping with one person and one person only. How can he expect me to whore around like him when he traumatised me severely.

I don't want to think about it but sometimes I do involuntarily. The bitch came over to my house and beat the shit out of me, and he looked soulless while he did it.

What if he does it again? The real question is why am I always getting hurt wherever I go? Do I have a target on my back or something? Sometimes I'm just breathing then I get hurt.

It reminds me of a time when this group of people were bullying me in middle school because I had a funny accent. They would give me a good beating almost everyday. But what did I do to them? Why did they feel the need to hurt me when I was just minding my business?

My mom and dad came to the rescue obviously and my dad made sure all their parents lost their jobs. I love my parents.

It just feels like pain follows me wherever I go and I'm sick of it. I don't know what I'll do if I get hurt again.

I arrive at Isabella's house. Marcus comes by the window with that annoying bright flashlight of his. I roll down the window and he audibly gasps. "Miss Rodriguez? I haven't seen you here in such a long time."

I smile. "I know you missed me I've just been busy." He nods. "Okay let me open up for you." He opens the gate and I thank him before driving in.

I see Isabella's car and I'm so happy. How could I possibly avoid my best friend for the rest of my life? I park the car and exit to fetch my suitcase.

I walk up the steps to the front door. Should I ring the doorbell? But I've lived here for so long and I have a key. But I also haven't been here for so long and knowing her she might call the cops on me thinking I'm an intruder.

I ring the doorbell twice and wait. She takes her sweet time and eventually opens the door - very slowly might I add.

Once she sees it's me she relaxes and a warm smile appears on her face. I feel like bursting into tears because I've missed her so much.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey." I reply.


Do you think her being upset is valid or is she just overreacting? Let me know.

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