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Nine days later...

I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I look at my right hand. I now have the silicone prosthetic fingers and it looks like I never lost them in the first place.

Same colour, shape and size as my original fingers. I got them six days ago. Damn who would've thought. Why did I wait for so long to do this?

"Mi amor you need to go see my mom are you forgetting that the event is tonight?" Antonio walks in.

"Oh shit sorry I forgot." I kiss his cheek that has the scar and leave the room.

I never thought that I would be able to walk around without a glove. It might take some time to get used to.

On the other hand, I need to speak to Isabella. I'm a bad friend and I didn't realise it until that day. Maybe it'll be better when I go back.

I knock on the door before entering the room. "Maria you said you wanted to see me."

"Yes Tina come in." In front of me are eight different mannequins with eight different dresses.

"We have a black dress and a white dress which is usually a safe option, but personally I feel like a nice colour would look gorgeous on your skin. People who just wear black and white are boring."

My eyes immediately land on the silk emerald green dress. I walk up to the dress and touch it.

"I knew you would love that one. Thank you lord." She snaps her fingers and three woman, that I didn't even notice, take all of the other dresses out of the room.

"Since we are practically connected and I knew that you would choose this dress, these are for you."

She holds up earrings and a necklace with an emerald pendant that perfectly matches the dress.

"Oh Maria, you didn't have to-"

"Well I did, because I can see how you make my son happy and it warms my heart. I wish that Alejandro could find someone, he's getting older by the second and so am I. I want to be there for his own wedding day before I leave this earth you know." She whispers sadly.

I feel bad for Alejandro. I wish I didn't agree to sleep with him that night. It just makes everything so fucking awkward.

"Don't worry. Alejandro will find just the right woman for him one day, I promise." I hug her.


"Jesus you're so fucking sexy."  Antonio kisses my neck as I put my earrings on.

His hand lifts my dress "I can just lift your dress a bit and-" I smack his hand away. "People have already started arriving, we don't need to be out of breath before we greet them."

"But you look so gorgeous, I want to eat your-" I kiss him to stop his rambling but it was a mistake, because he pushes me onto the bed.

Our kiss starts to get heated but it stops once we hear a knock on the door. "Antonio." His mom calls and he grumbles.

"Sí." He touches my cheek and smiles a smile that warms my heart while staring into my eyes. "Are you guys done?"

"Uh yes we're coming down right now." He sighs and lifts me up. "My apologies princesa it's just hard for me to control myself around you."

He kisses my forehead and we exit the room to join the people. I hope this goes smoothly, I just feel like sleeping for five days.


I'm not surprised that there's a lot of people here. The house is big enough for a whole wedding and reception.

Different faces, different colors, different heights, different sizes, different genders and different hairstyles is all I see.

But my main focus is Antonio. He stands across the room conversing with his father and other men while I sip on champagne, expensive champagne.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" A deep gruff voice says behind me. I can smell him without even facing him. Jasmine, cardamom, carnation, lemon, bergamot and benzoin.

Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty. The perfume that costs $215 000 for a single bottle. Only twenty bottles were made because of its price.

I turn to look at the owner of this scent. A tall man with platinum blonde hair and an eyepatch.
"Ah yes Tina Rodriguez, the owner of  the perfume brand Rodriguez."

His accent is thick. Russian. "Mikhail," he extends a hand towards me "Mikhail Morozov." I'm a bit skeptical at first but I end up shaking his hand.

Through the expense perfume I can smell... blood. His grip on my hand slightly tightens. "What would you be doing at such an event?" He asks and I can't help but get nervous.

Why am I nervous?

"This event isn't for someone as innocent looking as you." I feel like a sheep in the presence of a wolf that's about to kill me.

He takes a step closer to me and my body freezes. Where is Antonio when I need him? "Hey Mikhail. It's been a while huh?" Alejandro steps in between Mikhail and I.

I feel someone pull me back into their chest, I'm about to swing on the person when I hear "It's okay baby it's me." Antonio calms me down.

My gut squeezes, it feels like I shouldn't be here. "The Gonzalez brothers have come to play I see." Mikhail says with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Why would you bring such a fine thing to such an event?" He keeps saying that like this thing is a big deal. It's just a little - scratch that - big get together for Antonio's family.

"Antonio what is he talking about? What is this event about?" I look up at him. "Tina I-"

"Can I have everybody's attention please." Antonio's father says on a stage. When the fuck did they place a stage in their living room?

"I have gathered you all here for a big announcement. Friends and enemies I am retiring from my position." Chatter starts to fill the room. Enemies? What does he mean by enemies?

"Antonio, my youngest son, will now be taking over my position, as the leader of the Spanish mafia." All eyes turn to look at Antonio and I.

What did I get myself into?


Well that was dumb. I'm sort of making this a book about unfortunate events so hang on tight loves.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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