Random {3}

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{No one's POV}

"Okay, come here." Mal said as she sat next to Y/n, pulling her onto her lap.

"What?" Y/n frowned, looking away from her laptop to Mal. Confused why she would pull her away from her work.

Mal laughed lightly, still holding Y/n close. "Baby girl, you're stressing."

Y/n frowned even more. "I'm not.. I'm doing my work."

Mal rolled her eyes for a moment. "Baby, I'm not blind nor am I deaf. I see the small freak outs on how to do something. And I most definitely hear the grunts and small angry comments you whisper to yourself."

Y/n shook her head reaching for her laptop. "I have no idea what you're on about."

Mal was quick to close and move her laptop away, now holding Y/n's arm in as she swayed the both of them slightly. "Don't deny it baby. It's okay. But take a break, yeah?"

Y/n looked back to Mal. "I'll take a break when I'm done so can I have my laptop back please?"

Mal rolled her eyes at how stubborn Y/n could. "Nope, you're having a break now. I miss my baby."

"I'm not slipped." Y/n stated, trying to get off of Mal's lap. They both knew she wasn't little now but they knew if Mal continued to hold her and call her baby it wasn't going to be too long.

Mal nodded. She knew that. "I know, but come sit with me huh? Maybe draw me something, baby?"

Y/n couldn't resist the thought of drawing a picture for her mama, so she nodded.

Mal smiled as she stood up, still holding Y/n as she carried her over to the couch. Mal sat down before sitting Y/n down in front of the couch.

Y/n sighed as she pulled out her colouring equipment it wasn't long before she was fully slipped and lost in her colouring. Mal smiled to see Y/n so stress free again.


Words ~ 336

Just a small chapter since I haven't been writing much but I wanted to post. I hope I get back into writing soon <3

Happy Sunday! Don't forget to vote!

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