Low Motivation

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This week has not been Y/n's. Class after class, Y/n was told she was failing and after every one, Mal would give Y/n the same pep-talk of how she could help or how maybe Y/n just needed to revise more. Either way, Y/n never enjoyed it. It just seemed that Mal was always on her case. Not just Mal. Evie, Jay, Ben, all of them. Carlos wasn't so pressuring but Y/n knew he wanted to say the same as the rest.

"Y/n. It's time to get up." Mal shook the girl, who only groaned in reply. "Come on, we don't want to be late for class."

"I don't want to go." Y/n simply stated, turning away from Mal.

Mal somewhat laughed before pulling the duvet off the raven haired girl, "No one wants to go to school Y/n."

"Fine." Y/n groaned, heading straight for the bathroom, not giving Mal a single look.

Finally when Y/n and Mal left her dorm Evie was waiting. "What took you so long."

"Y/n was extra slow today." Mal stated, giving the shorter girl a playful smile.

Y/n only rolled her eyes. "Yep it's my fault can we just go?." Y/n nudged past both girls before starting to leave. "Get this day over and done with."

Mal followed close behind her little as she gave Y/n another talk. "Now, I want you to try hard today. You failed almost every class. Engage as well please. I'm not in all of your classes so I hope I don't come to get you and your teachers have to talk to me again."

"Don't come to get me then." Y/n mumbled, still not turning to face Mal.

"What?" Evie asked, as the taller girls didn't catch what she had said.

"Nothing. Sure, I'll behave or whatever." Y/n really didn't need this in the morning.

"Y/n you could at least try to care." Evie said as she turned the girl to face her.

"I do, okay? But this, right now, isn't helping." Y/n removed her arm from Evie's grip. "I'll go to class early so you can meet the boys without me."

Truth is, Y/n wasn't going to class early, in fact she headed straight for the toilets where she locked herself in a cubicle before letting the tears she had held in flow. Lucky her, she'd learnt to silently cry on the Isle so no one would disturb her.

"Hey, where's Y/n." Ben was first to ask after he spotted the girls first.

Mal sighed, "Gone to class early. But I don't know whether to believe it."

"Surely if she's gone to class early that's a good thing?" Jay half questioned, "And Y/n never lied to you."

"I guess." Mal sighed as Ben put an arm around her shoulder.

After hanging around a bit more, it was finally time to head to class. The group split off into different directions as Y/n took this time to cover up her red face before bolting to class, unfortunately still being late.

"Y/n," the teacher sighed, not even looking at the door but knowing it was her. "Late. Again."

Y/n sat in her usual spot "I know, I'm sorry."

"I'll have to inform your..." The teacher paused.

"My caregiver." Y/n rolled her eyes as even now teachers still didn't talk to her like any AK. "Don't bother."

"It's three times this week Miss Gothel." The teacher spoke sternly and Y/n froze to her last name.

"I get that I have been late but do not use my last name." Y/n glared, her voice becoming low. Other classmates laughed but one look from her and they all stopped, some even moving away. With that the teacher started the lesson, not wanting to cause any issues with the girl, especially since Y/n had never spoken to them like that. Y/n did not participate at all throughout the lesson, even when asked a question she didn't move a muscle. No work was complete, she zoned out about 5 times. For the life of her she just couldn't focus.

When the bell rang, Y/n was first to stand, quickly packing her bag before heading for the door but she was stopped, "Y/n I want you to stay."

Y/n groaned, knowing what was about to happen. She shouldn't leave anyways, there was this stupid rule that she had to wait for Mal so there was really no getting out of this.

"Mal." The teacher welcomed the purple haired girl. "I would like to have a conversation." Mal left Y/n by the door as she approached the teacher, Y/n was thinking of just leaving but she knew that was causing more trouble than it was worth. Mal was about to ask what happened before the teacher began first. "She was first late to class, again, and the only thing she did during this class was draw this." The teacher held up a sheet of paper with a sketch that could be recognised as the golden flower.

Mal only looked back at Y/n who was leaning against the wall, not paying attention. "I'll talk to her, please cancel our classes." Mal asked, not to wait for the teacher's response before grabbing hold of Y/n's hand and dragging her to their dorm.

"Mal, let go of me," Y/n pulled back, "I could just follow you if you asked."

Mal didn't say a word until they reached their dorm. "You lied to me."

"I-" Y/n was about to explain but Mal stopped her.

"No, no excuses. You lied to me, which you have never done and you did nothing in class? What is going on with you!" Mal's eyes glowed for a second, telling Y/n she was deep and she better have a good excuse.

"The teacher used my last name. I owed them nothing." Y/n tried lying again.

Mal raised an eyebrow, "You know I get your past with your mother but that doesn't mean you don't do the work. What is really going on." Y/n rolled her eyes, did she really have to explain. "Y/n."

"I don't know, maybe the pressure of trying to be this perfect student after being raised in the isle is too much!" Y/n stated before throwing her bag to the floor. "Or maybe the growing pressure from my chosen family is too much. Take your pick Mal!"

Mal stood there in disbelief. Was she really being that clueless?

"Mal, people have all different expectations of me and they're coming from every direction. I freeze up, wanting to please you all but the want is so numbing that I just end up having no motivation at all." Y/n admits to her caregiver, wiping the fallen tears at the end.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Mal goes to hug Y/n but she steps away.

"I just need a few days off, from everything. Is that too much to ask?" Y/n sighs walking further away.

"We'll take a few days. I promise, we can even go somewhere okay." Mal offers, disappointed in herself that she didn't see her little's pain before.

Y/n was shocked at the sudden suggestion, but she nodded, accepting it. "Thank you."

"Y/n." Mal stopped the girl from going any further, walking to Y/n now, taking her head in her hands. "Promise me you'll tell me if you ever feel like this again. Please."

Y/n nodded against Mal's hands before Mal pulled her into a hug, finally settling this.


Word Count: 1202

I don't know if I love or hate this chapter but here it is <3

Happy Sunday, Don't forget to vote. 🫶

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