Random {2}

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REMINDER! These chapters labelled random are random talks or situation chapters that I imagine could happen between Y/n and the Vks (And of course any other characters) as these are small ideas and I can't find a good way to put them in a chapter. And if you like one of these small chapters I can always try to make them an actual chapter.

Let me know if you like this and I'll be sure to do more.

Y/n was getting herself some food before sitting down with the Vks, sure she wasn't little right now but her little food was simple to make, so that's what she was doing. Making little food. Fortunately for Y/n, Mal knew Y/n was going to have her little food without being little so she was prepared to defend Y/n. Just for the off-chance that Jay decides to mock her.

Y/n was smiling to herself as she stirred extra cheese into her microwavable mac & cheese. Unfortunately she didn't realise how close she was to her drink until it split. She jumped as the glass fell on it side. Y/n stepped back, before she put the bowl on the other side of the small kitchen before grabbing a cloth to clean it up.

Y/n was slightly panicked and upset as she tried to clean the counter. "No, no, no." She whispered to herself over and over. Y/n was so focused on cleaning the juice that she didn't hear Mal or Evie calling to her, nor did she realise that the glass had rolled off the counter and smashed.

Mal had rushed into the kitchen when she heard the glass fall onto the floor, of course the rest of the Vks were right behind her. Mal got there just in time, seeing that Y/n was about to move more to the side to finish cleaning and was about to step on glass. "Y/n. Stop!"

"Y/n?" I called into the kitchen from the couch once I heard her spill something. Sure the kitchen wasn't a complete separate room but there was a wall between the small kitchen and the couch.

Evie then called in as Y/n gave no reply. "Are you alright in there?"

A minute went by before we could all hear a glass break. My heart immediately sank as I rushed up towards the kitchen, not caring for the others looks towards me.

I stopped when I came to a pile of glass, seeing that Y/n was about to step on it. I shouted at her "Y/n. Stop!"

Y/n jumped back at my suddenly raised voice, I could tell that she didn't realise we were there as well when she stepped back. Luckily away from the glass.

Y/n had tears forming in her eyes which made me feel terrible. "It's okay, I'm sorry I shouted." I comfort her as best as I could before trying, and succeeding, to step over the glass without getting any in my feet.

Once I got to Y/n I pulled her further away from the glass, not wanting to risk anything. Thankfully the others were starting to clean it up.

Y/n looked up at me. "I'm so sorry." Her voice broke as she started to cry. "I- I didn't mean too."

I pulled Y/n in to a hug. "I know. It's okay baby. I just didn't want you to step on glass." Y/n nodded against my chest as she whipped some tears away with the cuff of her jumper sleeve. "Come here." I gave her a small smile before picking her up.

Y/n sat up in my arms for a second. "I'm sorry Mama."

I held her closer. "I know bubs, I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry." I try to comfort my little as she has her arms around my neck and her head on my shoulder. I held Y/n as I watched, and made sure, the boys got all the glass as they volunteered to clean it up.

Evie came up from behind me, gently talking to Y/n, who had their face burrowed in the crook of my neck. "Hey, sweets." 

I felt Y/n lift her head up to look at Evie. I look over my shoulder as best as I could. Evie held out a sippy cup to her as she spoke again. "I brought you another drink." Evie smiled when Y/n took the drink.

Y/n held the cup close, not taking a drink yet as the boys finally finished with cleaning the glass. "How about we go watch a movie now mmm?" I asked the group, turning to Y/n at the end who was starting to look tired.

"Yess please." Evie answered laughing lightly.
"I'm in." Jay said as he helped Carlos up.

Y/n gave a lazy nod before we all got comfortable on the couch again.

Words ~ 716
Let me know if you like these short chapters.

Happy Tuesday! Don't forget to vote! 🫶

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