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The group all stood in a bundle by the stairs to the field as they all were having the last few conversations before parting ways. Mal had said goodbye to everyone about a thousand times in Y/n's mind. Y/n was also put down so proper hugs could be given, which didn't make her happy. Mal was going to take her up for a nap, and the wait was making Y/n grumpy.

"Mamaaa." Y/n whined, pulling on Mal's dress to get her attention. She wanted to go to their dorm to sleep, or at least to be picked up.

Mal didn't turn from her conversation but just rubbed the little's arm. "We'll go up soon, I promise baby."

Y/n chose to believe her mama, although she said that last time which obviously didn't happen. She was debating sleeping on the floor at this point. Y/n sat on the floor, still next to Mal. She wanted her mama's comfort but she was too busy so she thought she could hold her hand in the meantime but once Y/n reached out, Mal had moved her hand away. She was too into her conversation to realise Y/n was reaching for her.

Y/n decided to go sit on the steps, still near Mal but not so close to be stepped on. Y/n continued down a few steps, careful to not fall. But all thought she had just had previously gone out the window she spotted the butterfly that flew in front of her face, leading away from the group and into the woods where only more nature and animals led her further out.

"Well I better get Y/n to our dorm now." Mal smiled at Lonnie, who just nodded and allowed her to go. She looked down to her side where Y/n last was, but she wasn't. Mal didn't panic, knowing she was around them somewhere. "Y/n?" Mal looked around slightly.

"She went to the steps." Carlos informed and Mal thanked him before walking over, but to see she wasn't there.

She turned back to the group "Are you sure, Carlos?"

"Yeah." Carlos mindlessly spoke in between his conversations with Doug and Jane.

Mal practically growled as she spoke again. "Well she isn't here."

That got everyone's attention. Y/n was nowhere in sight. They even checked the nearby bathrooms just to make sure, in case she forgot to say where she was going. Mal immediately rushed up to their dorm. Maybe she went without her, she felt her heart drop when she wasn't there either, she couldn't even track her phone as she had left it in their dorm for the day as she was little. She was little. Mal's stomach now turned, remembering she had slipped. And she wasn't with anyone she knew because they were all together.

Ben was the first to enter the room, sitting by Mal who had her head in her hands, "She's not here, I don't know where else she would go." Mal tried to tell Ben as she leant into his hug.

"We'll find her. She'll be okay." Ben gave Mal a sympathetic smile.

Mal wiped a few tears away. "She was slipped when she went to sit on the steps. No one saw what way she went. She's alone and she probably doesn't know where she is." Ben didn't say a word to Mal, thinking holding her close was the only thing he could do right now.

Soon enough the remaining Vks came into the dorm room. All starting or trying to form a plan to search for Y/n. Ben had ordered all the guards to search the school, and just in case, his castle.

Mal paced her room, holding one of many stuffies Y/n owned, as they waited for answers. Ben stood by, waiting for his phone to ring. Evie and Carlos sat on the couch as Jay sat on the table opposite.

Everything came to halt when Ben's phone ran. It had started getting dark, so everyone had their hopes up.

"Hello?" Ben answered slowly as Mal came closer, holding his hand.

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