Bratty Whilst Shopping (Requested)

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This is supposed to be a short and sweet one but we'll see <3
(This probably won't be very good)


Mal had decided that today was her day to go shopping. It was a cloudy day so shopping was the perfect activity to do.

Of course she had her trusted helper, Y/n, to tag along, especially when Y/n was the one who needed new/more things.

Y/n wasn't very big on shopping when they all first arrived in Auradon. The crowds, all the noise, the stares, and one last time the crowds. Y/n hated the crowds, especially in Auradon, they were massive here. It all came from the fear of getting lost, taken, trampled. The list goes on.

But Mal was hoping some of that anxiety had gone, she wasn't so bad around random people anymore. And Mal would make sure she wouldn't be more than 4 feet away from her girl.

And of course, last but not least, Mal needed a 3rd. A 3rd with money. That's right, Ben was tagging along too.

Mal didn't just want him to come for money, of course. Sure she's a villain kid but she's changed... to some extent.

She wanted Ben and Y/n to bond more. She loved them both so much but she knew they weren't close, and she knew Ben would love nothing more to be even just friends with Y/n. But Mal knew Y/n doesn't take to trusting people so easily, or quickly. So she was hoping that this shopping spree might speed up that process.

"There, all done." Mal smiled as she had just finished doing up Y/n's shoes. Mal held out her hands, Y/n immediately grabbed on before jumping down from the bed. Still holding a hand as Mal walks them to the door. "Have we got everything?" Mal did a double check looking through her bag and looking around the room one last time.

"Take Masks?" Y/n asked, she wasn't quite sure she was ready for this outing and knew her raccoon would make everything better.

Mal smiled, crouching down to her girl's height. "You have to keep a super tight hold on him, okay? You don't want to lose him."

Y/n nodded rapidly, running to get her beloved stuffie and securely tucking him under her arm. "Weady" Y/n mumbled just loud enough for Mal to hear before they made their way to the car.

"There you are!" Ben grinned. Giving Mal a hug and a peck on the lips before turning his attention to Y/n. "Well who's joining us today."

"Masks!" Y/n shouted proudly before holding him up to show Ben.

Ben smiled at Y/n before shaking the raccoon's hand, "Well it's very good to meet you Masks."

With that the trio were on their way to the 'best' shops. And to Mal's surprise, Y/n for once was actually calm for the ride. Especially surprising as Mal was sitting in the front next to Ben as he drove.

Once they were finally there, Mal took hold of Y/n's hand "You need to keep hold of my hand at all times, okay? I don't want you to be getting lost, especially if it's busy."

Mal was almost talking to herself at the last part, she was begging it wasn't busy, and the begging seemed to work. The trio had got there during its quiet moment in between the rush periods, perfect timing.

The trio started with the clothes first. Letting Y/n pick out a few outfits before Mal chose herself, seeing the girl didn't look very confident with choosing herself. Mal smiled when she turned back to see Ben holding Y/n as they walked through the home accessory section, Ben letting her touch all the soft cushions. It surprised her but that was the main reason she bought both of them with her.

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