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I have been distancing myself from Mal and I know she knows it. I've stopped slipping, and not on purpose. I can't slip. I would try so hard but it's like I'm stuck in big space. It was irritating me and that irritation was coming out on to others. I had to distance myself from Mal because just being around her made this painful. I hated not being with her, and of course it was hard because we share a dorm.

"Hey Evie." I smiled, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I had been waiting around the corner for Mal to leave and I know that's bad but until I'm out of this, whatever it is, I couldn't bring myself near her.

"Oh Y/n, there you are!" Evie turned to me, breaking the hug. "Mal was looking for you, I'll send her a message."

I spoke rapidly in panic, "Oh, umm, don't, I'll go find her, it's okay."

Evie shook her head. "It will be easier."

Luckily the bell rang and I sighed, "I'll find her after class, I promise."

"I thought she came to get you from classes?" Evie asked with a raised brow.

"Well, I'm not slipped so I'll be fine," I shrug, starting to back up.

"Yea about that..." Evie starts but I turn away.

"I have to get to class." I quickly say before running off, thanking the stars I could get away from that conversation.

I now had art class for an hour and a half, and unfortunately, a break after that. Which I shall be spending by ignoring and avoiding Mal. Art has always been my favourite lesson, it was like a free form of therapy for me. (Me with writing). Our inspiration for today was a pot of beads. Not original but it was cool to see the different ways people who draw/paint an object... But for some reason I had lost my creativity and I was really struggling.

I knew this was because of my slipping issue. It was negative thoughts coming back that slipping usually prevented and the constant thought of wanting to slip. I couldn't take the struggle, I needed to leave, I raised my hand, waiting for my art teacher to answer me, it took her a while but eventually she spotted me.

"Ahh, my star student." Miss Hart approached, I knew she was expecting to see a masterpiece but when she looked I saw her face drop, even though she tried to hide it.

"Oh, Y/n..." Miss Hart looked between my art and the pot of beads in the middle of the room, trying to find the words.

I sighed, "Miss Hart, I wanted to ask to leave early?" I get out as quickly as possible, and my teacher gives me a concerned look. "I need to find Mal." I slightly whisper, like you would with a period excuse. Lucky me she granted my leave, believing I was on the verge of a slip and knew where Mal was.

I rushed up and out of that class all the way to our dorm. Mal had a class which will only last for at least another 45 minutes and there's a possibility that Mal will be told about this so my time could be cut majorly.

I instantly drop my bag at the door and rush to the bathroom, trying to find some sort of painkiller. Not slipping gave me a constant headache, which worsened around Mal, hence the avoiding.

I rummaged through most draws before I found some. After taking the right amount I sat on the floor, a glass of water in hand, slowly taking a sip every few minutes, waiting for the pill to take effect.

"Y/n?" I suddenly hear Mal call out and I swear to myself. I lost track of time.

I quickly cleaned up the bathroom, piling everything back into the draws before standing up straight as Mal opened the door.

Mal's Little {ONE SHOTS}Where stories live. Discover now