Bullied (Requested) Pt.2

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TW ⚠️ mention of sh and diet issues. This will be scattered throughout the chapter so if any of this effects you please skip this chapter!

And remember for those who have struggled or is struggling, you are beautiful in everyway, no matter what anyone says. You're not alone.


"Okay then," I sighed from outside the bathroom door.

I was growing quite concerned about Y/n. It was becoming hot again and she was still wearing jeans and joggers as everyone else wore dresses or shorts. "Are you sure you don't want to go back and change into shorts?" I caught myself constantly asking Y/n, her answer was always no.

And then the diet. Somehow, without my realisation, Y/n diet had shrunk to only an apple at lunch and she didn't eat any other time of the day. I sighed when I saw her plate, again, with a single apple on it today.

"Can you have something more than an apple please, baby?" I cautiously asked, Y/n immediately dropped the apple and ran away from the outside table we were sitting at. I gave one look to Evie before we followed.

We followed her all the way to our dorm, calling after her every few steps but she never stopped or slowed down, in fact I think she sped up.

I entered our dorm, Evie just on my heels, I took a quick look before I went to the bathroom, trying to open the door to realise Y/n had locked it.

I knocked before speaking, "Y/n, let me in please."

"Please leave me alone." I faintly heard. Evie gave me a concerned look before Y/n continued, "Sorry for running off, I'm fine."

I sighed, "I know you're not okay Y/n, please don't lie to me I just want to help you."

"I'll be down soon I promise." Y/n sniffled.

"Y/n please open the door." I knocked again and I heard moving around but the door was still locked. "Okay." I whispered to myself before finding my spell book.

"M," Evie looked shocked as she whispered. "You're not going to..."

"I am," I whispered back, "Y/n isn't opening the door, I'm concerned, I'm going in there one way or another."

Evie stood back. "Okay, Okay."

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." I chanted before the door swung open and Evie and I rushed in.

I saw Y/n sat on the floor with a lighter in her hands, I instantly knew why she had it. Y/n looked up at us with a shocked expression, tears running down her face, quickly putting the flame out.

"Give me the lighter." I stated, with my hand out, I could see she was about to protest. "Y/n! Give me the lighter."

She reluctantly handed over the lighter, I immediately handed it to Evie who kept it with her.

"Mal." Y/n's voice broke as I sat down.

"Tell me," I looked at her straight eyes. "I need you to tell me so I know this is really happening."

Y/n got up and Evie was quick to block the door. "You're not going anywhere."

Y/n rolled her eyes, as she looked away from the both of us, before pulling jeans down to show us her thighs. My eyes immediately started to tear up.

I didn't dare touch it as I stood again. "Is this what you wanted?" Y/n said, in an almost irritated tone.

"How long?" I muttered, knowing she heard me as her eyes widened. "How long Y/n?" I took my eyes off her thighs to look at hers.

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