Isle Visit (Requested) Pt.1

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I struggled with how to start this chapter so I hope this is good enough. And I'm sorry this took so long. @SpaceAppleLux


"I don't want to go back there." I complained to Mal.

Mal stood in front of me, holding my head in her hands. "Trust me baby, I know. I don't want to go back there either but we have to."

"But whyyyyy." I drag out as Mal walks back to her bed and bag.

I can hear the smile in her voice as she explains. "We have to make sure nothing bad is happening there. Like a small check up..."

I sigh. "Okay. But please promise me we won't see my mother again." I now begged, a tear forming as I remembered my time on the Isle with that awful woman.

"I promise." Mal comes back, kissing my head before we go back to packing. Apparently, to Fairy Godmother, this was going to become routine but I'm sure all of us were hoping not. Especially because we were the only ones that could go because we know the isle so well. I hate this.

We soon met the others by the limo before we headed on our journey, everyone agreeing that we won't run into all of our families on the Isle, afraid of getting stuck there again. Jay parks the limo in a nearby garage before we all head to our small studio. Mal gives me a reassuring smile as we walk up the stairs to where we once called home, and entering the studio brought back so many memories.

"Wow, it's crazy to be back here." Evie smiles at all of us as she sits down on one of the beloved couches.

We all decided to settle down on the couches. Talking about happy memories and old times on the Isle. I had my head on Mal's lap as I felt her playing with my hair, making me feel drowsy. I smiled as I heard Mal whisper to me to sleep, finally giving in and letting my eyes close.

I woke up the next morning next to Mal in her bed. I stretch myself out before laying on her. Still not used to being back here.

"Morning my little dragon." Mal smiles as she now sits up. I smiled at the name, although I wasn't feeling little.

"Morning." I smile back before laying my head back down on her chest.

"Not feeling little?" Mal simply asks, which I nodded back to.

We stayed in bed for a little longer before Jay called out to us to come get food. Just like the old days. Whilst we were eating we decided we would stop by Dizzy's and Uma's.

Mal and I both shared a look when Evie asked about seeing Dizzy. We could both spot a caregiver and a little from miles away. It was obvious to me that Evie's a caregiver. When she looks after me, it's almost like Mal was still there, unlike the boys. And Dizzy. Dizzy was the first one I told about me being a little so to say we were close was an understatement. Diz definitely had a little in her. She matches my energy so well. And Mal definitely saw it.

And heading to Uma's was my idea. I was pretty much friends with everyone on the Isle. I never truly picked a gang side during the Mal vs Uma drama when we were young, but when Mal eventually started taking care of me whilst I slipped I had definitely been more towards Mal ever since. And then I went to Auradon. I just wanted to see her again.

I knew the others didn't really like the idea about seeing Uma, and I was happy to go alone but apparently that wasn't a good idea. And Mal made sure I knew she would stick by me wherever, even if she hated it.

So soon enough we had left for Dizzy's. Although the boys decided to go and wander the isle, knowing that Dizzy's wasn't really the place for them. Evie was bouncing with excitement to see her Diz again, don't get me wrong as I was excited too, but a caregiver and little was different and don't me and Mal know it. Evie also practically ran to Curl Up & Dye so Mal had to carry me for the majority of the walk.

Mal finally placed me back down once we entered the shop, seeing Diz with her headphones on and dancing around with her broom.

Evie was the first to approach, tapping her on the shoulder. She instantly squealed, "EVIE!"

Evie picks the girl up, spinning around before placing her back down for a second hug. "Oh, I missed you, Diz."

"I missed you too." Dizzy sighed before Evie pulled away leaving our friend confused before Evie turned Diz to face us.

"Oh my! Y/n!" Dizzy hugged me and I obviously hugged back.

"Oh Diz we have so much catching up to do!" I smile and the girl nods rapidly, it was good not looking up to at least one person.

"What's ice cream like?" Her eyes lit up, waiting for the answer and that confirmed mine and Mal's suspicions of Diz being a little.

Evie beat me to the answer, "It's cold, and if you eat it too fast it gives you a headache called a brain freeze."

"Really?" Diz turned to me, I nodded and she squealed again.

We were now all sat at Dizzy's art table, there were jewels scattered around and hot glue piles everywhere. Classic Dizzy. There were only two seats at this table so Diz and I had to sit on Evie and Mal's lap. Which dizzy didn't protest to one bit. Making me look bad.


After a while of creating new jewellery for each other, Y/n and Diz ran off to do each other's nails whilst having their little catch up whilst Evie and I had big talks as Y/n calls them. I looked over to Evie who was watching the pair, her smile growing every time Dizzy would laugh or look back at her.

"Not a caregiver." I mutter to myself with a small laugh but that clearly didn't go unheard.

"Excuse me?" Evie turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

I turned back to her, "oh no, nothing."

"Didn't sound like nothing, M." Evie rolls her eyes.

"You look at her like that, and you still believe you're not a caregiver." I shrug, smirking at Evie's shocked face for a second.

"Not this again." Evie sighed and I nodded.

"This again. It's clear to everyone but you, even little Y/n knows you're a caregiver." I defend my point.

Evie shakes her head. "I love her like a sister."

"I used to love Y/n like a sister." I smile, looking away.

"You know that's different!" Evie defends before I call Y/n over.

"What's up mama." Y/n smiles as she jumps into my lap.

"How did you view me before I started taking care of you?" I question, playing with her hair.

Y/n shrugs, "Like an older sister. Why?" I smiled at Evie, who was again about to defend herself before Y/n spoke up, "Oooh, we're talking about that!"

"It's not the same." Evie insisted to my little, who settled more into my lap.

Y/n nodded, not looking straight at Evie as she played with my hair now. "It really is. Trust us we've been through it."

Evie and I continued our conversation as Y/n stayed on my lap, still playing with my hair as I bounced her.  Diz came over after a while, realising Y/n was still sitting with us.

"You okay, Y/n." Diz smiled and Y/n only gave a small nodded back.

"I think she's worn herself out, Diz." Evie laughed slightly as a whine came from Y/n and she turned more towards me.

I laughed slightly too before looking back up to the others, "Yea, we better head back."

"So soon?" Dizzy asked as I stood.

I nodded, "Unfortunately, we'll come back before we leave, I know Y/n would like that.." Evie started to get up before I gently pushed her back, "Stay. We'll meet you at Uma's after her nap." 

Evie agreed, making Dizzy squeal again. Y/n waved goodbye before we headed back to our hideout.


Words: 1317

I really hate to make this  a pt.2 but I thought it would be better and I know it was to meet Uma but I couldn't resist adding Dizzy and the situation between her and Evie so I hope you all don't mind.

Happy Wednesday! Don't forget to vote!

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