Eventually You'll Leave Me (Pt.2)

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"At least it's me and not you." Y/n said, not turning to look at me, or anyone, before continuing up rocks.

Ben stood with me as I watched Y/n walk away. Before I knew if she was out of sight. I wanted to chase after her, after what she said, but I couldn't move. Questions ran around my head, why did she say that? Did I do something? Had someone told her something that wasn't true?

Ben hugged me as I stared at the spot where she had left. He kept asking me things, but I couldn't hear him, his voice was muffled.

I felt someone push Ben away, they grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the others. I finally break out from my trance when I realised it was Evie.

I was stand with Jay and Carlos as well. Evie pulled me into a hug before Jay grips my shoulder.

"What was that about?" Carlos was first to ask. I didn't mind talking to them about what happened since it was just us Vks, but I couldn't bring myself to talk. I just broke down.

"She's just been so distant, I wanted to know what's wrong." I manged to say throughout my cries. Evie now had her arm around me.

Jay looked annoyed as he looked up, where the path leads too. I looked at Jay before taking his hand in mine, "Don't be angry at her."

Jay's face softened, still not looking away, "I'm not... I'm annoyed that she left by herself and that she didn't tell anyone what she was feeling. I mean we're the Vks, we're family."

Now Jay sounded like he was going to cry with me. I know Evie's let some tears slip.

"We have to remember Y/n isn't good at opening up, especially when it's about the people she loves." Carlos spoke up again.

I nodded before everyone looked behind me suddenly, I wiped my tears before I turned to face whoever was approaching. It was Jane. Carlos immediately walked in front of us. He was talking with her, but I couldn't hear him properly since he was whispering. I only got Jane's response.

"I know... I'm sorry... I get it... I just think... it's about Y/n Carlos, you should all see this."

The mention of Y/n's name made me break away from Evie. I stood beside Carlos, "What's wrong."

Jane smiled sympathetically before she handed me her phone, "I think this might have caused all of this."

I took her phone, realising it was Y/n's comment section on her recent post of us. I went through the comments slowly, reading. Every. Single. One. "I..." I start but I struggle what to say. "Has this been happening for a while?"

Jane opens her mouth to talk but Evie buts in, now on her phone, "Months, I mean it's not serious comments like those but it's bad."

I instantly give Jane her phone back before rushing up the hill. I start to cross the bridge as I hear Ben's voice. I turn to see him slightly behind. "I'm going, you can't stop me."

"I know." Ben smiled, still walking towards me, "But it doesn't mean we can't come." As soon as Ben said that the rest of the Vks appeared behind him.

"Hurry up then." I talk as I start speed walking away. I laugh to myself as I hear the others catching up.

We all finally get to the bikes, I see Y/n's is gone. That's good, she didn't walk all the way back. It's good. I sigh relieved as I got on the front of mine, Ben sitting behind me.

After what feels like forever, we eventually get back to Y/n and I's dorm.

"You know you guys didn't have to come." I say to the group behind me as I try to open our door.

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