A Little? (Requested) Pt.1

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Hope this is good @liv2135
Some requests have taken longer than others. I apologise, I've had exams. Whichever one comes first comes first. Depending if I've struggled with the chapter or not.

I didn't know how to start this, maybe as a story like the Vks we're telling the Aks but I just decided to jump into it so this is straight to the past.

TW ⚠️ Physically and mental? Abuse.(Sincerely apologise if I got this wrong or missed anything. Might not be that good I've never written something bad like that)


None of the Vks had a good life on the isle. Who would? It didn't help that their parents were abusive. Although the majority of the Villains only mentally abused their kids, whether they knew it or not, there was still a select few who went further.

Y/n Gothel was unfortunately one of those select few's children. Never perfect enough, not skinny enough, not useful enough. That lead Y/n to use ageregession as a form of release. It gave her the time to be the child she never was. She escaped the reality of the the isle.

Y/n, by some miracle to her mother, ended up with the kids of Maleficent, Evil Queen, Jafar and Cruella De Vil. Their names were Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.

Y/n was friends with Mal and Jay before she was friends with the rest. They were friends since childhood. They became each other's family, always there for each other no matter what, if something ever happened between them and a parent or just another kid. Y/n unfortunately couldn't tell her new founded family about her new coping mechanism.

In the 'normal' world, outside of the isle, the thing of caregivers and littles was a normal thing. But anyone on the isle, who was discovered as a little was immediately outcasted. Well they were all outcasts but no gang had a little. Meaning no protection, all alone. The isle was... well, let's just say, survival of the fittest is an understatement.

She lasted years with her secret...


I just left the hang out were Evie, Jay, Mal and Carlos and I found. We had found, and well, claimed an abandoned studio that we all could share. We all had our own section. I was lucky enough to get the section that was actually completely closed off. The majority of the studio was an open space. Sure a few walls cut of some view but it was an open space. Except from my room. It wasn't small, but it was the smallest space in the studio and as the smallest Vk I took it. Well I wanted it. A closed, safe space, just for me.

I entered my mother's house quietly, not knowing if she was out, asleep or waiting from me. I hoped it wasn't the last one, I really hoped, not today, not after a decent day.

"Y/n Gothel!" I winced when I heard her call my name from the next room. My mother appeared at the door, her hair had visibly thinned from the last time I saw her. "Where is my flower!" She more shouted then asked.

"Mother..." I sighed, there will never be a flower on this isle but she never listens. And it's always about the bloody flower. That's how it always starts.

"I don't want to hear it, you good for nothing rat." My mother approached me and I instinctively backed away. "Where do you think you're going?"
Mother questioned, grabbing my arm and pulling me in close. Her nails dug into me as she slapped me.

"You shouldn't have left! What have I told you, mmm? That you don't deserve to leave for your friends! Ha, you don't even deserve friends."

All of these basics didn't get to me anymore, I've heard it enough times.

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