Eventually You'll Leave Me (Pt.1)

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Y/n was sat on her dorm room floor, against her bed as she read the new comments on her recent post.

It was a picture of her and Mal that Ben sneakily took when they all had a day out together. It was Y/n's favourite photo, Mal was holding Y/n in the air as they both smiled. With the caption, "Always my safe place. Love you Mama."

Y/n and the rest of the group, that now included more than the Vks, thought the post was cute. But the other princes and princesses who didn't like the Vks or just Y/n in general did not.

Y/n scrolled through the comments, reading as they grew.

"Mal won't be her 'mama' forever, right?"

"If Y/n thinks that's going to last. She's wrong."

"I can't believe Y/n is a villain kid."

"I bet she's a disappointment to Mother Gothel."

"She's pathetic, no way Mal actually likes her."

"Mal's only her 'mama' because she pities her."

A tear came to Y/n's eye when people was commenting Mal would leave. Y/n didn't want to believe them. These random people had no idea about her and Mal's relationship. Mal wouldn't leave Y/n for anything. "She wouldn't, would she?" Y/n whispered to herself as she remembered Mal has a new life now. "She won't need me."

Y/n was crying now. All these comments were getting to her whether she liked it or not. Y/n jumped at the sudden knock on her door.

"Hey Y/n." It was Carlos, "Mal told me to come get you, we're going to the enchanted lake for the rest of the day."

'Of course, Mal didn't come herself.' Y/n thought to herself, wiping her tears before replying, "Okay give me a minute."

Y/n rushed to the bathroom; her face was already red from crying. Y/n quickly applied light makeup before slipping her shoes on, grabbing her bag and leaving. Carlos was still waiting outside her dorm.

"You didn't have to wait." Y/n sighs as she locks the door.

Carlos chuckled slightly, "Don't you think Mal would kill me if I returned without you."

"Well, that depends on if she really loves me." Y/n muttered under her breath.

"What?" Carlos didn't catch what Y/n said.

Y/n looked at him, "Nothing, come on."

Carlos and Y/n return back to the group, (Mal, Evie, Jay, Ben, Doug, Jane, Lonnie, Chad and Audrey.)

Y/n whispers to Carlos as she spots Audrey and Chad. "You didn't tell me petty 1 and 2 would be here." Carlos laughs.

"Y/n." Mal smiled and hugged her.

Y/n rested her head on Mal's shoulder, smiling before remembering all the comments causing her not to hug Mal back. Mal was confused but she let it slip.

Evie smiles "Are we ready?"

"Yep, let's go." Ben says before leading the group over to the motorbikes.

Everyone pairs up on to the motor bikes. Evie and Doug, Jane and Carlos, Lonnie and Jay and Audrey and Chad.

Y/n looks at Mal, Ben's helping her on to her bike. Seeing that scene, Y/n walks over to the other leftover bike. Evie notices, telling Mal silently, Mal looks over to where Evie had pointed to.

"Y/n!" Mal calls before Y/n gets on to her bike. "Ride with me."

Y/n shakes her head, "It's fine, Ben can ride with you." Y/n than proceeds to sit on the spare bike before Mal or Ben could say anything.

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