Bad Memories (Requested)

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Hope you like this @Cake5656 Some requests has taken longer then others I apologise, I've been really busy. Whichever one comes first comes first. Depends if I've struggled with the chapter or not. Okay so I may have lied in the last chapter about a new one coming soon but hey this took longer to finish than expected.


I was crawled up in the corner, there was nowhere else I could go, i tried to outrun her I really did. I tried to escape. She bent down in front of me laughing, "Now be a good girl and do as Mother Gothel says and you won't have to run from me." She went to pat my head, but I moved.

"Please mother." I begged, "I-i just want to go out and see Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos". I knew saying that was a mistake as soon as I finished talking.

Mother's face was red with rage as she slapped me across the face. "You are not the daughter I deserve, you're a useless brat. YOU WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE THIS PLACE, EVER!"  Mother shouted the end, making me tense and flitch, which I'm sure she enjoyed.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I'll be better." I wiped my tears as I stood.

My mother only scoffed and turned away. "I can't believe I wasted a golden flower on you." My mother turned to me again, "You're so pathetic, I can't believe you're mine." My mother stalked towards me, "You're not seeing the light of day again."

I immediately screamed as Gothel dragged me from the corner and towards the basement, where she had chained me before.

I felt tears on my face as the image of my mother went black and I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me. I instantly thrashed around to get them off, still not opening my eyes, scared of who it could be.

I felt the person remove their arms from around me when I heard a familiar voice.

"You're okay bubs. I'm here, I've got you." 

I sat up when I pinned that the voice was Mal, she picked me up when I started to cry again. I was just so scared I was back there that I couldn't even recognise Mal.


I woke up to the sounds of crying and thrashing. Straight away I knew it was Y/n. Another nightmare. I somehow got into Y/n's bed without being kicked. I quicky wrapped my arms around her, begging that this would calm her down. I gently whispered in her ear for her to wake up as I held her still.

Y/n's body became more tense, if that was even possible, telling me she was waking up. Her body was still for a second before she squirmed around again. I removed my arms from around her before comforting her.

"You're okay bubs. I'm here, I've got you." 

Y/n sat up sharply before she started crying again. I couldn't help but pick her up.

"Y/n, you're okay." I lightly bounced her. "Shh."

Y/n sat up in my arms for a second, hiccupping as she cried and tried to talk. "Mama... She... She was there. I was back there." Y/n stayed sitting up for a minute, her eyes were filled with fear.

I held Y/n's head back against my shoulder. I didn't say much more until she was fully calmed down, knowing that she would eventually slip. Soon enough, all you were able to hear from our dorm was my footsteps and Y/n's sniffles once a while. I immediately knew that we were staying inside today.

I sat back down on my bed. I tried to pull Y/n away from my shoulder so I could actually see her, of course her grip got tighter she won that one.

"Baby, I just need to see your face. I won't put you down a promise." I sigh, holding Y/n a bit tighter.

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