Dress Up (Requested)

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I think this request is so cute, I loved this idea. This has been sitting in my draft for 6 months and I never got around to finishing it. I feel bed because it's requested 🫶 So sorry! @SnipsT_42


Everyone had a off day today. No one was busy, everyone was together. We were all packed into Evie's dorm this time. Normally it was Mal's and I's dorm but it's kinda messy and no matter what Mal says it's not my fault!

Right now I was very bored. I was sitting on Mal's lap as we had just finished eating and now everyone was having boring big talks. I needed some entertainment and fast. I looked around the room, wondering what could get rid of this boredom.

Mama seemed to notice as she sat me back down on her lap to face her, "What's got you all fidgety?"

I shrugged as I looked down, not wanting to sound mean to Evie. "Bored Mama."

"I'm sure Evie would have something for you to do if you asked." Mama smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear. I buried my head into her shoulder, I didn't want to ask.

Evie obviously heard her name mentioned and joined the conversation as she asked what the matter was, which made me whine slightly. I just wanted some fun. "Do you want to ask Evie?"

I shook my head at mama's question, I was good, tucked away in her arms until I had something to do. "Little miss here is bored, do you have anything for her to do? Colouring maybe?"

"Mamaaaaa." I whine at her nickname in the beginning, earning a few playful pokes in the side, which as always makes me squirm.

"Umm," I heard Evie thinking out loud before hearing movement, "I don't have colouring but I do have this."

I then heard Mama gasp and instantly got my attention. I looked up to the sound of dragging, that's when Jay and Doug got up to help move this box. Once it was placed where Evie wanted it, I looked to Mama who gave me a reassuring nod.

So I climbed out of mama's lap and towards the box, looking back for another reassuring nod before finally opening it to see tons of costumes. I squealed as I pulled some out. "Dress Up!"


"Evie..." I sighed as I heard Y/n giggled. This never ended well.

Evie smiled, "Look how happy she is. She loves playing dress up."

"I'm never trusting you to throw anything out again." I insisted before Y/n came over and placed a plastic crown on my head before giggling to herself, clearly happy with it.

"Thank you baby." I kissed her temple as she tried to squirm out of my hold and back to the box.

She picked out outfits for everyone who would play, at the moment that was Jay and Carlos. Jay was dressed up like a pirate, of course he hated it at first but Y/n wouldn't stop until he became one, with the hat, hook, coat and fake moustache. In her opinion he looked perfect. Carlos was dressed up as a superhero, Y/n had made him a little cape and gave him gloves to wear, of course he played along happily. And Y/n was obviously the princess. These characters of course made no sense being together but Y/n was happy and that's really all that mattered.

Y/n had the boys chasing her around the room as she hid behind all of us and we pretended to not know where she was. She currently had herself locked up by the pirate who was fighting the superhero who tried to save her, so we were just watching Carlos and Jay play fight as always. Ben had gotten up at some point, whispering things to Y/n before picking her up and we were all wondering what my boyfriend had just told my little.

"I have now captured the princess, and I shall put you under a spell!" Ben announced, pretending to do some magical moves and the boy of course acted like something was wrong, falling to the floor, hand over their chests.

"Please don't hurt the princessssss." Carlos dragged before fake dying.

That was clearly the end of that story as Ben sat next to with Y/n in his lap, and even though Ben didn't play long I knew Y/n enjoyed Ben getting involved, she would never tell anyone other than me, but she was wanting to get closer to him. Her excuse was for me but I knew her better.

The boys were definitely worn out as both Carlos and Jay practically fell to the floor. Looked over to my little, seeing her eyes drooping and Ben swaying which was definitely helping.

I guess my smile didn't go unnoticed as Ben gave me a confused look. "What?"

I was about to answer until Evie answered for me, "Y/n never really falls asleep in anyone else's arm's except Mal's."

"Oh." Ben looked shocked before turning to me again, "Do you want to take her then?"

I softly shook my head, "She'll be okay. Accept this moment."

I then leaned over to give my girl a kiss on the head before whispering, "Good night, my princess."


Word count: 815

I don't love nor hate this chapter. Sorry for the wait I have no idea why it took me this long to complete it. And sorry that it's only a short one.

Happy Wednesday! Don't forget to vote!

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