Sick. (Requested)

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Requested by @your-mumxxI'm going to try to make this mostly Y/n's Pov. Some requests have taken longer than others. I apologise, I've been really busy. Whichever one comes first comes first. Depends if I've struggled with the chapter or not.


"I'm okay." I sighed as I fought the rest of the Vks (and Ben) about my own body.

"Bubs you're sick. Just let me help you." Mal spoke softly as she stroked my back.

I brushed her off, "Mal, I'm okay, it's just a cough nothing more."

I mean I was sick, my throat hurt, I was coughing a lot, my head was pounding and I'm pretty sure I was gaining a fever. And all of this caused me to lose my appetite which wasn't unnoticed.

Evie sighed, "Y/n you can't pretend not to be sick until it goes away, it's not how it works."

"Yeah, it's just going to get worse." Carlos agreed.

Ben took a sip of his water as he spoke, "you're also really red."

"Will you all just stop, I'm okay. It's just coughs, it'll sort itself out in a day or two."

"Y/n, you've been coughing for more than a week, let alone everything else." Jay now spoke up.

I didn't answer anyone anymore, hoping they got the hint to just leave it be. I don't know why but I couldn't admit I'm sick, I think is cause I could always get over it in a day of two, even on the isle. And I've already missed a lot of classes, I'm probably failing, being sick now wasn't going to help.

"Would you atleast eat something?" Mal asked, I could hear the worry is her voice, as she moved some hair behind my ear.

I tried my best to eat no less then half of my plate but that didn't go as far as I thought it would.

The next time I was bothered by my cold or others was during the chemistry test. I was so close to not coughing the whole way through. I needed to be quiet and I'm sure my teacher was getting annoyed because for the last 15 minutes I was constantly coughing.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I know you want to do your test but you're disrupting the class." My teacher started, making the class all look up at me.

"No... no I'm fine. I'm sorry. I'll try to be quiet. I've only got ten minutes left" I try to defend myself and make a deal but sir really didn't budge.

"You can finish your test another time, for now I'm sending you back to your dorm." Sir paused, sighing. "Fairy Godmother has been informed that you will be absent until you're better."

My mouth hang open with shock. "Are you serious? It's just a cough!"

Before I could go any further, or sir could reply, Evie spoke with a stern voice. "Y/n." I could tell she was telling me to stop talking back. "Sir if you don't mind, I would like to take Y/n back, make sure she gets there and all?"

Sir agreed to Evie's proposition, I mean Evie more stated it but whatever. Evie collected our bags, taking my hand and practically dragging me out of the science lab.

"Evie, I can walk myself back to my dorm. It's not the isle and I'm not little." I say annoyed after sometime is silence.

Evie looked at me with a concerned expression. "You really think I'm going to let you walk alone all the way back to the dorms?" Evie then looked me up and down, "Especially when you look... terrible."

"Hey! I'm dressed nicely." I say as I look down myself, maybe double checking.

"Y/n you're sweating and it's only 12 degrees (celsius) outside." Evie smiles sympathetically.

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